Wait until the publicity of the closed beta is ready.

After the closed beta server was officially established.


his own game has already been verified by the market, it is absolutely impossible for the content to go wrong...

So why do you have to wait until the game is officially launched before you start collecting cards to make

money? Why not directly take advantage of the opportunity of the closed beta and make a wave in advance?

The computer version of "Legend of Warriors", but at the beginning of the game, a lot of money was invested in publicity and public relations.

It can be seen how much Ma attaches importance to this game.

Therefore, Xu Chen naturally hopes to make achievements in this game as soon as possible.

What counts as achievement?

Other companies don't know.

But in the goose factory, there is only one requirement, that is, to make money from the game!

After all, as long as it is a normal game company, it is impossible to think of charity in your head like Platinum next door.

There is money but not earn....

Isn't that a bastard,

and how to make money with this closed beta... After a period of consideration, Xu Chen finally had a way.

That is... After

all, the closed beta is not officially opened, and the players who can participate can only be a small part.

And a powerful game like the computer version of "Legend of Warriors", players who want to participate in the closed beta are naturally not less.

According to the original logic.

These players who participate in the closed beta are randomly selected by the game company.

Originally, Xu Chen was also prepared to do this.

But he just thought about it so suddenly.

Since the PC version of "Legend of Warriors" now has so many people's attention and has such a high popularity.

And there will not be too many loopholes and bugs, say it is closed beta, but the completion is actually enough.


you want to participate in the closed test, you have to pay money

! You can also take a look at how much players are looking forward to this game!

So Xu Chen called several main people in charge of this closed beta and said his thoughts.

Several of the main people in charge, apparently never heard of such a bold idea.

After listening, they looked at each other, and they all saw doubts, doubts, and... Thicker doubts!


After nearly half a minute, one of them asked: "President Xu, then the price of our activation code..."


199!" Xu

Chen immediately said: "Didn't Baijin have a 198 computer stand-alone before?

What kind of dark god is not yet platinum?"

"Of course not, of course not.

The man immediately explained: "It's just Mr. Xu, in this case, will it affect the reputation of our game? This is also an extra charge, and...

Xu Chen knocked on the table and interrupted the other party: "Do you think I'm a fool?

Moreover, our game is already very perfect, there is no need to delete data to remake or fill bugs or something..." Xu

Chen explained at length, and finally, with the set of ideas he had just made, he completely persuaded these people in charge

, and then a group of people obtained the consent of President Ma.

That day.

After everything is ready.

At twelve o'clock at noon, the official bib account of Goose Factory immediately released a new bib

! [Seven days later, the computer version of "Legend of Warriors" officially began the closed beta! The

company promised that this closed beta, and every subsequent test, will not delete the game and player character data.

Players who want to participate can purchase the "Legend of Warriors" closed beta activation code on the official website to participate in the game.

This closed beta has a limited number of places, players, if you want to buy as soon as possible

! Note: Players who have participated in the test can more easily obtain the test qualification later!

] This bib is released at the same time.

The official website of Penguin Games also updated the content of this closed beta event on the homepage of the computer version of "Legend of Warriors".

And launched the purchase link of the closed beta activation code.

An activation code, priced at 199 yuan a piece!

At the same time, it is also very ambiguous on the official website to greatly indicate that the number of places is limited.

But it did not say how many places there were.

As for how much will be sold in the end....

Then naturally it depends on the mood of the goose factory.

As soon as the neck of the goose factory came out, it soon set off an uproar on the entire Internet.

For players who have always supported Goose Factory, this price is really too favorable.

After all, the previous VR games were thousands of dollars.

Although this is a closed beta activation code, it does not delete the role data.

What's the difference between that and early experience, and

you can also get ahead of other players after the server starts.

So, most of these players entered the official website of "Legend of Warriors" for the first time to purchase the internal beta activation code and sign up for the closed test.

Of course, there are naturally many people who hold a wait-and-see and opposition attitude towards this matter.

Under this internal beta news on the official website of "Legend of Warriors", there are also a large number of comments and disputes from netizens.

"199? This is not rushed? Delete the server and do not delete the data! Now the number of the internal test training, the official server will be opened in the future, and the character is still there! This Nima is to buy a hang that enters the game in advance!

"199 is indeed not expensive, but I am in my heart, isn't this game a point card charging model? Now it is charged by the internal test

activation code, is this too much?" "The poor upstairs, can't afford to play, roll, less special beep here, can't afford the activation code just say!" "

That is, isn't this equivalent to paying a part of the point card money first, experience it first, and the number of places is still limited, such a good thing, how can someone still pick on it?"

