Friday at 7 p.m.

Inside the pig factory.

In the office, the lights are bright and the sound of keyboard tapping is endless.

A bunch of pig factory executives were in front of the computer, staying up late and working overtime.

Mr. Ding sat at the front and took the lead in overtime.

The previous "True Legends" VR game was banned by the Game Authority because it borrowed from "Legend", causing the company to suffer significant losses.

After this incident, the pig factory has completely fallen from its status as a top game manufacturer.

After all, the investment in VR games is too large, and their "True Legend", in order to better transfer "Legend" to VR, has to pay a huge amount of turnover for research and development.

Now that the game can't go live, the impact on their company is too great!

There's not even a way to muster the resources to develop the next VR game anytime soon!

Naturally, the farm turned its attention to computer games.

And tonight, the game of Goose Factory and Platinum Game Company is online at the same time.

To learn and study opponents, but also to see what the future holds for desktop gaming.

Mr. Ding summoned all the executives to stay up late and work overtime to modify the data content of the "True Legend" game.

Also pay attention to and research, what is the performance of the two fairy masterpieces that will be launched today!

At this time, each executive's computer screen displayed images of the number of logged-in users for the two games "The Legend of Sword and Fairy" and "Fairy Simulator".

The green bar on the left is the fairy sword, and the red bar on the right is the fairy simulator.

It can be clearly seen that the data bars on the left and right are almost the same height.

Moreover, from five o'clock in the evening to now, the data rally of the two games is almost neck and neck.

It can be seen that the game excellence of Platinum Games is already comparable to that of Goose Factory!

This is something their pig factory has never done before.

In the face of goose factories, they have always been crushed.

At this time, the executives of the pig factory, including Mr. Ding, couldn't help but be a little shocked, and at the same time had deep envy.

Platinum Game Company was originally just a small workshop, and the previous President Ding did not even put this game company in his eyes.

But now, for platinum game companies, there is already a faint power to enter the front line and become a large game company.

Now, it is still on the same game theme, and it is competing with Goose Factory, the first game company in the Great Xia Kingdom!

But they, the choice and handling in recent years is simply full of problems.

Even VR games can't be done now.

Just when Mr. Ding felt that the platinum game company was making such rapid progress, an executive at the bottom suddenly asked:

"Mr. Ding, I have a question, why did these two games go online at the same time?" With their current data rally, if they don't go live at the same time, both games can perform better. "

It's normal for this executive to have this question.

After all, two games are launched at the same time, which is rare to see in ordinary times.

Generally speaking, in order to attract enough players, a game company will often find ways to avoid the release time of other companies' games.

Only in this way can the game's results be better.

Only when the results are better, the popularity will be higher.

Even the previous goose factories have always followed such unspoken rules of the industry.

Even if Goose Factory knows that its game will be very good, it can definitely crush other game companies.

But there is also no need to compete with others for users.

As long as the release and launch time is changed slightly, there are so many users who are randomly selected by them.

Is this bad?

This kind of thing can obviously be known to anyone in a game company.

But this time, Platinum Game Company, knowing the release time of Goose Factory's game, directly chose to compete head-on with it.

I have to say that the old of Platinum Games is always really strong!

But in the eyes of many people, it is really unnecessary.

Listening to the executive's inquiry, Mr. Ding also recalled in his mind when he called Mr. Chen of Platinum Game Company two days ago.

That Chen Feng's attitude really made him unhappy and helpless.

After sighing, Mr. Ding said lightly: "The operation style of a game company is generally related to its company boss. Mr. Baijin Chen..."

He hesitated for a moment, and after thinking for a while, he finally came up with a suitable adjective: "That's an out-and-out stunned man, reckless man!"

He is like a beast, rushing into our circle, showing his fangs, not caring about the rules, human favors, and then trying to bite everyone to death!

When he said this, the helplessness on Mr. Ding's face became a little heavier.

In order to be able to make his game live, he has agreed to give Platinum so much profit.

And willing to give an apology in an honest manner.

But the other party still did not agree, let them learn from it.

What is this not a blue head?

Is it still a businessman?

Is it good that there is no such businessman at all?

Mr. Ding shook his head, no longer thinking about this trouble, he cleared his throat, turned around and said to all the executives: "Look carefully!" This opportunity is rare.

Whether it is platinum or goose factory, it is already difficult for us to surpass in a short time, we must learn from them!

And this time the two game showdowns also represent the collision of computer games and VR games! From the victory or defeat of this wave, we can see whether the future market will continue to be dominated by VR games, or whether the computer side will be more dominant. Mr

. Ding's words fell, and the executives around him were deeply impressed, and looked at the computer screen intently again.

