Game Design: It is Very Simple For You To Fill In?

Chapter 678 Okay, you can go build Gundam

On the way to the temple, large and small wooden boards can be seen everywhere.

The wooden planks were randomly thrown on the roadside, but when they saw that there was an empty island on another platform next to the wooden planks, the players could see the purpose at just a glance.

You can use wooden planks to build a "bridge" and walk across it.

On the empty island where Yinzi is now, in addition to the main large island, there are also many slightly floating islands. The location is not high, but there is no way to jump or climb over.

If you can't fly, you have to find other ways to get across, such as building a "bridge" yourself.

But a single plank is too small to build the road, so skills are needed to join several planks together.

There are many such settings along the way, and it tickles my heart every time I see them.

These settings urge players again and again to complete tasks faster, faster, faster, and faster to complete tasks and find temples to gain new abilities.

Around the boulder steps, Yinzi quickly climbed up. He even wanted to climb up from the wall in a hurry, but just when he was about to climb to the top, his stamina bar turned red and ran out.

"Damn it, this height was really designed like this on purpose." Yinzi's whole body went numb. He seemed to have forgotten the old thief's character and his malice.

Knowing that the player is impatient and knowing that the player may choose to climb, I just set the limit of physical strength and the height of the position is just not enough.

Can see hope, but can only feel despair.

I originally wanted to take a shortcut to go faster, but now I fell back to where I was.

"My blood pressure has gone up." He sighed, and had no choice but to continue up the spiral steps surrounding the boulder according to the old thief's regulations.

Fans saw him climbing to the limit and finally falling down, and they all grinned. When they saw that he was just a hair away, it was not only Yinzi's own blood pressure, but also the blood pressure of everyone in the live broadcast room.

‘Expected, unexpected. ’

‘I usually like to watch people’s jokes, but when I see them, I really can’t laugh. ’

‘I can only say that he is indeed an old thief. ’

‘I seem to have heard the old thief’s ridicule, are you okay, brother? ’

After finally reaching the platform, he finally saw the temple in front of him clearly.

The front of the temple also has the same blue-green light. The two sides of the stone egg-shaped temple look like hands stretching out from behind, each holding a big sword, firmly guarding the entrance to the temple.

"Wuke Wuhou Temple, here I come!" With a quick touch, the temple was unlocked. The body of the stone egg began to dissolve, and the blue-green light at the front melted to reveal a door that could be entered.

After entering the temple, he saw Rauru again.

This is the Demon-Breaking Temple, where Rauru's former power of light is sealed. Now he can use this power to help Link awaken his right arm.

"Aha." Link exclaimed in surprise.

"Aha, it still smells like this little mute." Yinzi followed Link and let out a haha.

Since Breath of the Wild, Link has only been able to say "Uh-huh-huh-huh" and has been nicknamed mute by players.

Whether it's a plot or a normal conversation, he won't say a single word.

It will only make a clear sound when it is surprised, dead, fallen, excited, confused, etc.

Many times the player can see the character he is talking to talking a lot, while he just stares at the other person silently without saying a word.

This also prevents him from communicating with other characters.

"Although my brother Lin is an unparalleled warrior, I really missed many women in my life because of my muteness." From the beginning of the game to now, he has not heard Link's voice.

When he heard the aha sound of obtaining the "Ultimate Hand", he felt that the familiar feeling came back again.

[Ultimate hand: can grab and move distant objects, can rotate and grab objects, and can also glue them to other objects. 】

Seeing the description of the ultimate hand, Yinzi felt relieved. Although there were a few setbacks on the way, he finally got this skill.

"That's it, brothers, that's it!" He looked at the skill description and was extremely excited.

As for the temple in front of me, I guess it is the temple for teaching the use of the ultimate hand.

In front are several disconnected planes, with stone slabs placed beside them.

The teaching is also very simple. You only need to place the stone slab on the broken surface and you can walk over.

After walking across the first disconnected plane, he encountered the second disconnected plane.

This time the section was wider. Sure enough, there were two stone slabs in front of him. The two rectangular stone slabs needed to be spliced ​​into a long strip to pass through this plane.

Lifting the plane in front of him, he placed it on the disconnected plane and quickly passed the road.

After turning a corner, he saw the hook and wooden plank that he had longed for on the road.

"The old thief really knows what everyone wants. In this novice tutorial, place a ropeway and planks for me!"

Oriented, rotated, and glued to the middle of the board.

After doing all this, he quickly set the hook on the ropeway.

"Perfect, absolutely perfect!"

But after he finished, before he could react, the hook took the board and rowed forward leisurely.

In just the blink of an eye, the hook carried the board to the other side.

"...I'm not on it yet! I'm so convinced!" He turned to look at another hook on the wall.

There are two hooks prepared for players here. Although there is only one plank, you can go behind and find the stone slab you just passed.

"Okay, okay, the old thief really knows the player's mind." He went back to find the stone slab and the hook, and reassembled them.

"Just by hitting the two hooks, I knew that he guessed that everyone's first hook would go through."

This time, after placing it, he jumped onto the stone slab.

The hook was on the ropeway, and the stone slab was shaking. With a slight friction sound, he followed the stone slab to the opposite side.

After landing safely, he felt only relieved.

"It's great!" Yinzi took a deep breath. Although it was just a small and uncomplicated mechanism, he felt really happy.

"Now I'm just waiting to go out and build Gundam."

"No, we don't have those small parts yet. There should be some guidance." He touched the mechanism in front of him and walked out of the stone statue. Then he looked at the objects randomly placed on the ground on the island, and he felt a surge of pride in his heart.

With the ultimate hand, where can I go on this empty island? !

Fans are also happy,

'The tutorial is surprisingly simple, yet fun. ’

‘I still want to play, swing to the other side of the ropeway on the way back and forth! ’

‘When will the small parts be available? ’

‘When can Gundam be built? ! ’

"Old thief: Okay, I've taught you the basic operations. Now, you can build a Gundam."

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