Game Design: It is Very Simple For You To Fill In?

Chapter 310 Never hurt innocent people!

"Let me try it, what level of game is this!" Yinzi rubbed his hands.

At this time, he was very excited. Almost everyone in the game circle knew about the little friction between EA and Ubisoft. Now, the old thief not only sold a game to EA, but also brought a game to Ubisoft.

"Hiss—" Yinzi chuckled, "Let me see which game is better compared to Battlefield One!"

Seeing him look like he didn't think it was a big deal to watch the excitement, the barrage also followed suit.

'Fight! fight! '

'I suspect that the old thief did it on purpose, no one eats both ends! '

‘What do you mean eating both ends? Eating at both ends means that a person with a low status is a vassal of two people with a high status at the same time, and in this transaction, the old thief is obviously in a higher status. '

'This is two game companies with friction, under the auspices of one big boss, they turned their fighting into friendship. '

'That's what I said, but I still want to know which game has better data! '

‘Why don’t we make a game score, just compare the two games of Ubisoft and EA. '

'Fuck, you are good or bad, I like it so much! '


Looking at the remarks that quickly rolled over in the barrage, Yinzi was shocked instantly, because he was just watching the fun, and the barrage really hoped that the two sides would fight.

"It's hard to say. If I were to comment, I would definitely vote for Ubisoft." He nodded his head pertinently, and then expressed his thoughts. "EA has been a little drifting recently, and the maintenance of bugs in the game is not timely at all."

When Yinzi mentioned this, he felt angry. It is normal for the game to have bugs. Developers will always have some bugs that were not noticed during the test, and players will find some strange things during the official operation.

As with almost any game, those players will always play the game from strange angles.

Because even the development team never thought that players would get stuck on bugs from such an angle.

You must know that players always do some weird actions in the game, even you can't imagine, this bug will make them go to some inconspicuous corner, or in another place, make some kind of The odd move then served a purpose.

For some bugs, after the developer learns about the posture and form of the bug, they can’t help but curse, ‘This can all get stuck, you’re fucking sick! '

In the game, some bugs will not affect the balance of the game, and it will be very interesting. On the contrary, there are also some game bugs that will affect the balance of the game, especially in online competitive games, balance becomes particularly critical one point.

The players are actually very inclusive, they will not blame the game for bugs, they will only complain that the production team did not maintain it in a timely manner.

"It's really time for someone to come to EA."

Yinzi said, and clicked on the pre-downloaded game.

At the beginning of the game, there is a chaotic picture. The chaotic characters are glowing with light blue and white light. The images of the surrounding characters cannot be seen clearly. .

In the chaotic picture, the player seems to have entered a chaotic program.

Then at this moment, the voice of a character spoke from the background, "Concentrate and pay attention to what I say, everything you see now is not real, it's just some images from the past, it won't hurt you."

In a period of blur and confusion, the screen began to load continuously. In the white screen, the surrounding buildings and scenery can be faintly seen, which is exactly what it looks like in the promotional screen.

In the next second, the screen returned to normal.

The surrounding picture style is a standard modern style, with white painted walls, advanced electronic monitors next to it, and a man and a woman in white coats with short hair standing in front of him.

This is not the time of the Crusades.

"Ah? How did it start from modern times?" Yinzi was also stunned. Looking at the chaotic opening, he thought he was going to start the game after an assassination.

Hearing his doubtful voice, the fans in the live broadcast room couldn't help but start to refute,

‘If you don’t understand at the beginning, it must be your problem. '

‘If the case is solved, there will be no problems with the plot of the old thief’s game. '

‘Man, after so many years, I still make the same problem. There are 100,000 whys at the beginning of the game of playing the old thief. '

‘Ask first and play later, it’s an old tradition. '


Hearing the ridicule from the barrage, he touched his nose embarrassingly,

The mouth is faster than the brain, and faster than the plot.

In his prediction, in such a chaotic environment, the first thing to start must be an escape that stimulates the secretion of adrenal glands.


