Game Design: It is Very Simple For You To Fill In?

Chapter 659: Sleeping casually may kill someone!

Not only did Yinzi not think of sleeping to death in the dark, but neither did the audience.

"Fuck, why!" Yinzi couldn't help but want to scold her. This was really inexplicable.

He arranged the lucky bag first, but he was still in a state of confusion.

"Why?" Yinzi read his survival information again, but still didn't understand why he fell asleep to death.

He watched for a long time without realizing how he died. Wasn't he just sleeping in the wild?

He looked at the barrage, and the fans looked at him.

'I do not know……'

‘Is there danger in the cave? ’

‘I thought it was the limit if I couldn’t find anything to eat and died, but I didn’t expect that there were also people who froze to death? ’

Yinzi is already a little crazy. He has died twice after playing the game for just over an hour. If the first death is indeed his own fault,

He didn't watch the time, and he didn't take advantage of the weapon and was bitten to death by Brother Wolf, so this time he was well prepared.

He saw other people sleeping like this, and he never heard of anyone sleeping to death?

He felt a little uncomfortable, and he didn't expect that he couldn't sleep as he pleased.

Sleeping is a very simple act in other games. Anyone who is new to playing games knows that to sleep, you only need to find a bed or put down a sleeping bag, click Rest, and you are done.

Compared with searching for supplies everywhere to survive, sleeping couldn't be easier.

But now, sleeping has become complicated.

After playing so many lively games, you suddenly enter a world of white snow. When you see the flying snow in the sky and the gorgeous and trembling auroras in the sky, anyone will exclaim, there is a wonderful scenery ahead.

But as time passed and players explored the world little by little, they discovered that surviving in this beautiful world was actually a very complicated matter.

"One more." Yinzi took a deep breath. If he had been thinking about making a fuss before, this time, he was ready to treat the game with a more serious attitude.

But a bad premonition gradually arose in his heart, because he could feel that such death was just the norm.

He also knew very clearly that countless people would die in their dreams in the snow, and countless people would not be able to survive this freezing night. Perhaps he would also be buried here in this way in reality.

But he never thought that he would die like this in the game.

This is a game!

What is called a game is that he can find solutions to any problem here, and that he can prevent everything that may happen.

This is a survival game! This is not a competitive game that tests reaction speed.

It seems inappropriate to practice food here, because any player who is new to this game is using his basic survival knowledge to survive here.

Everyone is equal, there is no reaction speed, and there is no difficulty in operation. Of course, a little luck is needed here, such as a good birth point. For example, if you just enter the game, you can get relatively abundant supplies to spend the early stage.

This game does not require skills, of course, hitting a rabbit with a stone does not count.

A survival game actually involves the underworld operation of using rocks to hit wild animals.

The worst thing is that the rabbit will really be knocked unconscious if it is hit.

During the day, he also saw a group of rabbits. The audience told him that he could throw stones at the rabbits and eat their meat after they were killed.

He immediately lost more than a dozen stones, wasting his energy in vain, but got nothing in the end.

‘In this game, I didn’t even think that the boss made any mistake, but he still died. ’

‘Hot knowledge, I died on the first night too. ’

‘? ? ? Okay, okay, let me give you another piece of science knowledge. I am also dead. ’

‘This game is a bit too hard. Someone just studied it and found that sleeping is not that simple. ’

Yinzi has not started the game yet, but is still discussing it with everyone. The final result is that sleeping is definitely not as simple as just opening the interface and clicking to rest.

The main reference for sleeping is the survival menu. Health, fatigue, cold, hunger, thirst and body temperature jointly determine how to sleep.

A large number of players died in the cold night, and a large number of big guys began to share their game strategies in the budding game forum.

Sometimes when I look at the knowledge points and strategies given by the boss, I can't help but doubt myself. I also entered the game at the same time. I am still troubled by the inexplicable way of death, and I am still worried about the slightly higher level. After jumping over a certain hurdle and breaking his leg, he was so angry that a group of big guys began to give detailed game strategies.

"Hahaha, let's see what others say." Yinzi clicked on Buya's forum without changing his expression, seeming to have forgotten that he was also a game anchor.

"There are so many masters, how come there are so many numerical monsters!" Yinzi looked at the strategies one by one in the forum and couldn't help but sigh.

"The boss is the boss. We are still working hard to find supplies, but the boss has already marked the supplies that may appear here on the map." Yinzi looked through the content in the forum and couldn't help but sigh.

Ordinary players don't mark what materials will be generated here when they play, and most of them rely on their brains to memorize them.

Or you can search online if you really can’t find it.

Yinzi looked through the content in the "Long Night" forum. After browsing for a long time, he finally found what he wanted.

[Sleeping is conditional. Sleeping casually may kill someone! 】

He clicked in without any hesitation.

Fans immediately burst into tears,

‘Damn it, as expected, the boss was also tortured by this way of death, otherwise he wouldn’t have released a guide. ’

‘Sleeping on a cold night, I’m not the only one who has suffered such a death. ’

‘The corpses of players who were frozen to death in sleeping bags in the snowstorm could probably fill the Mystic Lake. ’

‘Put in the coin, I’m going to put in the coin for the boss! ’

On the official website of Sprout, the official setting is that if players need to publish strategies on the forum, then the strategies need to be provided to other players for free.

But below the sprout forum, there is a coin button.

If players feel that they have been helped by using this guide, they can voluntarily invest sprout coins for this guide.

All sprout coins will be sent to the issuer of the strategy exactly, and can also be used for withdrawal.

Moreover, the official website of Sprout will randomly check guides with severe homogeneity at any time, and only keep the first copy. Therefore, the guides are now divided into sections, and those who want to post relevant content must organize the content as quickly as possible. come out.

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