Game Design: It is Very Simple For You To Fill In?

Chapter 602 How dare you hand over more than 70,000 pieces?

After seeing the cooperation announcement from the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York, the number of people online in Animal Crossing suddenly skyrocketed, and everyone displayed easels with various artworks painted on them.

"The museum is really important in Animal Crossing, as if it is the soul of the game." War Eagle made no secret of his love for this setting. This kind of game that collects elements is really not too much for a casual player like her. friendly.

You don’t have to be treated as a handicap, and you won’t be teased by others. Even if you just show a beautiful chrysanthemum to the little animals on the island, everyone will happily applaud her.

‘It’s really amazing. It originally had a lot of collection elements, but the collaboration with the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York was a blast! ’

'If it hadn't been for Germination, I might have never known what was in the New York museum for the rest of my life. ’

‘When I’m tired from work, I go home and like to visit the island, talk to the islanders, and then go to the museum, which makes me feel much happier. ’

‘Out of so many games in Sprout, I gave the rest a 9 out of 10, but this game is the only one I gave a 10 out of 10. ’

'They say that if you want to feel pure happiness, Mo Ya really doesn't lie. ’

‘It’s not good for children to use mobile phones. Handheld consoles are really suitable for children’s daily entertainment. There is nothing bloody and violent on the handheld console. On the contrary, it can make people feel the joy of games better. ’

"I'm an adult now, I still feel it's fun, okay!" Zhan Ying holds the handheld console in her hand. Among the current games, her favorite is the handheld console. The games in it can make people feel the purest. of happiness.

"If I had this thing when I was a child, I can't imagine what a lively and cute little girl I am now." War Eagle raised the handheld device and shook it.

After hearing her words, Danmu also laughed,

‘Hahahaha, you were quite happy when you weren’t playing handheld devices when you were a kid. ’

‘Sister Ying, don’t belittle yourself, you are very lively and cute now. ’

‘Now I finally understand why my parents always said, ‘How could I not have the conditions you had when I was a child?’ I feel so bitter now. How could I have the conditions like you when I was a child? ’

‘I really want to go back to my childhood, when I would be able to play games without any worries. Now when I play games, I think about other things. ’

‘I’m just happy if I have time to shovel. ’

Although many people don't have much time to play Animal Crossing, they will seriously appreciate it and give the best compliments whenever they see other people's Animal Crossing costumes.

At first, everyone thought that the Met was already the king, because in the sprout app, you can actually browse the official link to the Met, and you can actually see all the pictures of the exhibits.

You can visit them all without leaving home.

The disadvantage is that these exhibits are all in the form of digital pictures and are not as shocking as visiting them on site.

But for most children, being able to see is already a way to understand the world.

After Mei Ya cooperated with Metropolis this time, people all over the world knew that this project was called "Assemble!" Animal Crossing” game, because it really has its own museum.

The Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York is one of the five major museums in the world. When it appears, all the linkages are eclipsed.

Just recently, everyone discovered that another museum announced today that it will host "Assemble!" Animal Crossing opens up the museum’s collection of more than 70,000 pieces of art, including paintings, sculptures, and even medieval clothing and furniture.

[Paul Getty Museum of Art: @Germination Studio, I hope everyone can maintain their imagination, creativity and that precious childlike innocence! 】

"There are more than 70,000 pieces. There are more than 400,000 pieces of collections in the past. These 70,000 pieces are not enough." ’

‘Maiya must be embarrassed to refuse the small museum, after all, the size of the text is also flesh. ’

‘If it weren’t for the limited grid space on my island, I would move them all to my own island! ’

‘Can you please expand the map? It’s a bit insufficient. ’

‘More than 70,000 items are not enough? You really don’t know how valuable the Getty Museum is! ’

‘Oh my god, the old thief has really succeeded this time, this time he has really succeeded! ’

‘Ah ah ah, the two majors are working together, I’m going to scream like a storm! ’

Although this museum only has more than 70,000 works of art, it is extremely famous!

Sprout will not push back any museum that cooperates with it, but with the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York at the forefront, even museums that want to show it to the world later have to weigh their own weight.

At this time, the Paul Getty Museum of Art took action.

This is a superstar museum in the United States, the Getty Art Center, also known as the "Getty Museum". The building is as charming as the collection.

This museum was established by the Getty family, which was founded in oil. It is the richest private art museum today.

It has collected many works of art since the Middle Ages, including Van Gogh's "Iris", Cézanne's "Still Life with Apples", Manet's "Spring" and many other famous works.

The wealthy Getty I loved art very much, but he did not understand overly avant-garde modern art, so he never touched it.

He purchased sculptures from the ancient Greek and Roman eras and decorations from the Bourbon dynasty... As time passed, his collection of ancient art increased. Because he admired the classical style, he purchased a 16th-century house in the suburbs of England. Sutton House; for the villa in Malibu, Los Angeles, USA, he asked the architect to build it after ancient Rome.

Rome was not built in a day, and the same is true of the Getty Museum. Its growth and expansion is the result of generations of hard work in collecting art.

Getty I was called "the stingiest rich man" by the outside world: after his death, the world's richest man left very little inheritance to his wives and children and grandchildren in his will. His son's inheritance was only 500 yuan.

Most of the wealth that Getty I earned during his lifetime became the huge assets of the Getty Museum.

And they always have a deep admiration and awe for art and culture, believing that beauty is eternal and artworks are things that live forever and are the only true continuation of human history.

This museum is not afraid of encountering any opponent in the game of the art market, because it has unrivaled funds at its disposal and can raise bidding prices at auctions to a level that even national museums cannot afford.

So despite the fact that there are only more than 70,000 exhibits open to the Getty Museum, every one of them is a masterpiece.

Now, these high-quality products are open to players.

And these, players can get them to their own islands for free.

Everyone was silent when they looked at the price of the game, which was more than 300 yuan.

"I hope the bud will continue to grow and don't bow to money!"

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