The protagonist Desmond woke up from a machine called Animus. He was angry and puzzled after waking up from the chaos, "Why did you tie me here, what do you need me to do? I'm just a bartender."

"Or do you just want to learn how to make cocktails?" Desmond's voice was tinged with disdain, and he couldn't imagine that a bartender like himself would be worth kidnapping.

But soon, the person who kidnapped him told the reason for kidnapping him.

"Once upon a time, you were an assassin, whether you realized it or not, you had what we wanted in your head."

Seeing this, Desmond was extremely angry. This group of people kidnapped him without his consent, and they still want to do things for them?

"I will never enter that machine called the Animus again, never!"

It was a projector that could image genetic memory in three dimensions.

The opponent's goal is to trace the memory of one of his ancestors, Altaïr, who lived in the era of the Crusades, in order to find the Pieces of Eden known as the "Golden Apple".

Desmond's screams and rage were useless,

The staff in white coats beside him spread their hands indifferently, "If you don't agree, I will put you in a coma and continue our work, but after we finish, you can only wait here to die."

"Emm... If you are obedient, you can still maintain your sanity and save a lot of time."

"So, has the decision been made? To live, or to die..."

Without any further hesitation, Desmond raised his feet and lay on top of the machine.

"Lie down... choose wisely." This quick action caught the other party a little by surprise.

Hearing the words of the researcher in a white coat, and seeing the protagonist obediently lying on top of the machine, Yinzi almost spit out water.

"Pfft—" He wiped the corner of his mouth, "The old thief's game..."

"The old thief still understands players as always!"

"Substituting fiercely!"

Yinzi patted the table, laughing non-stop,

‘Laughing to death, those who know current affairs are heroes! '

'Live or lie down...the old thief really understands everyone. '

‘As far as how to enhance the player’s sense of substitution, it is to be afraid of death and be obedient. '

'I'm not kidding when I cut off the old thief's brain, he really has the ability to supervise the thoughts in my brain! '


The moment the protagonist lay down, Yinzi's ears also began to buzz, and the surrounding sounds began to become blurred.

The faint blue picture has a sense of time and space, as if it is constantly moving towards the long river of memory.

Various biomolecular elements began to appear on the screen, as if to symbolize the connection between Desmond and his ancestor Altaïr because of his blood.

Because not only personal memory is stored in the human body, but also the memory of one's own ancestors.

Genetic memory is like animal migration, hibernation, reproduction, when to leave, and where to go, these are all things that are deeply remembered.

These are the experiences that organisms get from heredity, and human DNA is also like an archive, in which there are memories of ancestors in addition to their own memories.

Then Yinzi started the novice tutorial in the game,

Here is a series of moves demonstrated and follow-through exercises.

And a concept is also proposed here, that is the synchronization rate.

The protagonist needs to keep pace with his ancestors in this memory.

In this tutorial, players are taught how to push people away, how to use the Hidden Blade, how to avoid the enemy's vision, and how to blend into the crowd.

When slowing down, press and hold the space in the game, and the protagonist will clasp his hands in front of his chest like the posture of the Holy City believers in this era.

Dressed in white, he closed his eyes and bowed his head like the most devout believer in this era.

The way to get synchronized in action is to accomplish goals or remain anonymous.

And the ways to get out of sync: indiscriminate killing of innocents, falls from heights, or combat injuries.

And remembering Assassin's Creed and the actions of the ancestors will help to synchronize.

In the game, once the synchronization value is lower than the specified index, the Animus display will flash blue and red lights to warn the user that the memory it is in is in an unstable state.

If the synchronization value drops to 0, the synchronization bar will disappear, and any asynchronous action at this time will cause the current memory to be jumped out and re-loaded.

There are three articles of faith:

1. Never hurt innocent people

2. Always be cautious

3. Do not implicate the organization

Yinzi watched the blue and white screen disappear, which also indicated that he was about to officially enter the game.

Watching the protagonist enter the ancestor's memory to play the role of the ancestor, he couldn't help laughing.

"Very well, this game is me playing the game within the game."

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