Game Design: It is Very Simple For You To Fill In?

Chapter 424 The music company delayed by the game! !

"I really can't bear to go offline." Yinzi watched the game prompting that the anti-addiction time was up, and after the mission failed again, he could only log off with regret.

The old thief game will not force the player to log off, he will only remind you, but if you do not listen to the reminder at the beginning, it will really force you to log off after a large timeout to prevent addiction.

"All manufacturers want the game's online data to get better and better, but the old thief is doing the opposite!" Yinzi complained in the live broadcast room after downloading the game. "Do you still want to make money?!"

But his words only made everyone laugh, because everyone knew that no one would really think that there was something wrong with it.

After all, you can't really live in the game, nor can you immerse yourself in the game day and night.

I once heard that a certain player died suddenly in an Internet cafe because of playing games without sleep. Except for the Internet cafe owner who was sad and affected the business of the store, no one would be sad because of the sudden death of this player. Perhaps behind him, there is not even a relative who can care .

The most players hear it is to warn themselves, but they also think that their lives will not be lost simply by staying up late.

Everyone knows that their lives are not so hard, but they are not so fragile.

'It's time to rest. ’ This is the most silent gift Ye Feng gave to the players.

"To use a sentence from the old thief's previous game, the desire to hunt is so irresistible!" He quit the game, feeling as if his whole body was crawling, wanting to play games, very much wanting to play games.

He didn't want to watch other people play games live, because that would only make his heart itch even more.

Seeing someone capture an environmental creature and put it in the hut, he will also want to capture the same one. Seeing someone else using a skill in the game, he will also want to go online and try it.

This is also the case with watching short videos. Some people are still watching videos one second, and start logging in to the game the next second.

All the old thief's game time is universal. Once the game time of the day is reached, not only Monster Hunter can't be played, but other games can't be played now.

"Everyone give me an idea, what else can I do besides playing games?"

"It's like ants crawling on your body." Yinzi scratched his back.

Seeing his uncomfortable appearance, the audience couldn't help being happy. Unlike game anchors, everyone can play games anytime and anywhere. More people want to play games and they need the right time, place and people.

Middle and high school students need to study during the day, and ordinary people need to go to work during the day.

Children may be able to play games energetically after school in the evening, but workers can only wait for a sunny day.

This day is not busy at work, or I don’t need to go to work, and I don’t have annoying calls from my colleagues during the break time. I don’t need to wash clothes, cook and do tedious housework. I just need to open the game quietly and enjoy this rare happiness.

Most of the time, people still like to drag their tired bodies to lie on the bed and watch the anchors play games, feel the joy of the game mentally, and then wait for their own rest time to follow suit.

‘Come on, pull it down, and cure Internet addiction with electric shock! '

‘Okay, I have time but can’t play, and you can play without time. '

‘Why don’t you watch the anime live, let’s watch it together, I haven’t watched the Battle of the Two Cities yet. '

‘The most painful thing in the world is being a game anchor but being anti-addicted. '

‘The drought dies, the flood dies! ! '


Yinzi scratched his back, just now he felt that he had grasped the rhythm and method of using the insect stick a little bit, and wanted to practice it again.

Don't care about the damage, just ask the big guys if they are handsome when they see him flying in the air and dancing with sticks?

He picked up his phone and glanced at the bullet screen. He didn't expect everyone to give him any advice, but he just wanted to vent his current dissatisfaction with desire!

"Watching anime?" Seeing this, he remembered that Xinghai Films and League of Legends released an anime at the same time, "Battle of Two Cities".

The game exhibition has just ended, Monster Hunter has just been released, and players are even more enthusiastic about discussing major games!

There are also some bewildered young people who have nothing in their hands, but they have a tacit understanding that the controller is in their hands, reciting the game combo in vain.



Yinzi clicked on the animation of "Battle of Two Cities" as he spoke.

As soon as he opened it, he saw the overwhelming barrage appearing on the home page.

