Game Design: It is Very Simple For You To Fill In?

Chapter 180 ea: I can't help it~

Whether domestic or foreign, players are eagerly waiting for the release of new games.

And on the third day after the release of the promotional video, Soni released a new piece of information,

[After several rounds of negotiations, Suoni and Germination Studio have reached a strategic cooperation, and will introduce some games of Germination Studio on the PS console. 】

When Thorny fans asked if there was a wolf, they got a sorry answer.

Thorny said he was only able to license some early games.

Ivan looked at the notification, and he shook his head.

After that phone call that night, Haruki Hirai made his biggest decision yet.

That is, the authorized games obtained from the Germination Studio will not earn any income, and all the profits will be obtained by the Germination Studio itself.

They only have one request, and that is to obtain the authorization of the wolf after the popularity of the wolf subsides in the later stage.

Ye Feng said that it doesn't matter, because the money is earned by himself, and the money earned at the end of the game is far less than at the beginning.

The most important thing is, buy early and enjoy early, and get Ebao later.

He doesn't understand this neon man's obsession with the ninja warrior element

And just a few days after Ye Feng released the promotional video, EA also released a new game promotional video, and a more passionate game promotional video also followed.

Seeing this scene, the players directly fell into the excitement of the brain.

'What kind of cool story is this? '

'Is ea's new game coming too? '

‘Fuck, two games are released at the same time, which game I want to play, I’ve been thinking about the EA game for a long time. '

‘Don’t worry, let me take a look at the promotional video first. '

‘Old thief: Love will disappear, right? '


The players clicked on the promotional video just released by EA.

At the beginning of the picture, there is a piece of black scorched land, ruins, wreckage, black smoky fire, and black trees with bare branches. The continuous war burned every inch of their lives.

"One day, all of this will end." The deep male voice was filled with deep hatred and a hint of helplessness.

"Guns will rust and grass will grow back."

It's just that there are still continuous wars on the screen, the flying bullets and billowing gunpowder smoke are mocking the speaker's wishful thinking over and over again.

The picture in front of me changed to green grass and forest. The picture seemed to be in the past, and it seemed that twenty years after the end of the war, the scars of this land would slowly heal and become the same as before.

This trench has been baptized countless times by the flames of war, and everything around us is covered with traces of gunpowder smoke.

The protagonist in the painting regretfully picked up the gun on the preparation platform, smiled and waved goodbye to his friends around him.

He was sitting on the truck heading to the battlefield, holding his long gun in his arms, his eyes were firm but confused.

Maybe he will be buried in this land mixed with the blood and flesh of countless people, or he will be remembered by others.

When transported to battle, he looks at the enemy's steel behemoth,

That huge monster was covered with stains, every inch of dirt was like the blood spattered by countless comrades in arms.

The powerlessness of seeing heavy tanks hit everyone's heart.

But at that moment, the player also realized that this is the characteristic of the game and also the history of the world.

When the soldiers who met such an enemy back then saw such combat weapons, their backs were more than a shudder.

This steel defense line lacking anti-tank weapons has been torn apart, but not long ago, it was still the pride of soldiers.

By now, players also know what they are playing in the game.

The more this is the case, the more powerless everyone will feel.

The protagonist in the painting stands in the middle of the flames of war, he lifts his face covered with dirt,

Because as long as history remembers a thousandth of them, the future will be full of their deeds.

The battle guns rang out again, and the soldiers behind the shelter pulled their bolts again.

The roar of guns rang in my ears again and again, and everyone was roaring when they spoke.

In this place, the eardrums of the charging soldiers had already been cracked by the roaring artillery fire.

The teammates were roaring, but the vague words that fell into the ears were naturally pieced together into a few words.

charge! go ahead!

The raindrops falling from the sky are like tar, no longer as clear as before.

Flames billow, soldiers charge!

The screen changed scene after scene, and the unrivaled Zeppelin in the last promotional video fell from the sky burning with raging fire.

It exploded from the stern, disintegrated, and fell. The ground where it landed was burnt red, and the flames illuminated half of the sky.

The promotional video ended, and the players were all shocked. What kind of monster did the old thief give EA?

'Tell the old thief, I won't go back today, I want to receive the official release of EA's game here! '

'Good news, this year's game is like fighting with gods. '

'Bad news, these are old thieves' games. '

'I was ready to suffer in Rogue's game and I'm glad Rogue gave me that. '

'How long does it take for ea games to come out! '

‘Don’t disappoint the hobbies I gave you from the old thief? '


The players happily came to ea's official website, hoping to see information about the release time of a game, but they couldn't find any.

"Ah? No time?" Yinzi was dumbfounded. On EA's official website, the two promotional videos of "Battlefield 1" occupied the two most important positions on the homepage.

But there is no area that indicates the release time of the game,

‘Why pay attention to EA’s game release time, are you going to betray the old thief? '

'You all go, from now on the old thief will belong to me alone. '

‘But the old thief’s game is really easy, it will be over in a while, I need a new game. '

'"For a while"'

'I hope that what you are talking about for a while is not a boss fighting for a day. '

'The pattern is small, more than one day. '


"Presumptuous, I'm from the old thief!" Yinzi waved his hand, "This is also the old thief's game, I just like every game of the old thief, it doesn't matter who made it."

The main reason is that EA's game promotion is really good, maybe because of the old thief's guidance, every frame of the promotional film can make people feel the blood shed in the war.

In that screen, the player can hear the sound of bullets whistling past his ears, and can see the teammate who was headshot beside him,

Even just in the posters, there will be a kind of rejoicing, secretly rejoicing that it was not me who died, and regretting that I survived like this.

Suddenly a cannonball landed not far from you, and after the bang, there was a buzzing sound in your ears, and the debris kept falling on your shoulders, and the field of vision was full of dust.

Ringing in the ears, you can only see your teammates roaring, advancing, and hear countless buzzing gunfire,

Vaguely, the whistle of the enemy's attack could be heard, and the teammates around him fell down one by one. The smoke slowly dissipated, and a muzzle of a gun was pointed at him tremblingly.

"They are all works of the same person, how can they be called Tauren?" Yinzi chuckled. He searched every column of the page, hoping to see a message related to the release time of the game.

But no, he read it many times, and there is no game release time on the entire webpage.

EA forgot?

But after they left a message to the ea official, the answer they got was,

An official release date for the game is not yet known, as the game is not yet officially finished.

Yinzi: Huh?

Millions of fans: Huh?

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