Game Design: It is Very Simple For You To Fill In?

Chapter 658 You disappear into the long night

Clicking on the survival mode, he stood in the vast snow, with trees in the distance and strange-shaped stones around him.

Yinzi nodded. Survival mode is indeed very different from plot mode.

He raised his head and looked up at the sky. Snowflakes were slowly floating in the sky, falling to the ground one by one and becoming part of the snow.

Under his feet, the footprints that had just been walked twice formed a circle around him.

There was nothing under his feet except his own footprints.

Just one or two small branches.

There is no map in the game, he doesn't write his location, and he can't find his destination or direction.

Standing there, Yinzi was stunned.

What do you want to do? !

Oh, by the way, collect supplies, food, make a fire, and find a safe cave to avoid the wind and snow.

He just walked forward, one step deeper and one shallower.

"Brothers, five days, at least five days to live."

"It's better to give out a thousand yuan lucky bag every day." He glanced at the surrounding environment and counted on his fingers.

Fans were originally discussing how to identify the direction and where to go, but now they became interested when they heard his words.

‘If you say so, I can snatch this lucky bag. ’

‘The European Emperor has arrived! Everyone get out of the way! ’

‘It’s hard to comment, I just have an opinion and I’m just giving it away. ’

‘Sure enough, you are planning to help the brothers after seeing how hard they are going through, right? ’

‘Okay, okay, looking at the entire barrage, no one thinks that the boss can survive more than five days. ’

Yinzi clicked hard when he saw the barrage.

He hasn't even started yet, and everyone says he won't survive.

As long as he pays attention to time, he thinks he can survive.

Along the way, he searched for supplies, picked up twigs along the way, and found some food.

As he walked, he saw a man freezing to death on the roadside in front of him.

The dead man's face was covered with a layer of frost, and ice edges had covered the hair on his body. His skin was blue from the cold, but his body was covered with cold white.

He sat quietly under the tree root and died in the snow.

Seeing him, Yinzi couldn't help but feel a little sad. He hadn't seen anyone since he entered the game.

You will encounter a few NPCs in the story mode, but only a few.

The only person seen was the body that was almost covered in snow.

He went to search and pulled his cotton clothes off the body.

"Brother, I will keep your clothes for you." He was not polite, and the barrage did not scold him.

People are dead, so why do we need clothes?

"If I die in the snow in the future, just throw my body away. I may not be able to help you when I'm alive, but I'll be dead if I can help you."

Everyone laughed immediately,

‘It’s so true. I won’t help others when I’m alive. If I’m dead, I’ll help you. Who can tell me that I’m kind-hearted. ’

“I used to watch those movies where people and their companions died and they were buried with clothes and supplies. I could understand the burial. But I couldn’t understand that they even bought clothes and shoes to let them go decently. ’

‘In the future, when I get old and die, you don’t have to bury me. You can burn it and paint it on the wall. It’s best to paint it on the wall of my elementary school teacher. I want him to know whether mud can go up the wall. ’

‘Just throw it on the road for me, it’s not me who’s scared anyway. ’

‘Your mental state is really a hundred years ahead of mine. ’

'Don't ask, if you ask, you will be tortured by the boss and go crazy. This time, it is really not the old thief's fault. ’

Yinzi glanced at the barrage and followed Yile,

"Everyone is right, you can throw it away anywhere. Anyway, even if you buy a cemetery, it will expire after twenty years. The staff will still ask your family to renew. If you don't renew, they will dig it out for you and sell your cemetery again. .”

“The most bizarre thing is that when he asks you to renew, he doesn’t call your family, but sticks a notice of arrears on your tombstone, and then publicizes it for three months. After three months, no one sees the renewal, so he digs it out for you. "

"It's better to praise me from the beginning."

Yinzi walked back as he spoke. He still remembered the location of the cave before, "Look at me now. I have food and clothing. Will I die?"

"Five days, I will stay in the cave for five days." Yinzi was a little proud. If he was not sure of winning, he would not choose to gamble. If he wanted to make his own money, there was no way.

"It's only me who takes off other people's clothes, and no one else takes off my clothes!"

He said and walked back to the cave. Now that it was getting dark, he could go back and light a fire and take a short rest.

This time there were no wolves on the road, and he found a cave in advance to avoid the wind and snow.

There’s no reason why you can’t live.

But it wasn't until he returned to the cave that he noticed something was wrong.

He was mostly made of twigs and no larger wood, which also meant that he couldn't hold it for too long even if he wanted to add fuel to the fire.

His face immediately turned ugly. At this time, he wanted to go out again, but found that the sky had darkened.

He stood at the entrance of the cave, feeling the storm that began to roar outside. Even standing at the entrance of the cave, he could feel the cold wind blowing in, and his body temperature was dropping rapidly.

It was not advisable to go out on a snowstorm night. Even though he had no experience in surviving in the wild, he knew that he couldn't go out now.

There was no wolf tonight, but he seemed to be facing a bigger difficulty.

This night is destined to be not peaceful.

The burning time of the fire was very limited. He returned to the fire, ate something, drank some warm water, and replenished his condition.

After doing all this, he chose to sleep.

"Brothers, take a light sleep for 4 hours to replenish your energy." Yinzi has no choice. The characters must sleep if they want to regain their energy.

At this point the game shows that there are approximately ten hours of darkness remaining.

This is also what frightens players. There is no ignorance of the future or indifference to the passage of time in the game.

All the players have to consider is how to survive this long night.

Fortunately, the rest time set in the game is as long as it takes, unlike reality, where once you fall asleep, there is no way to wake up.

Yinzi looked at his own condition and estimated that he had chosen 4 hours.

Cold generally has little effect on sleep.

But for those who are budget-conscious and consider the durability of their clothes, the cold can be instructive when it comes to sleeping.

For example, if you take off your clothes and sleep for an hour, the cold will increase, and then put your clothes on and sleep for an hour, the cold will decrease.

Compared with sleeping in clothes for two hours, this can reduce the durability of clothes.

If you sleep naked, you may freeze to death. Even if you don't freeze to death, you will consume a lot of calories because your hands and feet are cold.

After choosing four hours, he frowned slightly when looking at his condition. His body now stored 800+ calories, and he would consume 200+ calories after sleeping for 4 hours.

Sleeping is also a life activity, which he felt so intuitively for the first time.

【At rest...】

But soon, crimson fonts appeared again on the dark screen.

【You disappeared into the long night...】

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