From ten o'clock, the data of platinum "The Legend of Sword and Fairy" has skyrocketed all the way!

Due to the initial more than three million, it quickly rose to five million, six million, seven million...

It didn't take long to break through the 10 million mark.

The rally is fast and rapid.

Directly pulled off the goose factory "Xian Xia Simulator", which was originally flat all night.

To the back, even surpassed the other party by nearly 5 times!

A staggering number of nearly 15 million.

Mr. Ding and the executives of the pig farm stared at the data on the computer screen, their eyes were stunned, and their faces were shocked.

This...... What exactly is going on?!

Since Platinum's game data began to grow, they have all watched this crazy rally speechlessly.

I watched it for almost half an hour.

At this time, the entire conference room was silent.

Everyone fell into shock and envy.

By this time, Platinum Games, the number of users of the game had exceeded 15 million.

And it's growing fast.

Such a terrifying rise really made Mr. Ding feel unbelievable.

This is an astonishing number and growth rate that they have never seen in all their years of making games.

Under such a rate of growth in the number of users.

Even a large-scale game company like Goose Factory was completely crushed by it, like cannon fodder.

And more importantly.

It's been officially online for hours.

Before it was all normal growth, how come when 10 o'clock arrived, suddenly it was like crazy growth?

What is the reason why the platinum game has risen so rapidly in a short period of time?

Everyone was puzzled.

At this time, in the office, an executive got up with his mobile phone and said: "Mr. Ding, I'm really sorry, I want to take a leave of absence, my son came home from school without a key, I went back to open the door for him." Mr

. Ding's thoughts at this time were all on the data of Baijin "The Legend of Sword and Fairy", and he didn't think much about it at all, so he nodded and agreed.

Wait long after the executive left.

Suddenly, as if he had guessed something, a person suddenly slammed his head and said in surprise: "I know!"

Mr. Ding frowned and turned his head: "What do you know?"

The man pointed to the executive who had just taken leave and said, "Mr. Ding, do you think there is such a possibility, the reason why the data of this game will skyrocket after ten o'clock is that those students who studied late at night only started playing after school?"

Upon hearing this, Mr. Ding also came to his senses.

Yes, compared to VR games, the biggest advantage of the computer platform is that it is convenient and cheap.

VR games need to be paired with a VR pod to play.

But this kind of game capsule is expensive, and the price is naturally higher, and in the hands of players, it is often hundreds of thousands.

Such things can naturally only be purchased by young and middle-aged people who already have a stable income.

And those teenagers who are still in school, they are also the main force of the game, but because of the limited conditions, they can only play computer games.

And in terms of the price of point cards.

The price of thirty yuan an hour in the goose factory is obviously not suitable for teenagers.

So to a large extent, the game of Goose Factory, as soon as it was launched, excluded most of the young student groups who did not have enough spending power.

This is also one of the important reasons why Platinum Games can quickly surpass Goose Factory in the growth of the number of users, and far ahead.

Looking at the data on the screen, Mr. Ding's heart also secretly began to analyze.

"Well, Platinum is really strong and grabs the student body. The data is indeed good, but the price of their point cards is too low, even if the number of users reaches 20 million, the money they make is definitely not as much as that of Goose Factory. Mr

. Ding said this, and the surrounding executives nodded one after another, indeed, the price of the point card is a hard injury.

If someone sells one, it's equivalent to selling 30 copies.

How to fight with people like this?

Can you still have 30 times as many users as others?

Dante did not say anything to death, and added lightly: "Generally, after 12 o'clock, the user growth rate of most games will slow down, and now that there is not much time left, let's

work a little harder to see what will happen to these two games by then." "

These executives in the company naturally did not dare to go against the president's wishes.

They all nodded, braced their sleep, and continued to watch these two fairy games fighting on the screen.

Time passes little by little.

Platinum's numbers are still rising.

By 12:30 p.m., Platinum Games' figure had reached 36 million.

Moreover, by this time, the number of users continued to rise!

Mr. Ding and the other executives looked at the amazing number in front of them and the high arc.

Finally completely dumbfounded.

30 million!

What horrible data!

In just two hours, the number of users reached 30 million!

And more importantly, this offline game of Platinum Games still maintains a rapid growth in the number of users.

It's like there are countless users waiting to play their game.

On the other hand, the data from the goose factory has slowed down since 11:30 p.m.