‘Brothers are also anti-addicted and have nothing to do? '

'If it wasn't for the anti-addiction, I would watch anime? '

‘Fortunately, it’s an anime produced by Old Thief Company, otherwise I really don’t know what to do now! Life can be so empty! '

‘So you’d rather watch anime than study! '

‘I advise you to see your identities clearly, we are all online friends, please don’t be too lenient. '


Looking at the densely packed "comrades" on the bullet screen, Yinzi also sent the bullet screen.

"If it wasn't for anti-addiction, I would have dealt with the Mangnathosaurus now!"

This sentence directly amused the audience,

‘Anti-addiction is not an excuse for you to brag at all! '

'You have cat a dozen times! '

'True monsters, hunters, people! '


Yinzi didn't care when he saw everyone's teasing and sarcasm. If it was in the game, he would ask Manjaw Dragon to be more gentle, but it was outside, inside the barrage.

He just wanted to say, as long as you have your hands.

At the beginning of the animation, the screen is full of scarlet, and the red stars flutter upwards. It looks like the flames of war, like continuous fire, and also like the sky dyed red by blood.

Immediately after the music started, an ethereal female voice came, like a female ghost in a horror movie singing a ballad of despair.

Yinzi watched anime with his fans, and he couldn't help shivering when he heard the sharp female voice, "Those who don't know think I'm watching a horror movie."

"Friends on the other side of the river, please warm my hands. I have lost everything. Please give me some kindness. Even if it is only a penny, it is a priceless friendship. Don't worry, I am not jealous. You have tall buildings that soar to the sky. But I live in an alley. Friends, come to the river and see..."

It is obviously a song about friends, but what is shown on the screen is fire and splashing blood.

This is not the opening song, but a short picture track.

"What do you say this anime is about?" When watching the opening credits, he was used to chatting with fans and audiences.

The anchor is like this. He needs to constantly interact with the audience during the live broadcast, or talk to himself, or find a topic to enliven the atmosphere.

"Looking at the blood-red beginning, it looks very serious." He shook his head, and now he doesn't like to watch those serious works when watching anime, he prefers to watch things that are more fun.

He personally prefers to be light-hearted and funny.

At the end of the picture, heavily armed soldiers with guns and armor left, and it was a bridge covered with blood and corpses.

They walked to the other end of the bridge. A man held two tearful children in his arms, and walked to the other end of the bridge amidst the bright red blood and gunpowder smoke.

After the screen, the animation ushered in the real opening song.

As soon as the song hits the ears, people can feel the passion, hatred, and loneliness in the tune through the screen.

"I listened to the earth, awakened by the restlessness in the silence, which made my heart surge, turned me away from the world, and I tried to see clearly the story I told..."

"You are simply invincible, but as long as you turn around, we will make your friends hate you!"


The tune is getting louder and louder, and no one has come here because of anti-addiction, and it has been densely packed here.

"You said that a good music company wants to develop games." Yinzi took a deep breath. All along, Mengya's music in games has been amazing.

Every scene, every boss, every scene seems to have their own song.

Now this anime, which appeared in parallel with several major games, caused an explosion in everyone's minds with just one opening song!

"Monster Hunter, will it have its own music too?" Yinzi ran to turn off the lights, watching anime in a dark environment is always more enjoyable.

Listening to the music, he only felt goosebumps popping up on his skin.

Hearing him talking to himself, the fans who were with him were immediately happy.

‘Hun Dan, don’t doubt the old thief if you doubt anyone. '

'I'm a sound addict, I can't tell which music is better, but I know that the old thief will make me feel the beauty and absolute oppressive power of the dragon through the song! '

‘Yes, he’ll make you terrified when you hear the beat of the song. '

'A music company delayed by games! ! '


can you?

Yinzi laughed, for sure.

He just has that kind of charm, and when the music is played, it will also make people feel a feeling of, 'this is the way it should be'.

At the beginning of the animation, several children crawled out of the sewer and climbed up the city wall bit by bit.

"The field of vision has broadened." The short-haired girl with red hair stood on the city wall and looked into the distance.

