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Chapter 677 Who is tricking whom?

"The other side is going to attack again. These brothers are really evil-minded."

Sponge Niu Niu, a member of the Holy Alliance who had just logged into the game, cleared his emails, and while taunting his opponents on a daily basis, he quickly transferred the replenished main team to the front line.

It was past 19 o'clock at this time. According to the time period of the previous general offensive, it was completely in time. What's more, as a member of the main force of the alliance, Sponge Niu Niu's main city had already moved to the vicinity of Guangping County in Jizhou and mobilized troops there. The cavalry can be in place in 10 minutes.

[Tang] Sheng丨mountains and rivers go together [E-mail: Taiwei] Sheng丨Lao Bai: The main force on the front line should not rush. First, defend and replenish troops. Rest for an hour. If the team is not on the front line, hurry up. They must be in place before 20 o'clock. .

"Old Baitou said that we must be in place before 20 o'clock, so it seems that we have received accurate news. The general attack on Fengyu's side will start at 20 o'clock. I don't know what tasks our group has been assigned." After muttering in his heart, , Sponge Niu Niu then received an email from his group leader, the Holy Storyteller.

[Tang] Saint丨The mountains and rivers will return together [Team frequency: Management] Saint丨Storyteller: Everyone will transfer the team to the Western Front Fortress Group, whether it is the main force or the Spartan demolition, pull them all over, remember it is all [Ghost] .


The originally defensive Weijun battlefield in the north was not defended, but instead everyone was mobilized to the western front battlefield. Sponge Niuniu, as a veteran player, instantly guessed that this wave of alliances was going to cause trouble, and immediately called on the group channel Nei asked: "Then we leave, can the north side survive? [picking nose]".

The Weijun battlefield in the north has been the main attack direction of the same team recently. They have always stationed three regiments here, but there are only two regiments on the western battlefield.

[Group Channel: Management] Saint丨Storyteller: Don’t ask so many questions, just follow the email. You know [Ghost].

[Member] Sheng丨Black Tea B: I don’t understand, I don’t know, storytellers know how to make things mysterious [baring teeth].

[Member] Sponge Niu Niu: I understand. It seems that we are planning to launch a counterattack from the west. This little trick is just straightforward. It’s just a trick.

[Management] Holy Storyteller: Damn it! You should be careful what you say, I am the leader of the group [glares].

[Member] Holy Horse-headed Man: Young man upstairs, you have to understand that we don’t want you to be the leader of the group as a charity. It’s not you who becomes the leader based on your strength. Do you understand? .

[Management] Holy Storyteller: Damn it, it’s too uncomfortable to be with you guys, so I slipped away. Remember to keep the team speed up [Bye-bye].

[Member] Sheng丨Black Tea B: This idiot ran away again [picking his nose].

[Member] Holy Horse-headed Man: Haha, he’s waiting to be sprayed if he doesn’t run away.

[Member] Sponge Niu Niu: I don’t know what time I’m going to fuck again tonight. I’ve been feeling a little weak from staying up late lately.

[Member] Sheng丨Black Tea B: This kind of general attack and frontal attack is actually better. It can be stopped after a few hours of hard attack. It is much better than constantly pulling and attacking.

[Member] Sponge Niu Niu: Okay, I’m going to take a rest and be back before 20 o’clock.


Time passed, and at 19:40, after Sponge Niu Niu returned to the game, with a few more group videos and alliance emails, he basically knew the plan of his alliance this time.

One main force group was left to defend or feign an attack on the northern battlefield, while the rest of the main force was assembled on the western battlefield to counterattack in advance while the opponent's general attack time was waiting for them.

"Okay, okay, I can finally get a head start this time." Sponge Niu Niu, who was quite satisfied, smiled, and then patiently waited for the attack email, which took a long time.


The Holy Alliance's strategy is to use the opponent's time to counterattack in advance after receiving the news of the general attack time of the Wind and Rain Together. Apart from this time period, the main force of the Wind and Rain Together is accumulating strength to prepare for the attack, and the defense is not intensive to catch them off guard. In addition, the most important reason is that it can disgust the other party.

For an alliance of the Holy Alliance's level, there is nothing more important than making their opponents unhappy and improving their own game experience, so they will play this trick instead of directly setting a time for their own team to attack in advance.

But at this time, the management of the Holy Alliance waited for a long time and still did not receive the specific time of the general attack from the same boat, which made them a little confused and hesitant.

[Tang Dynasty] Saint丨The mountains and rivers return together, and the alliance manages the channel.

[Taiwei] Sheng丨Old Bai: What time will the fight start on the opposite side? It's already half past 20 and it's still not moving. If it doesn't work, we'll just rush forward and be done with it.

[General Zhenguo] Sheng丨Guan Sheng: Yes, hurry up and get started, rush a few waves to finish the team, and I still want to go out and play [pick my nose].

[General of the Suppressing Army] Holy Storyteller: Brother Sheng’s nightlife is about to start again, I’m envious [Ghost].

[General Zhenguo] Sheng丨Guan Sheng: Why are you envious? I will show you [Biya] a few times during the next team building.

[Monarch] Sheng丨Aman: If you don’t move at 20 o’clock, it will basically be 21 o’clock. The general attack in the stormy night will basically be in these two time periods.

[Prime Minister] Sheng Zhuge: There is no specific time yet. Now I only know that Feng Yu has been urging members to assemble the team. I guess it will be 21 o'clock. How about we set the time and start rushing 10 minutes in advance.

[Taiwei] Sheng丨Old Bai: Okay, let's just settle it and it's over. Why are there so many scruples and twists and turns [picking one's nose].

[Monarch] Saint Aman: Okay, then Lao Bai will set up an alliance and send an email. The four regiments will set two directions to focus their fire and rush over directly.

[Taiwei] Sheng丨Old Bai: OK.


Shengmeng can quickly receive the news from Feng Yuan, and Feng Yuan naturally has this ability. When Liu Yuan saw the incoming email and chatted privately, a wave of sarcasm appeared at the corner of his mouth.

He immediately said in the management channel: "The Holy Alliance thought a little too much. I thought they could hold on for a while longer. Unexpectedly, I couldn't help it anymore and just started to do it."

[Taiwei] First Love: If the opponent moves, we can also ask our brothers to mobilize troops to Yanjin. The front row will just give up and let them run away, and let the remaining deputy team and Spartak stay in second place. Platoon, to avoid being taken advantage of by them.

[Monarch] Ning Gongzi: Please arrange two number control groups. Wait a few minutes before sending the alliance email. The enemy contact time on the opposite side is 50. Wait a few minutes for more of their teams to set off. Then they will receive us. There was no way to withdraw the team when the news came to Yanjin, so they could only waste more than ten minutes by staring and [picking their noses].

[General Zhenguo] Mr. Ma: Haha! I really want to see the expressions of those idiots.

[Suppressing Army General] Extreme Left Fire Attack: It is probably the same as Face Changing, colorful [Ghost].

[Ning] We are in the same boat through thick and thin [E-mail: Taiwei] First love: Everyone online, all the main forces are transferred to the Yanjin checkpoint fortress, and all the slow ones are accelerated. It is now 20:40, and on time at 21 o'clock, we will drive to Yanjin and enter Sili. , brothers, hurry up.


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