Game Design: It is Very Simple For You To Fill In?

Chapter 423: Qi Blade Spike Derived from Qi Blade Spike

"Clear the level with one life, haven't you seen it?" Yinzi deliberately pretended to be serious, "Hey, I haven't seen it either." He couldn't stop laughing while talking.

‘I’m useless in my studies, so I’m going to brag to my friends that I can pass the game of the old thief with one life. '

'I never thought that a cow could blow like this! '

‘Awesome, from another perspective we are also skilled. '

"But why doesn't anyone teach how to play the worm stick? Let a blogger teach you." He was a little distressed, and scanned the entire platform, almost the entire network was playing Taidao.

No reason, just to be handsome!

Unlike Yinzi's choice of weapon, Bobo immediately chose Taidao.

After practicing simple operations on the training ground, she began to undertake tasks.

"Obviously he practiced very well in the training ground, why did he play like this when he came out?" Bobo couldn't help complaining in a low voice.

"Do you want us to form a team and play together?" Brother C couldn't help asking when he saw that she was in distress.

"No, no, no." Bobo waved his hands quickly after hearing this.

Now the big raptor that she encountered at the beginning was not difficult for her at all, and even the poisonous demon bird was just a little troublesome to her.

One of the things she pays more attention to is the savage dragon that has been wandering in this ancient tree forest.

No matter where she went, she could see this hideous monster, and she could see traces of this dragon walking everywhere.

At this time, she was hiding in the grass, and saw the Mangnathus passing by her. The dark brown and red body was very eye-catching in the dimly lit forest.

Although the setting in the game is to hide in the grass so as not to be found, she still couldn't help holding her breath.

The vines and branches are mixed with mottled light and shadow, unknown insects are heard from the unknown grass, and there are faint spots of light in the sky. These are the environmental creatures in the ancient tree forest.

At first everyone thought that these creatures were just decorations in the forest, but after meeting an NPC in the forest, everyone realized that all environmental creatures here can be captured.

Just like the player's suggestion at the beginning, I want a function, 'capture creatures and put them in my home. '

Almost all of the player's requirements are realized in the game, and players can capture these creatures and put them in their huts.

"Now everyone is talking about my food. We played together at the beginning of this game. Can this reflect my skills?" Bobo waved his hand impatiently. She is indeed very good, but this dish needs to be tried by herself. The game, just confirm that you really can't beat it.

"It's amazing, Bobo speaks with a strong voice." Brother C gave a thumbs up, he still admires Bobo, knowing that he will get the same ending in the end.

But Bobo is good at this, and always has a heart that wants to try.

"This Mangnathosaur looks really badass." Bobo swallowed, if it wasn't for the time limit for each mission, she would definitely try it once.

So far, she has only been in a cat car once.

The cat car means that after the hunter is knocked down by the monster during the game hunting, he will be transported back to the camp by the car of the cat.

After the hunter cat car, the task reward will usually be reduced.

The remuneration will be reduced by (1/limited number of deaths) per cat. If the remuneration is deducted, the mission will fail.

"I can only cat three times, so I don't want to try." Bobo shook her head frantically. She already knew from an NPC that everyone wanted to investigate the mangosaurus, so it was only a matter of time before she accepted the task to deal with this thing. .

The commonly referred to as "three cats" means the situation of falling down three times from exhaustion in one hunt, which means that the crusade against the monster has failed.

The target of her trip was not the Mangnathic Dragon, but the Flying Thunder Dragon.

A round of searching for its tracks, the closer it gets, the more excited it becomes.

Before this, the poisonous demon bird was the one that took her the longest to hunt, it took a total of more than half an hour.

But most of the time is not spent on fighting, but on searching. In order to track down the injured and escaped bird, she has been following its traces, looking for its figure.

This is also her favorite part of the game! Because in this world, these creatures will not choose to fight the player to the end when their lives are in danger.

They will obey the instinct of creatures and run away if they can't fight.

The monster's blood bar is not displayed in the game, and players can only judge their current injury status by virtue of the monster's state.

This is also the black box setting that everyone talks about.

Since the black box setting came out, it has sparked discussions among countless players.