This city called Piltover refracts colored light like glass containers made by the magic industry, like bubbles that cannot be caught. Those bubbles float on the bustling pedestrian street, like skittles inside a glass tube, each They are all happy fairy tales.

Just like the ballad at the beginning, it has revealed the situation of the two cities of Picheng and Zaun.

Picheng: Known as "the city of progress and the city of science and technology", the economy here is prosperous, the technology is advanced, the social order is civilized, the people live in harmony, and the natural environment is superior; it has a perfect political order and adopts a parliamentary system; A large number of law enforcement officers work day and night to maintain social stability.

Zaun: The economy here is depressed, the technology is backward, the social order is chaotic, the people's life is turbulent, and the natural environment is harsh; the political order is chaotic, and there are "doves" headed by Van der and "hawks" headed by "Silko" ; There is no legal system, it is a jungle society where the weak prey on the strong.

The pollution produced by the economic development of Piltover is put in Zaun, so the sky in Piltover is clear and sunny, but there is no sun in the sky in Zaun, and the air and water are harmful to the human body. gas mask.

Where there is light, there must be shadow. Zaun has become a part of the sacrifice. Not only is the environment of the bottom city full of gangs, but the alchemy baron uses chemical technology to strengthen his control ability.

The disparity between rich and poor and status differences have become eternal conflicts in the Twin Cities, which have intensified in recent years and may even lead to war.

In the anime, it's not even clear who the villain is, but there is indeed a villain in the first few episodes, and that is Jess.

Exclusively enjoying the honor brought by Hex technology, it is obviously a technology completed by two people together, not only did he not bring Victor or even mention it when he came to the stage.

Jace fired Piltover's first shot, while Viktor fell on the lab for hextech.

At present, the animation has only released six episodes, and everyone was fascinated after watching it. Each episode was close to an hour. By the time they saw the sixth episode, it was already five o'clock in the morning.


Yinzi just felt that there was a bad breath in his heart that he couldn't vent at all.

"When Victor vomited blood for scientific research, he drove a black car and spent the night with Mel?!"

Seeing this, he couldn't help but want to hammer the table. He had tried the hero Jess before, but he didn't expect him to be so bad!

The fans who watched the anime with him were also dumbfounded. When they saw Jess taking the credit, everyone felt unspeakable anger in their hearts.

Especially seeing his rise to fame, the son of a little craftsman, his head is depicted on the kayaks and teacups throughout the journey, and then he realizes the beauty of class leaping and tasting power, Jess said unabashedly, "Please call me Tallis MP".

And Victor who made Hex crystal with him?

This may be due to the air in the lower city. He was born lame, and his life was about to reach its end.

Victor is like that dilapidated mechanical toy ship, staggering and flying forward, and may hit the rocks at any time.

His body couldn't catch up with his thoughts, so he collapsed on the ground, watching the ship disappear into the distant edge like a dream bubble.

‘Please call me Senator Talis! '

'Fuck, when is the next update? '

'Jess: Call me Senator. But he's only been there for one day. '

'Jess, don't do this...'

‘No wonder I played a game not long ago and was scored 0-20. My jungler never came to help me. '


Yinzi was immediately happy when he saw the barrage, because now he also has the urge to kill Jess immediately when he sees him.

"Let's talk about it in detail, it's okay anyway, let's have fun?" He immediately clicked on that fan.

The fans were also straightforward, and he directly released a screenshot of his authority's record.

0-20-3, in addition to this, there is also an email, which is the punishment information for being reported and sent to the head.

‘I was still thinking, I was unlucky in this game, and the opponent’s middle and Ueno teamed up to beat me. ’ When the fans said this, he couldn’t help laughing. He was really angry when he saved the screenshots. He was beaten up and almost had the idea of ​​quitting the game.

‘At that time, I frantically signaled to my teammates to help me, but my teammates just said, ‘I watched the battle of the two cities. ''

'They still scold me, scumbag...'

‘Using Jess has nothing to do with me, hello! '

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