By the time Yinzi came out of the temple, he was already full of pride!

Walking out of the temple, he met Laolu again.

Rauru guides Link on the map and challenges two more temples to open the Temple of Time.

Yinzi nodded, knowing that in order to start the game completely freely, or to experience the game better, he must acquire the small skills at the beginning.

Zelda is like this. It will give all the players several skills at the beginning.

Then the player uses the small skills obtained at the beginning to play the game.

This feeling makes people feel amazing.

Because in other games that players have experienced, skills and other skills need to be upgraded, completed tasks, and gradually obtained during the exploration process.

Staged skill acquisition is also part of the game.

Players have become accustomed to this.

But in Zelda, these skills are given to players through simple guidance from the beginning.

Yinzi came to the high platform where he had just been blocked again. He looked at the stone zipline and used his ultimate hand to pick up the stone hooks and wooden boards that he had been coveting for a long time from the ground.

I glued it together according to what I just learned, lifted it up with my ultimate hand, and hung the hook on the ropeway.

This is just a very simple operation. It can be said to be an entry-level operation in the game. As introduced in the promotional video, the player can use the ultimate hand to glue many things together. Even so, he still has a lot of fun.

Standing on the wooden board, I was being carried down by the downward cableway as I swayed.

The body is swaying, but the heart has already flown to the sky.

There is a piece of green gel at the connection between the hook and the wooden board, which is twisted and twisted, like a strange glue.

The connection does not hide the traces of this connection. On the contrary, the transparent emerald adhesive is still very obvious.

The entire connection looks very rough, as if it could fall apart at any time.

But the more this happens, the more people feel that the whole thing is what I imagined when I was a child.

Glue is something that has almost disappeared in the adult world. When I was a child, I could use glue to bind all my textbooks.

If it is glued to something harder, it will fall off frequently and cannot be connected.

Everyone thought about their childhood, when something they liked was accidentally broken, and the glue bought from the school stationery store couldn't stick it together. Then everyone thought about whether a glue with stronger stickiness would be better, and then went there again. I bought 502 glue, which is a strong glue that sticks together when touched with fingers. It is every child’s nightmare.

Even so, even if it accidentally tears off a layer of skin after sticking to the fingers and causes pain for several days, people still like to use 502 to glue many things that cannot be glued with student glue.

However, the legendary 502 glue also sometimes shatters people's imagination. When they were young, everyone thought that this thing could stick to anything. But when they came over with their beloved objects, they discovered that this powerful 502 glue could not only stick to their beloved Objects can be glued to anything.

But now, this green glue, which seems to be of poor quality, can firmly bond many things together.

Actively shaking the joystick can separate them, but this step requires the player to do it himself.

Everyone has thought a lot when they were young,

My childhood fantasy was when I stood on the balcony and saw the criss-crossing telephone poles outside the window. At that time, I fantasized about whether I could sit on the cradle and follow the sway of the wires.

Ruthless adults shatter childhood fantasies. Just four words can shatter everything.

Be careful of electrocution.

Reality is indeed very different from ideals. For example, the protagonist in the animation can hold the pipe of a residential building outside the window and slide down.

But in reality, the pipelines in residential buildings cannot be operated in this way.

Pipes may break, palms may become worn, and you may even face threats to your life.

After learning about these things, everyone just felt very confused, and their filters for reality were broken one by one.

I can't even hold an umbrella and jump from a building without being able to stagger and fall slowly. The umbrella ribs will be carried on my back in the strong wind, let alone jumping from a building with an umbrella.

Now, these things can be easily achieved in the game.

After sliding down the ropeway, he looked at the lake in front of him.

Picking up the stone ax he had picked up on the roadside before, he chopped down three trees.

Splice three tree trunks together, and a small raft is ready.

Picking it up and placing it on the water, Yinzi quickly jumped on it.

In reality, a raft that is casually tied up with ropes may fall apart due to problems with the ropes, or may split in the center of the lake because the ropes are not tied tightly enough.

But it doesn't happen in the game. Now they use the ultimate hand to glue it firmly, so they don't have to worry about it falling apart.

After standing on the raft, Yinzi suddenly remembered that he had no oars, and this simple raft had no sails.

The raft just followed the current and flowed slowly, not towards the other side of the lake that he wanted.

"I remembered that there was a small electric fan device in the previous promotional video." Yinzi gestured to the audience.

He was talking about the two small fans that the old thief used to join the motorcycle together.

In the short demonstration video, two small fans are facing downwards, blowing wind downwards, and an operating lever platform is connected between the two fans, so that it can be used as a wind-powered small motorcycle.

Since the wind power of the two fans can lift people up and even take them off.

So now, Yinzi looked at this raft that he couldn't operate.

"I will install two electric fans on the back of the raft. Then the fans can be used as propellers to push me to the other side." He said casually, but the more he thought about it, the more feasible it became.

He quickly jumped off the raft, "Brothers, let's not play anymore. Let's get the skills first, otherwise we won't be able to do anything we want to do." Yinzi rubbed his hands.

He didn't feel that what he just said was impossible, on the contrary.

He just felt that this move was very feasible and couldn't wait to give it a try.

‘If a fan is installed at the back, it can be used as a propeller. Then, if the fan is installed under the raft and blows towards the ground, will it be able to rise to the sky? ’

‘Why does it have to be a raft? Can't you stand directly on top of the fan? ’

‘It feels feasible, but one fan may not be enough. Two or more fans should be pieced together. ’

‘One fan is as big as your head, and it’s hard to stand on it. The scooters used in the demonstration used two. I think two or three are needed to directly blow the ground. ’

We haven't gotten the corresponding props yet, and everyone has already started a crazy discussion.

Now everyone does not have the capsule in the backpack like in the demonstration video.

Dozens of devices are installed in Zonawu capsules, which can be enlarged and used when taken out. They can be used and taken out at any time. There must be channels to obtain such things that are carried with you.

"Brothers, when everyone is almost done with their skills, we will finally hold an inventor competition."

"Let me see what everyone has done. I also want to see where the limits of this game are."

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