Everyone seems to be used to observing the remaining blood volume of monsters to plan their own actions and combat methods.

Just like when playing soul games before, some players would be more cautious when they saw the monster with only a trace of blood left; Come to the final victory.

Give it a go and turn your bike into a motorcycle.

For a long time, players can decide how to deal with the monster in front of them based on the monster's blood volume, their own reserves and status.

It is even necessary to prevent the second form of the boss after half blood, and the third berserk form after the trace of blood.

Each form is a new bonus to combat power, but this does not conform to the law of survival of nature. Whether it is a human or a creature, after being injured, the more serious the injury must be, the more inconvenient the action will be.

But in "Monster Hunter", people can't see the blood bar of the monster, and the whole hunting process is like a real wild hunting.

Not displaying the blood bar increases the player's sense of presence and the sense of oppression in the game.

Because the player does not know whether the BOSS will fall in the next blow!

She will always remember the first time she hunted the Great Javes, halfway through the hunt, she didn't know how many times she swung the Taidao in her hand.

She didn't even know when the 'second form' would come, but she saw the big Javelin staggering and running away. It ran to other map plates, and then hid to rest.

At that moment, a strange feeling rose in Bobo's heart. She knew that she was very good at games, and her talent in games was not good.

When playing games before, I often played the first form, and the second form requires more effort. As a host, if I want to play the same progress as everyone, I have to spend more time and energy.

She usually watches videos how easy it is for others to beat the boss. Back to basics, the position looks very flat and dodges the boss attack at will.

It is said on the Internet that a boss has a glass of water and a pack of cigarettes, and a boss fights for a day.

In addition to her non-smoking, the other two are accounted for.

This time she was stunned after seeing the monster fleeing injured!

Because he could clearly see that the monster's condition was deteriorating, and his footsteps became unstable.

There is no anti-routine second form, and no stronger attack.

The monster will only become weaker and weaker because of her pursuit, and it will become easier and easier to break through.

This is also the reason why she refuses to play games with Brother C, because she can really see that the success of every hunt is in sight!

In the game, whether it is the game cabin, keyboard, mouse or handle,

In the face of monsters, you have to turn the direction of attack by yourself. Different skills and derivatives can turn at different angles. Although it is difficult to learn, it is also a feature of the game.

The game doesn’t even have the function of locking the enemy’s attack. The weapon the player wields can accurately land on the air around the monster. In the past, when playing with a gun, people would laugh at the body stroke marksmanship. Now, when playing with a knife, it is still ridiculed by fans in the live broadcast room. Monster stroke knife method. '

Different monsters have different properties. These monsters are flexible and mobile, and different parts of the monster's body will receive different damage when hit.

Different monsters have different properties. These monsters are flexible and mobile, and different parts of the monster's body will receive different damage when hit.

At the same time, the length of each weapon, the adjustable direction of the moves, and the displacement are all different... After just playing for one night, she has already fallen in love with this game.

But now, she was already standing at the place where the Thunder Dragon was. From time to time, some white feathers fluttered in the air, mixed with a touch of ice blue.

She could hear the rustling running sound, it was obvious that the Thunder Dragon had noticed her coming.

"I've learned a new move, Qi Blade Stab, and I'll show you all later." Bobo heard a roar from behind, and she turned her head suddenly, and was frightened by the red vertical eyes, which made her body tremble.

The combination of the Flying Thunder Dragon's ice-blue body and red vertical eyes gives a strange sense of horror. Its huge body is entrenched on an ancient tree, and its ice-blue feathers are falling down one after another.

Flying Thunder Dragon is a sub-dragon that inhabits trees and flies among the trees. When it moves, it will rub against trees or the ground, causing its body hair to accumulate static electricity.

When static electricity accumulates to a certain extent, it will become a "charged state", and it will always roar when it is storing electricity.

Just slightly lost his soul, Bobo became excited again.

She is now looking forward to challenging one powerful monster after another.

I met a few small bosses before, it was a bit difficult, but she felt that those things were not enough.

