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Chapter 92 Thirty Years in Hedong

On the Liyang battlefield in Yangzhou, as more and more members of Yangzhou Junlin Tianxia rebelled and escaped, the gaps in the front line of Qingzhou Qingyi Tower's defense became wider and wider.

At this time, Qingzhou's hasty airborne expedition was exposed, and the shortcomings of its unstable foundation were exposed. The frontline positions were integrated and completely collapsed.

As the Tsing Yi Tower spread across Yangzhou, the plan to open a second battlefield was blocked by the Yangzhou Second Alliance.

The Qingzhou Army, which annexed the two states of Hebei and You, entered into the first real battle of the state war, and ended in disgrace. -

System: Congratulations to Yizhou for staying together through thick and thin and successfully occupying the level 5 city of Nanzhong for the first time.

The first enemy to be killed: Marquis Wu'an丨The first to attack the city: The pig-raising boss

System: Congratulations to Yizhou for staying together through thick and thin and successfully occupying the level 5 city Xinggu for the first time.

The first achievement of killing the enemy: the reckless man丨The first achievement of attacking the city: Ma Xiaobu

Just after 22:00 in the evening, Yizhou went through the same boat and conquered two more cities, and captured two more level 5 cities in Yizhou.

The players in Area 1500 were completely shocked and surprised.

After all, this is a new zone in the S1 season, and Yizhou has just finished several battles with Yangjing.

Capturing five cities in one day was not unprecedented, let alone unprecedented, but the cohesion and combat power that Yizhou unleashed left many people stunned.

[Yang] Shenzui Tingfeng: Damn it!

[Young] Glass: [Cold sweat].

[Xu] Wen Ruo: Big boss, big boss, I can’t afford to offend you.

【青】日月明: Awesome, my Yizhou.

[Benefit] Beilehu: [Fist]

[Cold] Ice Coke: [Slap]

[Cool] Carrying the burden: [Slap]

[Jing] Lao Niu plows the land: [Fist] -

Yi: We have been together through thick and thin [E-mail] Commander Chu Lian: Thanks to your efforts, brothers, we have won a total of 5 cities today.

I asked the boss just now, and an hour later, five 648 red envelopes appeared in the group.

Yizhou Welfare Alliance Channel.

Meow-chan: Crying, cute new guy just came in, here’s my red envelope.


Canfeng丨Zifeiyu: Newcomer report.

White rice: [smile].

Shangui: Oh, it turns out that the brothers from Jingzhou are here. Everyone came out to pick up the guests.

Marquis Wu'an: Welcome, you are a family when you come.

Rough guy: Welcome [picking nose]

Beilehu: It’s okay if I can’t catch up today. Just keep up the pace tomorrow.

Wanqiu Eleven Steps: Welcome.

Shadow Crow: Ugh! Wanqiu, why are you here?

Wanqiu Shibu: Oh, I came in yesterday.

Lao Niu Plowing the Land: Are we heroes?

Wanqiu Shibu: We have been together through thick and thin, I helped Mr. Ning lay the floor, no more chatting.

Meow-chan:. -

Yizhou stays together through thick and thin management channel.

First Love: The level 5 city in Yizhou is basically gone. Will we split into groups to open a level 6 city tomorrow? .

Marquis Wu'an: Yes, with our strength, it's not difficult to have two groups and one level 6.

Governor Liu Yuan: Our city in Yizhou is not in a hurry. Tomorrow we will separate into groups to capture the city in Jingzhou. All the cities in Jingzhou that have not been captured will be swept away.

Xuanyuan Jingcheng: People from Jingzhou came in yesterday, and they can help pave the way. However, we have taken all the cities in Jingzhou, and Qunying Pavilion may not be willing to do so.

Wei Wuxian: What if you don’t want to? If you don't accept it, go ahead with them. It's a good thing that you didn't settle accounts with them about your previous betrayal. How dare they force you? .

Mr. Ning: Don’t worry so much. If Qunying Pavilion recognizes the situation, it won’t make any noise. However, when attacking the city, pay attention to the situation and don’t dig up the land near other people’s houses.

