Game Design: It is Very Simple For You To Fill In?

Chapter 660 Survival is difficult, but you can survive.

Many people have no live broadcast effect and do not like to talk, so they are not suitable to be anchors. For example, there are many technical anchors in the live broadcast area who play games silently and rarely interact with the audience, which also leads to sluggish traffic in the live broadcast room.

Now the guide section provides another way for these game-loving guides to make a little money.

Yinzi clicked on this post.

"I must not be the only one who has experienced a sleepless night on a cold night."

"Holy shit, the first sentence opened with a lightning strike."

"It's so heartbreaking, old man. This post really hurts my heart." Yinzi pressed his heart. He saw those posts about looking for supplies at the beginning and didn't want to open them. He now wanted to know why he was Something is dead.

[After a series of tests, I have listed here three indicators that you must pay attention to when sleeping. 】

[Every time before going to bed, you must check the following three indicators: body temperature. It is estimated that many people die from sleep because of this.

Before going to bed, be sure to keep an eye on the body temperature, and then add it to the temperature bonus in the sleep interface to ensure that the temperature will not freeze to death.

You should pay special attention to this when sleeping in the wild, otherwise when a snowstorm comes, everyone will die in a cold and warm sleeping bag without knowing it. 】

[The second is hunger and thirst. Hungry is okay. Few people die because of this, because the game specifically marks the calories needed for sleeping. The important thing to pay attention to here is thirst. Even if you drink enough before going to bed, it will only It can last for 11 hours. Thirst increases faster than hunger, but there is no prompt on the sleep page, so everyone must remember to drink enough water before going to bed. 】

[Of course, finally there is the cold, which involves the durability of the clothes. 】

[Here is a suggestion: eat when you need to eat, drink when you need to drink, and wear what you need to wear before going to bed. 】

[It is best not to sleep outside, but there is no solution. Generally speaking, as long as you have a problem with one of the three conditions: cold, hungry, or thirsty, and you sleep in a sleeping bag or car for more than 2 hours in the wild, you may trigger Swallowed by the Long Night, no matter whether your health reaches 0 or not, it will kill you instantly. 】

[PS, caves and fishing huts are not considered houses. 】

[If you still don’t know how you died, it was probably due to cold. The temperature in the wild can sometimes be -40 degrees, and you can’t wear any amount of clothing...]

After reading his post, Yinzi realized how he died. There were many factors that could cause him to be eroded by the long night. He couldn't be sick or injured, and he couldn't sleep for more than three hours at a time, otherwise there was a certain probability of sleeping directly. Death, instant kill regardless of health value.

Fans also fell silent after reading this. It seemed that there was no end in sight for such a future.

Living here is a torment, day after day.

The requirement of the game is to survive, but how to survive.

Some people say, if I have enough supplies, if I stay in the house all the time, and there is no risk of encountering wolves and bears when I go out, will I still die?

Indoors, you won't encounter the cold like in the wild. Here you can drink enough water and eat enough.

But soon, everyone got the answer, no.

If you stay indoors all the time, the protagonist will suffer from claustrophobia, which is a negative state in the game. The claustrophobia value will accumulate in all constant-temperature locations (as well as climber shacks), and to a certain extent, it will become claustrophobic risk, and the claustrophobic risk will accumulate to 100 % triggers claustrophobic reaction.

After spending too much time indoors, the protagonist begins to feel very unwell and needs to spend some time outdoors before it gets worse.

But when the game response risk turns into a yellow warning word, it means that a more serious red claustrophobia will soon come.

At this time, you need to go outdoors. Fishing, chopping wood, boiling water, and grilling fish outdoors can reduce the risk of claustrophobia.

If the player's claustrophobia breaks out, they will have to stay outdoors for 24 hours to eliminate the risk of claustrophobia. If you only stay for 12 hours, the risk will only be reduced to 50%, and it will happen again soon.

Unlike those who are stuck at home due to the epidemic, they can still surf the Internet, play with their mobile phones, and chat with friends on the phone.

Just not being able to move around is already a lot of things that are unbearable.

It's not a good idea to be alone in a house where there's no one around.

After Yinzi read the guide carefully, he started his game again.

After freezing to death, starving to death, being trapped to death, being bitten to death by wolves, falling to death, dying of thirst, drinking raw water, eating carrion and being poisoned...

The first time I saw the water in the toilet, I looked disgusted. But later I realized that the toilet water is actually clean and can be drank directly. Although it is toilet water, the toilet water is also clean tap water.

After finding the house later, he became proficient in going to the toilet to pump out toilet water and take away the toilet water.

During the live broadcast, he joked countless times, "If a disaster really happens, will I regret not cleaning the toilet seriously?"

After experiencing countless ways to die, he felt that he had gradually mastered the "play" of this game.

Slowly, after he was able to ensure his survival, he began to explore areas one by one.

Now he no longer makes the stupid mistakes of the past. He does not sleep for more than two hours. He has also made weapons, guns, bows and arrows for self-defense and hunting. He has sewn a top-quality bearskin coat. With the bearskin coat, he can sleep in the wild and so on. Became more at ease.

He began to stock up on supplies in various huts...entering into a survival cycle where he could not die without any natural disaster.

By now, he was able to hold his neck and say to everyone, "What are you looking at, brother, haven't you seen this hardcore survival game anchor?"

Now he can't even get lost, and the audience in the live broadcast room has gradually become quieter. It's not that there is no one, but everyone has stopped talking.

When we first saw the claustrophobic reaction, everyone just thought it was an old thief forcing everyone to go out and explore. After all, what’s the point of spending time in the house if you don’t go out and explore?

But soon, everyone stopped talking, because even if they went out to play, everyone's hearts were not so comfortable.

Some people say that when playing this game, the mind is calm most of the time.

Sit on a comfortable sofa, quietly hear the squeaking of your feet on the snow, watch the scenery, watch the aurora, go hunting during the day, and go home at night to listen to the crackling of firewood in the fireplace. the sound of.

Nowadays, when you meet a wolf, you no longer turn around and run away like you did when you first met it, or you can only fight with your bare hands and die. Now when you see a wolf grinning at you, you can easily give it a shot.

However, everyone soon realized that survival is not the biggest problem here. Survival is very difficult, but you can survive.

Then what?

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