Game Design: It is Very Simple For You To Fill In?

Chapter 311 Second Great Master? Dissolved in water?

The Altaïr played by the player is an extremely proud and conceited person, who killed an innocent passerby at the beginning.

In that dim passage, the companion was very angry: "I will not act in a high-profile way, and I will not kill an innocent person. All I have to do is follow the creed."

"'Everything is false, and everything is allowed. To understand the meaning of these words, how we complete the task is not important, what matters is the result.'" Altaïr's voice was full of disdain, and he stood on the opposite side of the two brothers.

"My way is the best!" He also said an extremely conceited sentence.

"It's too conceited." Yinzi frowned. Generally, the consequences of such a character can be imagined. Maybe he is extremely powerful, and he also has the talent and strength envied by his peers, but this kind of character will generally lead to Killed, lost companions.

‘Everything is false, everything is allowed, is this understood? '

‘If combined with the environment at the time, this sentence doesn’t mean you can do whatever you want, right? '

‘Certainly not, the first article in the Assassin’s Creed is not to harm ordinary people, so not everything is allowed. '


In the opening plot, Altaïr ignored the warning of his companion Malik and forced a confrontation with the Templar Robert stationed here.

Altaïr was directly beaten.

In this case, Altaïr could only ignore his teammates and retreat to the Assassin headquarters, reporting the failure of the mission to his mentor Al Mualim.

The golden apple that should have been found was not found, and the life and death of the other two fellow assassin brothers were also uncertain.

"Where are the two brothers who are traveling together?" Mentor Al Mualim asked angrily, he was very dissatisfied with Altaïr's mission this time.

"Dead." Altaïr replied calmly.

As soon as the words fell, there was an angry voice from behind the door, Malik, one of Altaïr's betrayed partners, came back, the blood stained on his body rendered his white robes blood red, he was angry He scolded Altaïr for his recklessness and arrogance.

"Because you refused to heed my warning, all this could have been avoided, and my brother would not have died!"

"Your arrogance almost ruined our victory."

Seeing that he almost said it, Al Mualim behind him was very excited. He looked at the golden apple that Malik was carrying out,

Malik looked at Al Mualim with sarcasm in his expression and voice, "I brought back something that even your favorite student didn't bring back."

Seeing his angry words, Yinzi nodded while watching the plot, "One thing to say, the character of the protagonist is really a bit bad now."

The barrage also echoed,

'Second Master's character is indeed a little bit of a shame. '

'Second grandfather? What second grandpa? '

‘Don’t you think that Altaïr’s homonym is a bit like the second grandfather? '


"You guys are really talented!" Yinzi couldn't help laughing and cursing, every time something new appeared, there would always be someone with some unusual brain circuits.

It was indeed a mouthful to read Altaïr, and the people present quickly accepted the title of Second Grandpa.

In the screen, although he finally got the golden apple he wanted, but after knowing what Altaïr did, Al Mualim was very angry, and was thinking about how to punish Altaïr, when news suddenly came out that Robert Bring the Templar army to attack the Assassin headquarters.

The purpose is the Piece of Eden, the golden apple, which was obtained by Altaïr and his team in the mission just now.

The situation was urgent, and Al Mualim didn't have time to deal with Altaïr. They were going to deal with the intruders first, and then discuss the funeral.

Altaïr stood on the high platform after destroying some of the enemies according to the instructions of his mentor Al Mualim.

Altaïr stood on the high platform extended from the high tower, dressed in white, while Al Mualim was still negotiating with the enemy below.

"My people are not afraid of death, they will welcome it with open arms in exchange for the glory behind them." Al Mualim roared loudly. "Show these foolish knights what it means to be fearless!"

"Go and meet the true God!" Al Mualim shouted loudly towards the high platform where Altaïr was.

"Huh? He wants me to die?" Yinzi was dumbfounded.

In the negotiation between the so-called mentor and other people, after the other party directly executed a hostage, he immediately said, 'All of my people are not afraid of death, can they die for you at any time? '

"How should I put it, I think the other party is also Shabi, and the purpose of the hostage is to keep him alive as a threat, not to kill him as a warning to others." Yinzi was powerless to complain, but every era has its own The practice, the norms between the armies are also different.

Yinzi just thinks it's absurd that people who want to prove themselves by death are not afraid of death.

But then, an operation prompt popped up on the left side of the screen.

【Leap of Faith】

"Fuck, is this a leap of faith?" Yinzi was taken aback.

This height does not seem too high, but it will definitely cause problems if it falls.

Beside him, there are several raised platforms, on which stood two people like him, ready to take this leap of faith.

Below them, there is a small platform with some haystacks on it, and a little outside the haystacks is a river.

Yinzi also understood the other party's meaning now, and used a leap of faith to deceive the enemy, saying that his people were not afraid of death to intimidate the other party.

"If that's the case, the mentor in my game is quite smart!" Yinzi chuckled, looking at the operation prompts next to the screen.

‘The instructor’s too flamboyant. '

‘The paladins definitely don’t know that they can’t die, and they really think that they are not afraid of death and I cry to death. '

'ah? My people are not afraid of life and death = we will take a leap of faith. '


Looking at the ridicule of the barrage, Yinzi was adjusting his jumping position, when an NPC friend's voice came from beside him, "Just jump down with us."

He nodded, and after adjusting the direction, click the right mouse button w key and the space bar to perform a leap of faith.

"Where to jump?" He looked at the haystacks and the river below.

In the end, he chose to jump down towards the river next to him.

Opening his hands as if embracing the world and death, an eagle's cry sounded, and the protagonist turned over and fell down.

Plop! I thought it was a handsome falling posture, but when the main corner was in the water, it looked very funny. Everyone watched him struggle continuously and the water surface continued to rise with blisters.

The picture began to turn gray, and the picture of death emerged.

Until the screen came back to life, Yinzi realized that he was going to start all over again and couldn't help but tortured his soul.

"Huh? He can't swim?"

"He can't swim where the hell am I jumping?"

there's another chapter

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