Governor Liuyuan: Yes, that’s what I mean too.

Ning Gongzi: Also prepare for the opening of Ziyuan State on Monday night the day after tomorrow.

Governor Liuyuan: Will you enter the day after tomorrow?

Ning Gongzi: Yes, go in and develop early, and you will receive the jade for attacking the city at noon the day after tomorrow. Brothers who want to move to the city will also have jade for them.

Your management should discuss this matter in advance and allocate the resources of each regiment to avoid conflicts over a few pieces of land.

Governor Liuyuan: Let’s discuss it, what are you going to do? .

Mr. Ning: What do you care about me? I have already spent money to redeem myself. You can’t even think of restricting me.

Chu Lian: Okay, then let’s discuss it among ourselves. When the other people from Jingzhou come in, should we break up or let them stay together as a group?

Governor Liuyuan: Split them up according to their combat power, even if the people from Liangzhou come in.

Although this is a bit troublesome when assigning tasks, it can prevent them from getting together. ���

Yangzhou Junlin Tianxia Management Channel.

Official Glass: Yizhou is a bit fierce, taking five cities in one day.

Deputy leader Dugu: Compared with this, I am more concerned about how to face Yizhou in the future, which has suffered a high battle between Jingzhou and Liangzhou.

Leader Baipao: Have Jingzhou and Liangzhou been incorporated? Isn't it a peace negotiation? .

Deputy leader Dugu: It’s been incorporated. The battle between Jingzhou and Liangzhou ended yesterday. I didn’t know about it until now.

At first, I thought that Jingzhou had only formed an alliance with Yizhou, and who knew that it was directly incorporated.

Forget it about Jingzhou, Liangzhou is such a scammer that he actually voted directly.

Official Ma Gongzi: Forget Liangzhou, Jingzhou is too bad.

When you seek refuge with us, you are not willing to fight high and come to the countryside, but are you willing to seek benefits? Yizhou is his father.

Official Glass: Maybe Yizhou has given me benefits.

Maybe Mr. Ning bought it with money. I heard that guy was sending 648 in the league every day.

Alliance leader Baipao: Mr. Ning is a financial backer. When will I support him?

Mr. Ma: I’m supporting a hammer. It’s not fun for me to draw cards by myself. The uncle’s money doesn’t come from the strong wind.

Commander King: Stop talking nonsense and talk about serious matters.

The Qingzhou Fortress in Liyang was basically demolished, and they didn't put up much resistance.

But now, they are advancing from Qingzhou to Quyang from Gaoyou. It seems that they are preparing to fight steadily and confront us head-on.

Leader Baipao: What should we do? .

Commander King: Do you still need to ask? Of course, it was just a frontal wave that knocked Qingzhou out of Xuzhou.

Deputy leader Dugu: What about Yizhou?

Commander King: Cold, the situation is now established, is it possible for us to go one on two and fight Qingyi at the same time? .

Official Ma Gongzi: I think it’s enough to catch one in a fight and hammer him to death. Qingzhou will definitely be blasted.

Commander King: Well, and this time against Qingzhou, I feel that the opponent's strength is a bit weak.

So my idea is to directly defeat Qingzhou and see if I can eat them.

Deputy leader Dugu: It's not impossible to get there. Youji and Hebei are far apart.

What we actually have to deal with are the local forces in Qingzhou. If we can really win them, then this area will be stable.

Commander King: That’s it, the alliance’s level 4 city of Xuzhou, Quyangqi Fortress, will be pushed all the way through.

Alliance leader Baipao: By the way, now that Qingzhou has been defeated, it’s time to deal with the rat shit. My mailman is coming to rescue you, and by the way, Zhen Ji and Diao Chan have been killed.

Commander King: No need, these two bitches ran away this afternoon.

Officer Glass: Damn it! Where have you gone?

Commander King: Qingzhou.

Officer Glass: How do you know? .

Commander: When they left, they sent me an email to say goodbye.

Official Ma Gongzi:…….

Please recommend and collect.

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