Game Design: It is Very Simple For You To Fill In?

Chapter 181 You already finished it?

Player: The game is not finished yet, you released two promotional videos?

ea: The game is really good, I can't help but want to share the process with you~

Player: Huh? Then can you give me an accurate letter, how long will the game be released?

ea: Not sure yet, the game still has a lot of work to do.

Player: ^_^ Can you learn from the old thief, can you show everyone the promotional video when the game is almost done.

ea: There are still many phased promotional videos. We hope to share with you every touching and interesting moment of our game making.


"Are you fucking crazy!" Yinzi looked at the Q\u0026A at the back of the official website, which was the chat record with the first player posted by EA.

He hopes that this chat record can answer the doubts in most people's minds.

Just seeing this news, everyone couldn't hold back, buddy, you are really too annoying.

The old thief also has a mentality, but his actions have always tortured the player in the game with the nature of the game.

bang bang bang!

bang bang bang!

Yinzi patted his desktop again and again, and the cameras placed on the table were hammered to the ground.

"Be honest, is Niea imitating the old thief?" He pointed at the screen and cursed.

'Good news, he is learning from the old thief, bad news, he is learning in the wrong direction. '

‘I’m really convinced, old thief, did you miss class? Torturing everyone like this? '

'The knowledge you have learned, Nima, went to grandma's house! '

'I don't believe the old thief taught you this way, I don't believe it! '


Facing the wild condemnation from the players, EA just replied, "Aren't our promotional videos not exciting enough?"

He didn't understand that he had already made the promotional film the same as the blockbuster film, and so many people would be dissatisfied.

'It's good to do a good promotional video, but...'

"It's good that everyone is satisfied, as long as it is good, we will bring you more good-looking promotional videos in the future!" ea was overjoyed seeing the first half of the sentence.

As long as it can be recognized by the players, in their view, this is the greatest success.

Everyone likes to watch promotional videos, so we will show you more,

But why are you still unhappy?

Are there not enough promos?

Seeing that EA started running after half of the review, the players were shocked. Doesn't your EA company have a big summer employee?

Why don't you finish reading everyone's words!

There is a 'but' behind it, soul egg!

Seeing that EA pinched half a sentence, he was so happy that he couldn't find the side, and the players also frantically wanted to correct their remarks.

[We didn't say that your promotional video is well done! 】

[What we want is a game, not a promo! 】

[Can you post the game directly, stop posting promotional videos, that's enough! 】


But no matter what comments you leave for him, it is for EA, you are not satisfied with our promotional video now, then we will correct it, and we will definitely make a promotional video that makes players more satisfied!

"I just understand now that the old thief who abused you is the one who abused you, and the old thief really treats you well!" Sister Zhou has left countless words for EA in the past few days. There will be countless praises from fans later.

And EA happens to choose those comments with a lot of likes to reply.

And every reply from EA broke her defense.

"Wait for him to come out of the game! I..." Sister Zhou held up her finger high and wanted to say a cruel word.

But no matter what, she found that she couldn't say the words not to buy the game.

She couldn't resist the temptation of the new game anyway.

"When his game comes out, I won't set up a lottery for water friends!" Sister Zhou rolled her eyes, "I will only buy one copy for myself. Don't look at me as a small anchor, but with me alone, there are tens of thousands of fans. Ten thousand of me."

"At that time, EA's sales will plummet, and sometimes he will be angry!" Sister Zhou chuckled, "I just promised that many people here bought more than one copy of the old thief's games."

"At that time, we will only buy ourselves a punishment ea, and let him know that thousands of individuals can also flow into rivers and seas!"

Sister Zhou scratched her hair, secretly delighted at her wit.

Seeing her coquettish operation, the barrage was dumbfounded.

'What kind of financial anchor is this? What does it matter to all of us that you punish EA? '

‘My wife, I won’t buy it if you give it to me. Why don’t you like buying games for your husband? '

'Sure enough, sister Zhou is a good woman only when she doesn't speak. '

'What excuse? I'm going to smash his ea directly! '

‘Wife, give it to me, they are budding rebels, they will buy EA games, I don’t have money, I really don’t want to buy them. '


When Ye Feng saw ea, he was immediately overjoyed. He didn't think of this trick so much?

Sure enough, he is still too kind.

His current 'Super Difficulty' is increasing little by little, but very slowly.

Now his game base is too much, and there will always be a game that makes players break their defenses and can't continue playing.

It is estimated that in two more rounds of the game, he will be able to fully unlock the next system reward.

I don't know whether the moment the game cabin is born will surprise everyone.

The next game to be released will be Security Booth Simulator.

He wanted the security booth simulator to appear a little later, after the game cabin came out.

In this way, players can have a more extreme gaming experience.

The pod is scarier than holographic, that's the real escape!

Gaming pods typically have a range of body monitoring devices.

If the body monitoring fails, it is definitely forbidden to use the game cabin to play horror games.

Just as Ye Feng was thinking, he received a message on his mobile phone.

[Your horror game crowdfunding has ended, please upload your own game within one month, otherwise you will be completely disqualified! 】

Ye Feng clicked on the information and saw that the previous crowdfunded horror game had a small game manufacturer that released its game in advance.

In the game introduction, he actually wrote such a paragraph, [Instead of torturing yourself with internal friction, it is better to go crazy and upload games to torture others! 】

After Ye Feng read his words, he didn't understand at first, but when he saw the size of the game, he understood.

This is not a finished product, this is a semi-finished product!

This person even uploaded the half-finished product.

After one person uploads the game, the crowdfunding competition will end in a month.

Naturally, there is no problem with Ye Feng, his game has already been completed, he just gave other game manufacturers a time to make games.

Seeing the semi-finished product uploaded first, Ye Feng couldn't help but smacked his lips...

He is really giving everyone time to play games, this time it is really not him who is torturing everyone.

When seeing the semi-finished product uploaded, all the manufacturers were angry.

The remaining game production time was cut down to one month.

"Where is the old thief? The old thief is not the first one, the old thief must have been tortured too, right?" Because with the old thief's pissing nature, how could it be impossible to play games?

How could the first person not be an old thief?

Just when they felt that the old thief was being tortured by this crazy game manufacturer,

Without further ado, Ye Feng uploaded his own game.

Ask for a monthly pass ●﹏●

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