This time, it is not only the competition between the two games, but also the two companies, but also equivalent to the competition between the two carrier platforms of VR and PC!

Whoever wins represents which platform the market will be dominated by in the future.

It can be said that the duel between these two games will determine the future of the entire game industry in the Great Xia Kingdom!

Their pig factory is designing and producing new computer games, and the next direction may also have to move to computer games.

The data showdown between the two games tonight will also determine how much money their pig factory will invest in the new computer game.

If the platinum game is better, then Ding will put a lot of energy and financial resources into the computer game.

As for the VR side, they will naturally not give up, after all, there are more and more game warehouses in the world, and the entire market is also very considerable.

And this is their basic plate, but in the case of insufficient funds, they will definitely not continue to consider throwing money at VR games.

Goose Factory and Platinum Games used the same theme to make two different games on two clients.

And the selection of needle to Mai Mang went live on the same day.

Therefore, tonight's game circle is destined to be impossible!

There are many more game companies like Pig Factory that stay up late and work overtime to study two games.

Even some companies that do not develop games, but only make VR game pods and various supporting hardware.

They are also paying attention to the prosperity of this gaming industry.

He watched nervously as Shirogane and Goose Factory battled.

Watch the showdown between PC and VR!

At the same time, waiting for the winner or loser of the showdown....

Until ten o'clock in the evening.

Executives at the pig mill are still working overtime.

Looking at the almost completely flat data on the screen, Mr. Ding and all the executives were extremely surprised.

The user growth figures of these two companies bite too tightly!

For five hours, Platinum led at one point, and then Goose Factory overtook it.

But it has always been the same, and it is impossible to close the gap.

Until now, at ten o'clock in the evening, the two sides are still even.

The number of users has increased, all of which are more than three million!

In just five hours, such a high number of user growth is already excellent data.

Moreover, this is on the premise that both games are launched at the same time.

If their launch time is separated, I am afraid that this score can be doubled again!

The executives kept analyzing the data, and after a few minutes, one of the executives got up and said: "Mr. Ding, from the current data, the user growth data of the two companies is basically the same, but the point card of the goose factory is more expensive, and after calculation, this showdown can basically be regarded as the goose factory wins!" "

The free large-scale end game is a big killer.

Even Chen Feng didn't want to release it casually.

Therefore, the two games "The Legend of Sword and Fairy" and "Fairy Simulator" are the same point card hourly fee system.

It's just that in comparison, the point card fee of the goose factory is higher.

And it is many, many times higher than Chen Feng's game.

The point fee of "The Legend of Sword and Fairy" is one dollar for an hour.

Although compared to those point card online games in Chen Feng's previous life, this price is undoubtedly much higher.

But talking about prices regardless of economic conditions is undoubtedly hooliganism.

In this parallel world, in terms of the per capita income and minimum income of the Great Xia Kingdom, the price of this point card is already very fair.

But the price of the point card of "Xian Xia Simulator" released by Goose Factory on the VR side is 30 yuan an hour!

Although this price may seem very exaggerated, it is also necessary to take into account that Goose Factory is a VR game.

Its own R&D investment and production, all consumption is more and greater.

If you don't set the price more expensive, you won't make money at all.

Single-player games on the VR side are also two or three thousand, four or five thousand.

In addition, there are also a few people who can buy VR game warehouses.

So in order to be able to guarantee the income.

These game companies usually sell games at exaggerated prices with a lot of spillover costs.

So before Chen Feng crossed over, the game of this world was indeed the game of the rich.

Point cards for Goose Factory games are more expensive.

Their company will naturally earn more.

Although at this point, it seems that the number of users of the two games is indistinguishable.

But in the money-making piece.

In fact, the goose factory has long since crushed the slag of the platinum game.

Mr. Ding nodded thoughtfully, with a slight emotion.

It seems that even if the computer platform is surging, it still can't catch up with the VR platform.

Well, this time the latest computer game has to invest a little less.

When Mr. Ding was thinking this, he suddenly heard a subordinate next to him exclaim: "It's up, it's up!" Shirogane's "The Legend of Sword and Fairy" rushed up! Oh my God, the data is going up so fast! Again up and up! It has already exceeded half a million in the goose factory!

He was shocked and quickly turned his head to look at the computer screen.

Sure enough, in just a few minutes, the number of users of "The Legend of Sword and Fairy" suddenly surged up like a rocket at an incomparably amazing speed.

It actually exceeded four million at once!

Not only caught up with "Xian Xia Simulator", but also surpassed hundreds of thousands!

Moreover, this crazy growth rate continues!

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