Game copper coins can be withdrawn

Chapter 91 Is this playing a game?

Benefit: We are in the same boat through thick and thin [E-mail] Commander's First Love: We arrived at 18 o'clock to attack the city early. Thank you for your hard work, brothers, but it is the weekend anyway, so we have a lot of time.

In order to earn the 648 promised by our leader Ning, everyone continues to work hard.

When it’s time to go back and replenish troops, when it’s time to replenish your physical strength, when it’s time to restore your physical strength, I’ll take two level 5 cities at 22:00, earning him two 648.

The ugly thing is ahead, I sent an email at noon to give up the enclave, it will definitely be in time to build a fortress.

In the evening, the battle report will be compiled. If anyone who did not participate wants to fish in troubled waters and receive red envelopes, the penguin group will be waiting for them with air tickets.

Of course, except for those who ask for leave in advance for something, the team leader and the statistician will personally handle this matter.

World Channel.

[Liang] Beiqiang: Has Yizhou taken medicine? Attack the city at 18 o'clock and win three cities in succession? .

[You] European King's Seat Mountain Eagle: I don't know, maybe it's replenishing its growth.

[Yi] Newbies on the road: Our Yizhou prefecture’s news has spread. Ning Gongzi, who has been with us through thick and thin, said that every city will be given a 648 red envelope.

Everyone in Fengyu is going crazy today. I really want to be in such an alliance.

[Cool] Ice Coke: Damn it! real or fake? .

[Benefit] Allen: It’s true that Feng Yu’s welfare has always been very good. During the fight, Mr. Ning posted 648 in the group every night, and even came to us to cross the river in white and send it once.

[Jing] Meow Jiang: I feel like I missed hundreds of millions.

[Yang] Lemon is sour but not sweet: He is both a great man, why doesn’t our old horse make a fortune? I seriously doubt that he is a fake great man.

[Green] Mysterious and funny: Is it popular to hype games now?

Is Yizhou trying to promote itself? Does it want to be in the news of UC Shock Department? .

[Benefit] Bei Lehu: You are a bitch. You can show off even if you have the ability. What annoys you the most is that you, the boss, lead us every day. If you don’t accept reality, I will beat you to death. ���

Liangzhou Yi Bo Yuntian management channel.

Commander Magic Baby: Is Mr. Ning from Yizhou so wealthy? Do you really send 648 in the group every day? .

Deputy leader Zha Zhalong: Well, it should be true. Someone in the post forum broke the news before.

After all, when has Suitu ever been short of rich people? 648 is really nothing to Shenhao.

The leader of the alliance takes the lead: What do you think, let’s go and fight against the wind and rain? .

Deputy Alliance Leader Zha Zhalong: I think it’s good. Hasn’t the imperial power been absorbed by Yizhou Fengyu? .

Commander Magic Baby: Did Huang Quan defect to Yizhou? How do you know, when did it happen? .

Deputy leader Zha Zhalong: I saw that Emperor Quan’s high-level battle was out of the field, so I asked the former commander of Emperor Quan, Bing Cola, and he told me.

The alliance leader took the lead: That's it, let's fight over it, just for the sake of profit. Mr. Ning is indeed a man who is not short of money. If you follow such a person, you will not suffer.

Deputy leader Zha Zhalong: Yes, go there early, maybe you can get the conquest quota for the brothers in the alliance.

The alliance leader took the lead: Okay, then I will go to the Yizhou Deputy Alliance to talk about this matter. ���

Bingzhou Han丨Tieqi Wushuang management channel.

Commander Xiaoxiang Yeyu: Yizhou’s welfare is so good, but this Mr. Nima Ning is mistaking the money for money? .

Leader Bai Hu: Rich people and us are not in the same brain circuit.

Commander Xiaoxiang Yeyu: But you said, since Mr. Ning is so rich, why doesn't he just use money to clear the way and buy off the management of several big leagues?

Then the Conquering Alliance still needs to fight to the death? If not, it becomes theirs directly.

Alliance leader Bai Hu: I don’t know, maybe I think it would be too boring to play like this.

