Game Design: It is Very Simple For You To Fill In?

Chapter 455 Carrying the old will and opening up a new path!

["Red Dead Redemption" carries the old will and opens up a new path! 】

[The designer who was praised by the players remembers his original intention. He is worthy of himself and the players! 】

[The selling price and production cost of 258 are exaggerated? 】

[Is it true that sprouting doesn’t make money? 】

When the selling price was announced, overwhelming marketing accounts began to promote news about Red Dead Redemption. No one talked about whether the game was good or bad, or whether it was right or wrong, because that person almost never made mistakes.

When the production costs were made public, some outsiders shouted that it was impossible.

You don’t play games, but you have also heard of the so-called 3A. In international rating standards, things are often rated with letters A to E. “A” represents the best. Three “A”s, as the name suggests, are almost Top notch.

Every A means that this thing is very outstanding in a certain aspect.

As for which three "3A's" refer to, they traditionally refer to "A lot of money", "A lot of resources" and "A lot of time" "

Simply put, it means that the development cost of games is high, the development cycle is long, and a lot of resources are consumed.

This statement is just a commonly used statement under normal circumstances, because no professional department has a prescribed standard for the resources and time consumed.

The term "3A" seems to be more like a concept and does not have official standards like other fields.

After the old thief started making games, the first thing he broke was the public's traditional understanding of production time. In the design process, is the production cycle very long?

Perhaps in comparison, the time and money spent on design are far less time-consuming than the time spent on intermediate thinking.

Designers often need to spend a lot of time adjusting the original painting models in the game, and spend a lot of thought adjusting the game background story.

But once the ideas are clear, the game production process will be much faster.

Everyone just thinks that the old thief always has something new, and it seems that there will never be a day when his ideas run dry.

In the past, the old thief broke the perception that "3A" requires a lot of time, but now he has redefined a lot of money.

The amount of money spent is certain, but a small number of people are just confused, is it really spent so much?

From making games to now, Sprout has produced quite a few AAA games, but this is the only one that has cost so much money.

Outsiders are still speculating whether Bu Ya really spent so much, but internal employees know that the old thief really spent this amount on this game.

Because in the series of external promotions of Buya Games, there is an unwritten rule, that is, you cannot tell lies.

So until now when Moya is making games, players are amazed by the promotional images and graphic details provided by Moya. After entering the game, they are even more amazed that this is just the norm in the game, just a corner displayed at random.

Therefore, in the subsequent publicity production, our publicity pictures can only use real machines, and the publicity content must also be true.

Having been making games for so long, Moya has never broken this rule, and subsequent project teams will not break the rules themselves.

"Boss, can we spend so much on our next game?" At the daily meeting of Germination, after everyone summarized the progress of the work, one person glanced at Wang Tao sitting aside and looked at Ye Feng eagerly.

"If the projects we are responsible for need to consume this money, Mei Ya will not be stingy." Ye Feng looked at the project leaders with a smile, not caring about the small talk after the meeting.

Sprout has never been a cool company that only reports on work progress. After the regular meeting, everyone will stay in the office and brag about how awesome their project's game is and what happened recently.

Just like chatting after a meal, everything seemed so natural.

The lights in the conference room were bright, and Wang Tao sat slightly closer to Ye Feng. He stared straight ahead, seemingly not caring about what others said.

Wang Tao straightened his collar and said, "Yes, the boss is not reluctant to give. If you can guarantee that you can make money back after spending so much money, then it doesn't matter how much you spend."

"Some people seem to feel that they can make money back." A strange voice came from the other direction.

It's not that they don't want to spend money, it's just that they have too many people.

Although there will be no penalty if you can't make money back, you have to be responsible for the employees in your department. The game that took so long to produce was just waiting to receive a generous bonus after it was released, but it ended up being ruined.

"Of course I can make money back." Wang Tao snorted, "This is an epoch-making work!"

Ye Feng stopped everyone's fighting, "There are some games that we must do, and sometimes it's not about profitability."

"Open world and freedom have become the evolutionary trend of future games. Players are no longer satisfied with linear, manufacturer-designed game routes. When we create a huge game world, players will want to explore. Go do something in the world by yourself." Although the route arranged by the manufacturer and the linear game journey will be interesting, the game will always have other small pleasures.

"We will also have other games in the future. Our future should be the sea of ​​stars." Ye Feng said and looked at the project leader sitting below.

"I have a new project here, and I don't know which project team to hand it over to at the moment. Let's just say whichever project team finishes the game first will take over the project first."

As soon as he finished speaking, Wang Tao looked at Ye Feng in shock. Didn't he just give himself a 'Give Him Love 5'?

Do you have anything new prepared now? !

Although I had known for a long time that the old thief had inexhaustible supplies, I still felt a little jealous when I saw the old thief coming up with a new plan.

The conference room became dead silent for an instant. Several project leaders first glanced at the "opponents" next to them. In the regular meeting report just now, everyone said that the project in hand was about to end.

"Brothers, we have been working together for so long, why don't you give me this opportunity?"

"The project I'm working on is almost completed. You guys don't want to fight with me, do you?"

"Then let's compare the time. Whoever finishes the job first will play the game."

"But boss, what kind of game is this?"

Everyone knows that almost all of the games that Ye Feng can tell everyone about are good games.

But Germination hasn’t had a bad game so far.

"The new game is called No Man's Sky."

"You should know what type of game this is by the name."

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