Game Design: It is Very Simple For You To Fill In?

Chapter 179 It's like this, I got an IP

"Jie TM is so handsome!" Yinzi opened his mouth and murmured continuously.

He watched the entire promotional video over and over several times, applauding it every time.

"Pre-order, pre-order!" He clicked the payment directly, so that he could download the game in advance, and enter it in advance after the game is officially released.

"This is the game with the lightest movements made by the old thief! I feel that the characters' movements are very fast just by looking at the screen." Tuanzi felt the smoothness that a samurai should have just by watching the movement of the hook rope flying up.

"Without skin? A piece of clothing from the beginning to the end?" Sister Zhou immediately discovered Huadian.

"Hey, the mentality of those game companies has collapsed. They agreed that they can't die without knees? Even jumping is difficult, and now you actually use a hook?" The prostitute teacher couldn't be happier.


Looking at the sudden hook, the player was also dumbfounded.

‘I don’t know why, but when I see other game companies imitating other games, I feel uncomfortable, but when I see them imitating Souls, the more similar I am, the more excited I am. '

'It has a hook, can jump, and can swim. Other game manufacturers: huh? '

‘Whatever, you can do without knees, the more you look like me, the more excited you are, the old thief can’t satisfy me anymore. '

'What is your attribute? Tell me in detail? '


The moment the promotional video ended, the pre-order volume of the game had already reached tens of millions.

"Only the old thief has such appeal..." Ai Wen, the executive officer of xbox, smacked his lips. Outsiders think the old thief is scary. With such a large download volume of the game, he insiders think that the old thief has already reached the level of evil. the point.

Just like what the players said, the more similar some imitation soul games are, the more excited the players are.

They won't blame you for studying, they will only blame you for not being good enough.

Sitting next to him was the person in charge of Soni. After watching the promotional video, the other party could only cry and laugh endlessly.

If outsiders see it, they will be surprised, because the two may not have hatred, but they belong to different camps.

"Don't look, I've been scolded by the people now." Haruki Hirai, the person in charge of Sony, shook his head with a wry smile.

Because the people of Nihong thought that he missed such a genius, which gave Wei Ruan the capital to shake Soni's position, and also made Soni's status in the game circle go from bad to worse.

Especially after the release of the "Sekiro" promotional video, the people of Neon were even more furious, because such a game full of Japanese elements was actually made by a Daxia designer.

"Why don't you help me ask the old thief, how about authorizing us to put a few games on the shelves?" Haruki Hirai sighed uncomfortably.

This is why he came to see Ivan this time, hoping to get authorization for several games.

Even he doesn't need the profit of the game, he just wants some authorization.

"I can't make a decision for the old thief. Maybe you can talk to him about it yourself?" Ivan shook his head.

Of course he can tell the priority. Although he is an executive officer, he is considered a bird.

"We contacted the old thief at the beginning..." Haruki Hirai's tone was a bit resentful, "The contact person at the beginning was a bit arrogant. At that time, Sony's status in the game circle was too high, and they were also wrong. They thought they were Send out an invitation, and game manufacturers will be able to catch up quickly."

When they contact the old thief now, they are often told that the old thief's schedule is full and there is no suitable time to meet.

If not, he would not have come to Aiwen.

It is a super uncomfortable thing to bow your head in front of your former competitors.

"It's okay, I'll ask for you...but I can't guarantee the result." Ai Wen still picked up the phone while talking.

"If the conditions are good, he should agree." Ai Wen told the other party before the call was connected.

Hirai Haruki nodded, "Thank you..."

"It's just that I don't understand why you choose to help me..." Haruki Hirai didn't understand, the current Weiruan has been able to completely trample Soni under his feet.

In one fell swoop to establish their own host status.

"Because... I really don't have any opponents now, and I feel a little lonely." Just after Ai Wen finished speaking, the phone was connected.

They no longer need to step on their opponents to establish a position in one fell swoop.

The first bad thing about Weisoft is nothing more than high-quality games.

Now it's got games, it's got Old Rogue.

Keeping competitors is also a kind of comparison and growth, and it can also let the public know that they are indeed the best.

Sometimes, competition does not mean monopoly.

Weisoft is willing to spend money to hit the market, and also willing to spend money to upgrade its host, how can it still lose?

He learned a word in Daxia, which is to cut grass and roots.

But now he feels that the reason why there is cutting the weeds and eradicating the roots is nothing more than not being strong enough, and it is nothing more than not guarding oneself before being surpassed by the opponent.

Keeping Soni is also a warning to myself.

If one day, the old thief really acts to leave Weiruan, it must be Weiruan's mistakes in some areas.

"Old thief, congratulations, Xinyou's response is also great!" Aiwen dialed Ye Feng's phone.

"The fun is still to come. You'll find out when it's officially released." Ye Feng smiled mysteriously. He said that he would let players break through. As a person, he has always kept his word.

"Then I'm looking forward to it, what do you think I'll switch to selling keyboards?" Ivan couldn't help but joked.

Hirai Haruki quietly waited beside them to exchange greetings, and he was not in a hurry.

"By the way, if possible, I hope to make a handheld device. Do you have any ideas?"

"Ah? Yes! Of course there is, but let's talk about this matter later. I called you today because I have something else to do." Ivan immediately changed the subject, and Su Ni's people are still here.

He was not afraid of anything, mainly because he was afraid that the other party would be even more sad and desperate after hearing this.


Soon, Aiwen told Ye Feng what Su Ni meant, and also expressed the other party's hope that the game could be connected synchronously.

"It's okay, you have no problem and I have no problem, I am really short of money recently." Ye Feng replied quickly.

He is not a rebellious boy, so he will not take the initiative to cooperate with Soni.

But if even Weisoft is okay, he doesn't mind an extra income.

After all, Sony also has many loyal players.

"Lack of money? Many projects?" Ivan couldn't help but took a deep breath.

The old thief's income can't hide from Wei Ruan's financial report. This man who can enjoy life with money, now actually says that he is short of money?

The only explanation is that he has projects, big projects, or many projects.

No matter how much money he makes, he can't stop him from burning money.

"Actually, it's okay. After this period of time, it will be completely better." Ye Feng said that it doesn't matter, he just doesn't want to be dragged down because of money.

"What did you do?" Ivan was confused.

What will happen during this time?

"I made an IP, and the effect should be okay."


Ai Wen was shocked, what IP can make the big money burners shout that they will not be short of money in the future?

"You let Suoni's people come to me during this time and sign a contract." Ye Feng didn't say any more.

After hanging up the phone, Ivan took a deep breath and looked at Soni, his eyes full of sympathy, "Fortunately, you came early..."

"If you come later, you may be really late..."

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