Game Design: It is Very Simple For You To Fill In?

Chapter 454 You don’t have to play! But you absolutely can’t live without it!

"It's definitely not Mo Ya. If it has something to do with Mo Ya, how could I break the news to everyone here?" A fan's somewhat proud voice came from the live broadcast room.

"The rich second generation of real estate?" Yinzi's voice trembled, why are his fans so talented!

"No, I'm moving bricks inside, otherwise how would I know what's built inside? The scale here is not built according to the office space. This drawing looks more like a museum." The fan continued.

After hearing his words, Yinzi was silent for a moment.

"Awesome brother."

The barrage is also very happy,

‘I feel relieved knowing that everyone is as poor as me. ’

‘I just said, why are there so many rich people in the world, so what if there is one more of me? It’s okay. ’

‘Are you a rich second generation in real estate? No, I'm moving bricks, otherwise how would I know? ’

‘Brother, sincerity is always the surefire way. ’

"Museum?" Yinzi was a little distracted when he heard the word. He frowned tightly, "I've never heard of this thing. Brother, are you sure this is a museum building?"

Looking at the budding development plans, players can vaguely guess some of their future plans.

But the museum is really not within everyone’s guess.

"I must know, I am in this field. In addition to the higher floor distance, there is also a circular corridor. In addition, there are spaces on the walls like closets." The fan said firmly, "You Believe me, there will be no exceptions for this kind of building except museums.”

"Hiss..." Yinzi scratched his head, "What on earth does the old thief want to do?"

He was scratching his head and couldn't even imagine that Ye Feng just wanted to make all the mission figures and models in the game into scale figures.

In addition to the characters, there will also be scenery in the game, and each area has a game story for each area.

This is a museum and his personal recorded history.

The barrage kept guessing, but it was impossible to guess what Ye Feng was thinking.

"Forget it, let's stop guessing. The boat will be straight when it reaches the bridge. Anyway, not many people can guess the old thief's thoughts." Yinzi waved his hand and gave up guessing.

"As long as I can guess what the old thief is thinking, I will go directly to Sony to apply for a game consultant. My purpose is to decipher the old thief's thoughts, and then let everyone find a countermeasure quickly!"

‘Hahaha, your idea worked in the first two years, but it really doesn’t work in recent years. ’ one fan complained.

When the old thief first started to develop, perhaps these early breakthroughs would have some impact on him, but now, unless he commits suicide, the game manufacturers in the world will not pose any threat to him.

‘Now the old thief has to play his cards straight with you. Even if you know what he is planning to do, you can only watch in a daze. In terms of courage, how many companies can afford a production cost of 10 billion? How many game companies are willing to take it out? ’

‘Trivia, when the old thief started making games, he was playing stud! I knew from the beginning that this guy was willing to give up! ’

"The price of Red Dead Redemption will be announced soon. How much do you think it will sell for?" The game will be released in a few days, but today is the day when the price of the game is announced.

"Those who guess four-digit numbers, don't talk nonsense. The old thief will never sell it for so much money." Yinzi looked at the game interface of Red Dead Redemption, and the price position was already marked with a question mark.

The price of a four-digit game is too exorbitant. No matter how good the game is and how sophisticated the game is, there will only be one final result, and that is dismal sales.

A four-digit game, even if it only starts with 1, is destined to be a minority of people willing to spend money on this game.

Small profits but quick turnover? Yinzi naturally thought of this word, but felt that this game was a bit too cheap.

But the production cost of 10 billion also completely scares people. If it doesn't sell at a high price, can the cost really be recovered?

There are still 10 minutes left before the price is unveiled, and the time retreating bit by bit is like a drum beating in the bottom of my heart.

"Okay, okay, everyone, stop guessing." Yinzi interrupted the barrage conversation, "I think the old thief will definitely set a number that everyone can accept."

The money can only be recovered after the game is sold. Yinzi's guess in his heart is 580, which is just at the point that everyone can bear.

After all, in the previous krypton gold games, one krypton was worth 648. In the end, you might not get anything if you used it for lottery and unboxing.

As long as the price is lower than this, the old thief should be able to sell it in the end.

A good game deserves a better price, but the most important thing about the game is happiness.

The joy of exploring the same game with people with similar interests.

The countdown is ending little by little,

It disappeared at the last second, and the black screen covering the number area slowly disappeared. The last number that first appeared in everyone's eyes was 8. This is in line with the normality of regular games. 8 represents distribution. Many prices, including food and clothing, are priced in This number ends.

The second number, 4, is not unexpected.

The most important thing is the third number.

When the number '2' appeared, Yinzi couldn't help but rub his eyes and wipe the windows of his soul with his fingers.

After the word '2' came out, he felt uncomfortable in his heart.

Because the price is a bit too cheap, there is probably a 1 in front of the 2.

4 figures, this production cost is very reasonable, but a bit unreasonable.

"To be honest, it's a bit too expensive. You can wait for a discount." Yinzi sighed. "You don't have to guess at the quality of Lao Thief's games. It's definitely shocking. At this price, I suggest you take it easy."

But when the black mist dispersed in the price area, the imaginary 1 did not appear in front of him.

Yinzi rubbed his eyes again.

He even touched the screen with his fingers, an exaggerated gesture that showed his shock.

His psychological value for this game is 588. I believe many people will accept the production cost when they see it.

Unexpectedly, the old thief directly discounted his psychological price by half, or a little less.

There is no premium or anything special, just the price of a normal 3A game.

"Hahaha," Yinzi couldn't help laughing. His eyes became moist unconsciously, and his vision became moist and blurred.

This is the old thief who always maintains his original intention of making games!

Maybe this is something only senior game designers understand. A good game should be played by everyone, rather than letting the price keep players away!

"It's indeed a bit expensive. If you guys think it's expensive, you can wait for a discount, but I'll just say one thing, you don't have to play this game! But you absolutely can't live without it!"

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