By the time it was almost 12 o'clock, it had completely come to a standstill.

After 12 o'clock, it even slipped slightly.

By 12:30 now, its figure had even fallen to around 2.3 million.

The growth rate of users like Goose Factory is normal.

After all, Goose Factory has been very strong in publicity before, and it has completely made all potential users know about this game.

This naturally makes it possible to rush the numbers high at the beginning of the game.

It stands to reason that this offline game of Platinum Games should be the same.

But as things stand now... The data performance of the two games, but not at all!

After being stunned for a long time.

In the conference room, suddenly an executive said with an incredulous face: "This figure looks like 50 million is up."

Platinum Games is afraid that he wants the whole country to play his game, right?

A person next to him was awakened by these words, and immediately nodded very approvingly: "There is really this possibility!"

"Isn't there going to be a game with 100 million players?" This is what no game has ever achieved in so many years since the emergence of the game industry..."

The admiring voices of the employees also made Mr. Ding wake up from the shock, and he immediately clapped: "The budget invested in computer games in the later stage, we have to add 10%!" Other

executives agreed.

"That's right, moreover, the games made by Platinum Games are extremely rich in content.

With such rich content, it is very difficult to carry it on the VR platform.

The financial aspect is also huge. So if we want to do a good job of content, we have to make computer-side games first.

"Well, the previous situation of "True Legend" was actually a miscalculation of the platform, which led to problems, and caused problems in our capital chain.

Let's do a computer platform in the future!

"Platinum Company is really powerful, let's learn from them, I heard that some of Platinum's game ideas were all thought up by Mr. Chen himself, what kind of person can come up with so many interesting things."

Listening to the comments of the executives, Mr. Ding nodded with a serious face: "Okay, then it was decided that in the past two years, another general direction of our company's follow-up will be to develop on the computer side!"

Of course, the VR side cannot be lost! "


At this time, M City, on a remote street.

A young man in a denim jacket with a pair of black eyes walked out of a VR experience hall.

His name is Wang Miao, a casual worker at a nearby construction site, who takes over work on weekdays, and when there is no work, he will run to the VR experience hall to play games for a few hours.

As he yawned, he pulled out his deflated wallet and wanted to take some change out to buy a pack of cigarettes.

But when I looked down, there was only one steel plutonium left inside.

Wang Miao couldn't help but scold secretly: "Grass, these "Xian Xia Simulator" are too expensive!" It only took four hours to play, and it cost hundreds to point cards and add Internet fees, and if you play for a while, you have to eat dirt. He

had to curse and go to the subway station and take the subway back.

As soon as I got on the train, when I turned my head, I saw a huge poster next to the station.

[The online version of "The Legend of Sword and Fairy", officially launched today, platinum production, computer operation, one yuan can play for an hour! ] Seeing

this poster, Wang Miao's eyes suddenly lit up.

Can you play for an hour for a dollar? And you only need to use a computer to operate, even the network fee of the VR experience hall is saved!

It's also too cost-effective!

In the past, because he had been playing VR games, he was naturally not very interested in computer games.

But VR games, whether they are game warehouses or point cards, are very expensive.

People like him who don't have their own game warehouse can only go to the experience hall to play.

Although the threshold is low, there is no need to take out hundreds of thousands at once, but there are still some people who cannot afford to consume.

Just like today, Goose Factory's fairy game has just been launched, and he has not had fun at all.

But in the end, Wang Miao still withdrew her gaze.

After all, he has been playing VR games all the time, and he is also a little disdainful of computer games in his heart.

I feel that playing games on the screen, the sense of substitution and the picture will be missing a lot.

Wang Miao rushed home by subway, lay on the bed after washing, ready to sleep, but found that she couldn't sleep.

As soon as the eyes were closed, the picture of the previous game appeared in my mind.

More than 10 minutes later.

Wang Miao opened her eyes and took out the computer in her briefcase.

Search the official website of Platinum Games, find "The Legend of Sword and Fairy", and download it directly!

"Although computer games suck... But rotten is rotten, and it's better than having nothing to play with. He

really couldn't sleep, so he planned to try to use "The Legend of Sword and Fairy" instead of Goose Factory's "Fairy Simulator" to play.

Pass the night.

Soon, the game was installed.

He registered directly and logged online!

Enter the game!

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