‘Let’s leave this one alone, I suggest playing hard, it moves too fast. '

'This boss has cg animations, which is obviously different from the previous bosses. '

'Bobo has really grown up. After playing for so long, I haven't asked Brother C for help! '

‘It is recommended that brothers, if you are new to the pit, don’t insist on using a certain move, otherwise you will find that after you miss a hit, all subsequent moves will be automatically replaced by this move. '

At this time, looking at the flying thunder dragon that fell in front of him, Bobo raised the Taidao in his hand, slowly retracted it towards his lower back, and then stabbed straight through.

"Take my move, the air blade stabs!"

Ever since she used Taidao, she couldn't help but want to learn those moves. They are so handsome. She thinks that no one in the world can refuse Taidao, and no one can refuse Qi Blade Thrust.

And no one can refuse to take a shot at ascending the dragon.

The sharp blade in his hand was slowly retracted, and it was a stab at the flying thunder dragon in front of him.

It's just that the opponent's speed was too fast, the moment the weapon stabbed out, it had already dodged and disappeared.

The smile on Bobo's face froze immediately, the monster's movements were too sensitive, jumping around, it was difficult to aim. "Wait for me to strike again with the air blade."

She said as she turned and refocused on the target.

Then everyone saw that Bobo was constantly knocked down by the flying thunder dragon, and his physical strength was also declining rapidly.

But after she got up, she would still adjust her direction and try to find a way to stab again with the air blade.

The small face with the bulging air bag stubbornly pointed in the direction of the flying thunder dragon, always wanting to stab with an air blade.

But every time it was either interrupted by a monster attack, or missed, or the direction was crooked.

Some people still didn't understand before, why some people said that if one move is missed, subsequent attacks will be automatically replaced with this move.

Seeing Bobo's current appearance, everyone immediately understood.

'It turned out that the air blade thrust missed, and all subsequent attacks will be automatically replaced with air blade thrusts. '

'It's too real, this is the status quo of me waiting for the Swordsman. '

'Air Blade Thrust spawns Air Blade Thrust spawns Air Blade Thrust. '

‘Why are you still angry when you’re fighting? '

'Annoyed people spin around, angry people cut around...'

After continuously stabbing with the air blade, Bobo cated twice in a row.

By the time she stood here for the third time, her complexion had become ugly.

Because this is the last chance and time is running out.

‘Why don’t you change your weapon, change to a big sword, it’s easier to fight, the big sword is the most suitable weapon for newcomers. '

'Draw out your big sword, slash and leave, put away your knife and run away. It can't touch you when walking normally. After trying a few more times to find out his moves clearly, he will know that those moves are too late, and he can consider making an extra cut. '

'Or try a pair of knives. '

Looking at the suggestion of the barrage, Bobo wanted to cry but had no tears. For her, Taidao was indeed too difficult, and if she couldn't play the move, the damage would be very low.

"No, I'm not a person who listens to persuasion." She shook her head stubbornly, "I've beaten Taidao to the end in this game!"

"Cats are a matter of one moment, handsome is a matter of a lifetime!" Bobo clenched his fists tightly, "Don't tell me about big swords and double knives, it doesn't matter if I cut it or not, as long as I get up and fly, I will Pretend to force!"

After hearing her words, the fans couldn't help but sigh.

Sometimes the only one who suffers from being too stubborn is yourself.

"However, I saw that there was another Taidao in the item box that seemed to do pretty good damage, so I went to change it." She walked to the side of the item box and exchanged for a new weapon.

"This thing seems to be called a giant sword. I'll try it out." She picked up the weapon and rushed to the destination again as she spoke.

When she first came into contact with the game, she tried several weapons, and finally chose Taidao.

She is no stranger to the great sword, a weapon recommended by everyone.

'Giant brain is shrinking. '

'The one next to him is a sword with a shield. '

'Well said guys, I'm playing Fucking Tachi. '

'Then I'm the Tong Pao Tai Dao...'

‘How can there be 14 kinds of weapons, only Taidao and derivatives of Taidao. '

"Take a move from me! The Taidao is really strong!" Bobo stood in front of the Fei Leilong again holding the big sword, feeling that the big sword has no front, she just felt indescribably happy in her heart!

It turns out that the big sword is so fun!

You can't learn to be fancy, you only have recklessness in your mind!

"This giant sword is really easy to use!"

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