Moreover, there are many powerful local bosses, and Qingyang and Yangzhou may not be happy with them. Besides, how much this thing will cost is also unknown.

Commander Xiaoxiang Yeyu: But there are no rich people in our alliance, so why don’t you contact us?

Alliance Leader White Fox:…….

Ning Xiu didn't know that his operation caused a lot of trouble in the 1500 area. He was happily building a copycat.

Compared with the previous location of the main city, his new home is next to the Chong'an Pass. There are many mountains here, and it was originally a gathering place for copycats to refresh.

Ning Xiu made a rough calculation, from the vicinity of his main city to the nearby Yizhou Chong'an Checkpoint.

There are no less than 10 cottages spawned in the nearby mountains, and most of them are level 3 and 4 cottages.

Level 3 copycat and level 5 garrison strength can bring him an income of 10,000 copper coins each time. One copycat is worth 30,000 copper coins.

Level 4 cottage and level 6 garrison strength cost 15,000 copper coins each time. One cottage can bring in 45,000 copper coins.

He roughly calculated that the nearby copycat alone was enough for him to obtain nearly 400,000 copper coins.

400,000 seconds after withdrawal, is it a game? This is a money grab.

And these are just the cottages near his main city. Jingzhou is close to the Chong'an Pass, and there are many cottages nearby.

Ning Xiu had already passed the point in advance and emailed brothers in the alliance who had fortresses nearby to help him pave the way.

When the time comes, he can just shoot from a long distance. What he is worried about now is not that there are not enough copycats, but that his team is not strong enough.

"What a happy trouble!"

Yang: Jun Lin Tian Xia [Mail] Commander Jun: [1294X1008] Come and demolish it. The garrison on the opposite side has been destroyed. Come directly to demolish the fortress.

Those who build a fortress from behind should go up and garrison themselves. If they don't go too far, they will be overthrown. How many orders?

[1285X1009] Don’t play push and push with the opponent, just demolish the fortress, go on a cross-state expedition to Qingzhou, demolish the fortress and send them home, they will be in trouble.

Yangzhou Junlin Tianxia Alliance Channel.

Huan Xin: [Battle Report] Shubu is stationed, be careful.

Lemon is sour and sweet: It's too late. I've already gone up and can't get back out. I'm going to lie down. Come help me.

Glass: You're lucky, bro. My big Wei cavalry is already on board. By the way, are you too arrogant and don't read the alliance battle report?

Wu Zhuangyuan: Lemon, why don’t you lick the monster boss quickly? .

Is the lemon sour or sweet? No need. Monster boss, just tell me the address and I will come to your door. ���

Qingzhou, Qingyi Building Management Channel.

Commander Shazhu Dao: There are more and more people in Yangzhou Junlin, and we can't hold it anymore.

The original intention of the officials: In our alliance, there is no need to be small in Yangzhou for high-level warfare.

But Yangzhou was too far away, and the two Youji regiments could not help at all.

In addition, we are in Yangzhou, which is a frontline fortress group.

The main force is disabled, and we don’t even dare to recruit troops on the front line. After the fortress was demolished, we went straight back to our hometown. How to fight? .

Official Heiqi: Yes, if our Youzhou group went to Yangzhou, we would go directly across several states, and the cucumbers and vegetables would be cold.

Official Jiang Shan: Our Jizhou group is not close either, so we can only watch anxiously.

Alliance leader Qing Yi: Alas, I thought this plan was too simple.

Even if something unexpected happened in Yangzhou, we, the local people in Qingzhou alone, cannot defeat it regardless of its own strength.

Deputy leader Qing She: The main reason is that time is too short. If we set up a battle array and confront Yangzhou head-on, we may not be able to defeat them.

Alliance Leader Qing Yi: Let's see. Let me send you an email. The entire alliance will gather in Gaoyou, the level 4 city in Xuzhou, and advance towards Quyang, the level 4 city captured by Yangzhou.

Since we can’t eat Yangzhou, we will eat Xuzhou.

In addition, the Youzhou and Jizhou regiments should also quickly make transit in the enclave and come to support as early as possible.

Please recommend and collect.

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