Game Design: It is Very Simple For You To Fill In?

Chapter 603 More than ten years is really not enough

This is true of all games. After the initial craze, only players who love it will play it until the end.

I have to say that the initial diversion did have a very good effect. At least when everyone returned from Genting, it was already the next season.

Looking at the new season and new bonds, the former five-fee card has become a useless card, and the former useless card has also become a big brother.

Players who heard Genting updated the season quickly returned to the game, but they just didn't expect the season to end so quickly.

'ah! Where is my lucky star! Old thief, give me back my lucky star! Give me back my lucky star! ’

‘What is this season? It's not as good as last season at all, he did like shit! ’

'The Dragons are a bit like the lucky stars of last season, but TM only takes up one preparation seat for one egg, and there is no room for my chess pieces. This is really the worst season. ’

‘The blood of the five-cost Katimo Demon King is enough? Five drops of blood buy a Teemo. I'm already level 9. How could I get those 45 drops of blood! ! ! This setting is really amazing! ’

‘The wet nurse can increase blood. Damn it, my three-star wet nurse directly restores the blood of the little hero. It turns out that you can really eat chicken with full blood! ’

‘One word: Shit, give me back my lucky star! 5555, you lied to me to play Animal Crossing, but when I came back, the season was updated. ’

‘I haven’t played League of Legends for a long time. I just went to play and bought a bow and a big stick. My teammates were crazy about my equipment and asked me what I wanted to do. I said I wanted to synthesize a sheep knife, but I was scolded. ’

Animal Crossing also slowly calmed down after its initial popularity. Games are not life and cannot occupy all of life.

People will eventually return to their normal lives, and after three minutes of popularity, they will try other games.

But there are still some people who happily spend a lot of time catching bugs, fishing, and growing vegetables, spending every day, perhaps hoping to escape reality, KPIs, and the fast pace of life and social relationships.

If after a few months, the popularity of Animal Crossing has dropped a lot, then the latest news has pushed it to the top of the search list.

When they saw this hot search, some players were a little distracted.

‘I’ve been playing this game for a long time, and I feel like everyone around me has lost their enthusiasm and gone to play other games, and yet it’s still ranked number one in the search rankings. It’s worthy of being a bud! That’s awesome! ’

‘Ah ah ah, Animal Crossing is really a good game, but can you take your dragons away from me and give me your lucky stars? ’

‘I heard that there will be new content next season... Hey, this pace is too fast. ’

‘It turns out that there are still people playing Animal Crossing, and I have achieved financial freedom by frying kohlrabi. ’

‘I still have a few winter fish that I haven’t caught yet. I plan to wait until winter to catch this fish. Now let me do other things. ’

Everyone clicked on the hot search and joked about it, and then looked at the hot search content.

This is a question a player asked Germination,

[ @Sprout Studio, Black Star Designer, hello everyone, I am very happy that Sprout has now become the largest game company in the world, but I know that many games will announce the closure of their servers when they cannot continue to operate. I will always support Buya and Animal Crossing. Can you please not close this game? 】

Although Animal Crossing can be played stand-alone, if you want to play with friends, you need to go online.

The players were also happy when they saw his title.

‘You just don’t understand the old thief. The old thief’s game can exist for at least ten years! Enough to keep you entertained. ’

‘Hey, after reading his story, you will know that more than ten years may not be enough. ’

‘Like him, sometimes I’m really glad that Sprout has become bigger and stronger now. I supported Sprout to expand little by little, maybe just for today. ’

‘Can the old thief give him a reply? Even if he has to close the game in the future, can he also give himself a small server space? ’

‘ @Grudge Studio. ’

'Although I have already felt the warmth in the bud game...ah...'

[About a few months ago, I bought "Assemble!" The game "Animal Crossing" was really fun at first, but after playing it for a month, I got a little tired of it.

Because I wanted my parents to experience the budding game, but because the previous games were too pedantic (as everyone knows), for the sake of my parents’ health, even though I really wanted them to play the game, I didn’t let them get into the trap.

This time, because I think Animal Crossing is easy to operate and there are really no deceptive aspects, I feel that they should be able to get started.

I gave the game to my mom to play, she built a home in the game, and she was hooked.

She plays it every day with her handheld console, and I'm glad she likes it because my mom is in a unique situation, she had polio when she was a kid and now she has polysclerosis, and she has it most of the time. Stay at home and only go out once or twice if you have to.

Being in a wheelchair all day is actually very boring, so at that time I thought Animal Crossing was a relaxing game that would bring her a lot of fun.

She also likes this game and spends a lot of time playing it. She is often seen sitting in a wheelchair in front of the TV. She seems to be a little obsessed with it. Sometimes we all tease her about it.

But in the game, my mother paid off the mortgage on the house there, collected all the fossils, and decorated the island beautifully, so that every little animal would be carefully cared for and contacted with.

Whenever I see my mother playing, I feel that she must be tired of playing, because I got tired of playing in less than a month, and she still keeps playing...

Later, her physical pain became worse and worse, and finally she stopped playing...

Later, she passed away. After taking care of my mother's funeral, I suddenly had an impulse to visit the island where my mother played the game and see what it was like inside.

During the time when my mother was seriously ill, no one took care of the island, and weeds were everywhere. Villagers greeted me when they met me and asked where my mother had been recently.

Then I saw a notification in my mailbox that there was a new email. I opened the mailbox. The whole mailbox was full of letters notifying me of gifts from my mother. When I saw a birthday card, I remembered that today is my birthday.

The letter reads:

Son, when you read this letter, I will probably be gone. It doesn’t matter. If you occasionally think of this game and log in in the future, you will find the birthday card I gave you. I made some money in the game, which is enough for the future. I’ll send you a birthday card regularly, I hope this game won’t go bankrupt :)

Sorry, I'm sick and can't greet you properly. Please be strong and take care of yourself in the future. I will watch you in heaven.

When I saw the letter, I realized what my mother had done in the game...]

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