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Chapter 678 I’m so angry!

When Saint Zhuge, the prime minister of the Holy Alliance, received the email message, his calm expression disappeared in an instant, and he said angrily with a black face: "Fuck! I was fooled, I'm so angry!"

Until now, Saint Zhuge still doesn't know that the so-called general offensive plan of Wealth and Wind is just a smoke bomb released by others.

Their real purpose was not to fight with them on the battlefield, but to attack in the east and west in order to break Yanjin Pass and enter Sili.

This discovery made Saint Zhuge shocked and angry. He didn't know what he was angry about, but he was really shocked, because what they were most worried about still happened.

Things have already happened, and no matter how angry he is, it will not help. Although Sheng Zhuge has expected that when he passes the news to the management channel, he will inevitably become the scapegoat for this wave, but he still endures the embarrassment and will receive the news. The news was spoken out.

quiet! .

The originally lively management channel suddenly became quiet after the words sent by Saint Zhuge. Even the monarch, Saint Aman, was speechless for a moment and didn't know how to speak.

[General Zhenguo] Sheng丨Guan Sheng: The people on the opposite side have something good. They attack east and west with false and real sounds. They play really beautifully.

[Taiwei] Sheng丨Old Bai: Yanjin Pass is right at the opponent's base camp. It's too convenient to fight. We can't stop it or interfere with it at all. There are only two roads in front of us now.

First: Make the mistake of making a mistake, seize the opportunity to advance while they are attacking Yanjin and entering Sili. Perhaps they can take this opportunity to directly advance to the Guandu Peninsula and threaten Guandu.

However, since the other party can formulate such a battle plan, they must still have the necessary defenses. I guess that the two branch cities on the Guandu Peninsula may be able to defend themselves quickly. Even if all the fortresses in front are pushed back, they will still be able to defend themselves. Can't get in.

Second: Withdraw all the troops, then directly mobilize troops to Tongguan, open Tongguan and enter Sili.

I don’t have to mention the importance of Sili, but you all know it. We are close to Luoyang, and now we have the upper hand. If we don’t keep up with the pace and enter Sili, to be honest, I don’t know what our chances will be later.

If it is delayed for too long and Luoyang is built to be as solid as Tietong, there will be a question mark as to whether we can advance it.

But doing this means that our battlefield will be cannibalized, and we may even lose Jizhou Guangping. You can make up your mind on how to choose.

[Monarch] Saint Aman: There is nothing to hesitate. Tell the brothers to seize the time to get the team back in seconds and mobilize troops to Tongguan to enter Sili. Even if the sky falls today, we must enter Sili.

[General Zhenguo] Sheng丨Guan Sheng: Fortunately, we have already set up a fortress in Tongguan. It is not far from Tongguan in a straight line. Let the brothers clean up the team. If we can enter Sili before dawn, I will A large group of people rained heavily, and the top three on the double list were all given 648 benefits.

[General of the Zhenjun] Saint丨Storyteller: Brother Sheng is grand [thumb].

[Prime Minister] Saint Zhuge: All the ferries and dangerous areas that can be blocked in Guangping are occupied by greeting brothers. Although once our two families enter Sili this time, the main battlefield will definitely be placed inside, but this The border must also be on guard to prevent them from easily taking advantage of it, and the main city near Guangping must be defended at night, or be prepared to run away.

[Monarch] Saint Aman: Well, that’s it, hurry up and get moving, we don’t have much time.


As the Holy Alliance changed its plan, the battle at Guangping battlefield in Jizhou ended in an anticlimactic manner before it lasted even half an hour.

When Ning Xiu saw that the red lines fired by the Holy Alliance had become scattered, he guessed that the other party was following their script and must be seizing the time to mobilize troops to Tongguan.

"Based on the distance, if the Holy League team wants to assemble in Tongguan, it will take 2 hours no matter how fast the speed is. By then, our side will have finished fighting, and we can just push forward and break their position in Guangping. As for the front line of defense, even if the opponent breaks through Tongguan and goes back to defend with all their strength, we still have at least 3 hours of horizontal push time, which is enough to clear their front line of defense."

After some calculations in his mind, Ning Xiu showed a comfortable smile, and then according to the fire concentration email sent by his first love, he was stuck in time and shot all his main force towards Yanjinguan.


The level 9 level is already quite difficult. In addition, with the help of Sili Cao Cao's Skeleton Tigers and Ben Army garrison, compared to the conventional script, the difficulty of entering Sili in the Heroes Aspects scenario is doubled, which is a great test of the alliance's hard power.

The so-called hard power is naturally the team strength and quantity of the alliance members. If the strength is strong enough and the number is large enough, the original defenders of the level can be destroyed in one wave. Take the time to demolish and demolish the durable troops before the reinforcements of the Huben Army arrive. .

Otherwise, once a wave cannot defeat the defenders in seconds, and with NPC Cao Cao's Tiger and Ben army reinforcements in place, the player can only rely on the main force of the player to rush in, wearing down the defenders and demolishing them at the same time. Therefore, the first wave of attacks in the same boat is to use the main force to bring demolition pressure. Second.

Not long after Ning Xiu's main force, together with the alliance's troops, shot at the Yanjin Pass, reinforcement lines from the Huben Army began to appear intermittently in the direction of Yanjin Pass.

It's just sparse at first, but as time goes by, it becomes densely packed in the blink of an eye. Pull the game interface to the direction of Sili, and you will see teams shooting out from the nearby NPC Huben Army camp everywhere on the nearby map. The speed is extremely fast. He rushed towards Yanjin quickly.

The entire game interface was completely occupied by lines, and the scene was even more powerful than their offensive lines that stood together through thick and thin.

Of course, although the NPC Cao Cao's Tiger Army is powerful, it depends on who the opponent is. Ordinary alliances will definitely be blinded when encountering this kind of situation, but as long as T-level alliances are well prepared, these guys can't make any waves, let alone What's more, it's a big alliance that can compete with the Ceiling Holy Alliance.

When the time reached 21 o'clock, the main force carrying the demolition team encountered each other at the Yanjin checkpoint one after another. The 45 skeleton defenders were instantly defeated. The main force that did not encounter the defenders could only become a temporary demolition team. One wave of demolition destroyed half of the durability of the level 9 level.

This was due to the rush of time and many people in the alliance did not catch up with the first wave of concentrated fire. Otherwise, the durability would definitely be reduced.

The members of the same team had long been accustomed to fighting like this, so there was no surprise. They all reflexively rushed the team back in seconds, and continued to rush towards the Yanjin checkpoint without delaying a second. At this time, the Huben troops who came to support were also in place and stationed at The number of garrisoned troops on the level increased rapidly like a countdown, 50 teams, 100 teams, 200 teams... and then cleared to zero.

System: Congratulations to [Ning] for working through thick and thin and successfully occupying the level 9 Yanjin level.

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