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Chapter 679: Trapped in a cocoon

"Have we entered Sili through thick and thin?"

When the system announcement came out, the entire online X718 zone server players, especially the players who had been paying attention to the Northern Holy League and Wind and Rain, were all shocked.

After all, Feng Yu defeated Yanjin Pass and entered Sili too quickly, and in the hearts of many ordinary players, with the powerful leader of the Holy Alliance here, how could Feng Yu have the energy to defeat Yanjin Pass and enter Sili? .

Many people were still observing the battle situation on the Guangping battlefield just now, but in the end they only blew the water in the alliance for a while. The people who had been in the same boat through thick and thin on the battlefield turned around and entered Sili, which really made them unable to react.

But it’s no wonder they were there. From the time they mobilized their troops to the time they won the level, they moved too quickly. The whole process included the time of troop deployment and attack march. In less than half an hour, they captured the NPC Cao Cao and his subordinate Hu Ben. The Yanjin pass was stationed with the help of the army.

【World Channel】.

[Xu] T1 Scholar: Mr. Storm 666, I feel like I am in the Qingzhou camp this time and I will definitely get the reward. In fact, I want to say, I really don’t want it [Slanted Eyeliner].

[Benefit] Flat tire applesauce: Even if the camp you belong to conquers, the rewards within the camp are divided into levels according to martial arts. Brother, you have dozens of factions, and you will get the last one [picking your nose].

[Xu] Scholar T1: Mosquito legs are also meat, brother, we people are not picky [呲呲].

[Liang] Stinky hee hee: Haha, the idiots of the Holy League must be confused. You are asked to go to Liangzhou to split labor and capital. Isn’t it known as the first league with the highest ceiling? .

You are such a picky guy, fighting like this with an X3 league, I want to see how high you can jump this season without Sili Luoyang [disgusting].

[Zhou] Yanyu丨Sequoia: What the hell, I saw not long ago that the Holy Alliance and Fengyu were still fighting in full swing over there. Why did the boss just enter Sili after squatting for half an hour? [Question mark face] .

[Business] Shuhan丨Jiang Wei: Let’s not discuss anything else. I just want to know, brother, are your legs numb? .

[Zhou] Admiral Yanyu丨: I have experience with this issue. Under normal circumstances, this is usually a matter of holding on to the wall with both hands.


The Holy Alliance was indeed a little uncomfortable after they successfully entered Sili through wind and rain. After all, they had been successfully deceived this time, but they may have known the result before the wind and rain turned on and off.

So when the system announcement came out, everyone in the Holy Alliance could accept it calmly, and they felt much better when they thought that they would enter Sili immediately, at most a few hours later than the other party.

At the very least, it is much better than the management of Yanyumeng Jiangnan, which is still confused at this time.

Yanyu Jiangnan and all the alliance management were really in a state of confusion at this time. They really didn't expect that they had just gone to tell Fengyu that we were going to enter Sili, but as soon as they started to prepare, they turned back. Breaking through and entering.

This operation really made them confused and embarrassed, and the series of plans and calculations they had made before to get into Sili were directly in vain.

Even now, Yanyu Jiangnan couldn't help but start to suspect that breaking Yanjin and entering Sili tonight was very likely because they were in the same boat through thick and thin and had already planned it.

[Week] Misty Rain Dreams Jiangnan, alliance management channel.

[Prime Minister] Yanyu丨Ruge: What the heck, we were still planning to enter Sili, but it turned out that we were still planning to defeat Yanjin directly.

When we are ready and we go in tomorrow night as planned, even Luoyang will be surrounded by wind and rain, so...

[Taiwei] Yanyu丨Xuehe: I just said, don’t think too much, deal with the Shu Han first. If you really win in the end, everything can be discussed. Now like this, to be honest, I don’t know if you are embarrassed or not. Anyway, I am quite embarrassed. of.

The Fengyu side must have seen through our little plan. It may even be because of our operation that they directly broke through and entered Yanjin. Otherwise, how could the Guangping side suddenly go there when the war was in full swing before? Break Yanjin.

[General Zhenguo] Yanyu丨Xinghe: No, you mean, Fengyu made a temporary decision to break through Yanjin and enter Sili? .

[Taiwei] Yanyu丨Xuehe: This is not obvious. Their base camp is in Dongjun, where Yanjin is located. If they really want to break through, they only need to be willing to give up part of the battlefield defense line. When can't they fight? Why did we just tell them to do it? When entering Sili, people will go in first. If you think about it with your brain, you will know the reason.

Moreover, if Fengyu enters Sili, the Holy League will definitely not waste time on the buffer enclave of Guangping in Jizhou and will definitely enter Sili quickly. They already have a fortress in Tongguan. I estimate that I will go in early this morning at the earliest and tomorrow morning at the latest.

【General of the Zhenjun】Misty Rain丨Ru Meng: Early in the morning.

[Captain] Yanyu丨Xuehe: Don’t think it’s incredible, our alliance can easily organize a wave of preparations, let alone the Holy Alliance. Don’t really think that the N01 first alliance is sealed by you.

The words of Taiwei Yanyu Xuehe made Yanyu Jiangnan silent for a while. To describe them as stealing chicken but losing rice is definitely very appropriate now.

Although they had no actual losses in this wave, the hidden losses were definitely not small. If nothing else, it was inevitable that they would be separated from their allies through thick and thin.

[Prime Minister] Yanyu丨Ruge: When Xuehe said this, I suddenly felt that our operation has completely acted as a stir-up, and it is very likely that the battlefield of the Northern Holy Alliance and Feng Yu Tongcao will directly change from Jizhou Guangping to Sili...

[Taiwei] Yanyu丨Xuehe: This is necessary, but after these two behemoths turn Sili into a battlefield, they will only do us harm and no good.

Sili is in the center of the map. If the Holy Alliance wants to help Shu Han sing songs, it will be much easier than before. And since we have been together through thick and thin, people will definitely have opinions on us.

Maybe we won't be able to tell anything until the opponents such as the Holy Alliance are dealt with, but in the end, it's not just a matter of words to try to mess with us.

[General Zhenguo] Yanyu丨Xinghe: Does he dare to cause trouble this season? , offended us and united with the Holy Alliance to send them to heaven.

[Prime Minister] Yanyu丨Ruge: Don't make trouble, if you really play like that, our reputation will be ruined. For a script, it won't be [dumbfounded].

[Monarch] Yanyu丨Jiangnan: Okay, don’t think about those useless things. Although both families are well aware of our operations this time, they are not at odds with each other.

Regardless of wind and rain or whether the Holy League can enter Sili, we must enter Sili tomorrow according to the original plan. Since we can't block the Holy League, we can help them defeat the Holy League in Sili, so that Fengyu will have nothing to say.

[Prime Minister] Yanyu丨Ruge: Okay, the number of people in our main alliance will definitely exceed 300 when we finish tomorrow. By then, a regiment will be in Sili to help fight against the holy alliance, which will have little impact on us.


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