"That's right, our goose factory is doing charity this time!"

"Those who don't want to buy, don't play games if they don't have money, you don't deserve it, what kind of platinum game company, aren't they doing free games, you guys wait, see when their free games can be made, that thing is suitable for you!

Wait for the platinum free game? I'm afraid I have to wait until the Year of the Monkey..."

"A group of stupid bs are wronged, and they still make a sense of superiority? A closed beta spot has to be bought with money? Anyway, I won't play this silly game, I like to be a big head, you stupid bs continue to do it."

This Nima Goose Factory, don't call it "Legend of the Warriors"? Simply change its name to "The Legend of the Closed Beta Activation Code Charge", "The Legend of the Wool of Vigorous Players", "On the Legend of the Goose Factory Horse Always Poor and Crazy"! "I don't

know what you people are spraying, I think a good game is to charge, otherwise people are such a big game company, do you do charity? In

the comments, netizens who supported and opposed each had their own words and quarreled.

But the result is that the news of the goose factory internal test is becoming more and more popular, and more and more players are buying activation codes.

The data is great!

After many game companies see this wave of operations, they are called insiders.

This trick to make money, but also has to be

the goose factory is the best ah! The key is that the goose factory will earn, and the players are willing to give.

Because of this wave of operations of the Goose Factory, various game companies began to hold urgent meetings.

Small and medium-sized game companies such as pig factories, the theme of the meeting, pointed out that it is to learn the charging methods of goose factories.

In their minds, these operations of the goose factory are really awesome.


as for Platinum, since it started playing free-to-play.

It has been blocked by these small and medium-sized game companies such as pig factories!

Free games can be said, and it is almost the same as a negative teaching material.

There is no need to learn from it at all!

...... Three days later.

Goose Factory's activation codes have sold nearly 100,000 copies.

The situation is very good.

Everyone looked at this scene and was dumbfounded.

The game hasn't been released yet.

That's so much money.

This is not yet a day when it is released?

Platinum Games also had a rare meeting.

The subject of the meeting.

It is the official launch time of the game Dungeons & Warriors.

That's right, after a series of efforts by employees and Chen Feng, the game "Dungeons and Warriors" has been perfectly produced.

All the points that Chen Feng thought of and raised had also been perfected.

I have to say that such a fast speed is also a surprise for Chen Feng and Platinum Company.

It was only three o'clock in the afternoon, and the conference room was already full.

Except for Chen Feng and Zhang Mengyao who have not yet arrived, the employees in other companies have already arrived.

At this time, what is placed on the big screen is the Goose Factory game closed beta, and a series of news about the launch of the internal beta activation code.

Around the conference table, several employees whispered there.

"I heard that the goose factory made tens of millions in three days by selling activation codes!"

This idea, I don't know who came up with it, is simply a genius!" "In this way, Penguin's "Legend of Warriors" this time is really a bit powerful.

"It's true, people are just a closed beta, they have made so much money, let's do it, what free games are Mr. Chen doing there, it seems... Don't hit the south wall and don't look back, maybe you really have to lose the previous 500 million before you are willing..."

"I heard that other companies have also begun to learn the goose factory's internal test charging model, a point card charging model game, relying on the internal test charge, you can also earn a wave of buyout mode charges, this kind of good thing, who doesn't want to do it."

"Uh-huh, although it will cause disgust among a small number of players, most players will still pay. Hey, or let's learn it, first do a paid internal test, and then engage in free ah. "


After Chen Feng arrived belatedly, the discussion of these employees finally stopped.

Chen Feng glanced at the data on the big screen, reached out and knocked on the table, and said with a smile:

"Our game was completed in advance, this time everyone is indispensable, presumably everyone has also seen the recent internal beta activation code of the goose factory, so the main content of this meeting is that everyone discusses the goose factory matter, and... The exact launch time of our game!" Luo

Zhonghao had already combined the opinions of the employees before the meeting, and slowly got up at this time and said very sincerely: "Mr. Chen, we agree that we can also learn from the operation of the goose factory.

With the goose factory as a pioneer, we can see that players still eat this set.

I have also done some research here, and have begun to have scalpers trying to find the activation code of the tun goose factory, and then sell it at a high price, and I heard that the market is not small.

After all, Goose Factory is the leader of the domestic game industry, and we are not ashamed to learn from him.

So I suggest that our "Dungeons and Warriors" can also conduct a closed beta without deleting the number.

Then it will be launched as a free-to-play game.

In this way, the best of both worlds, not only making money, returning the cost, but also not violating the statement of free release, is the most appropriate solution.

In addition, in terms of the launch of the game, let's try to delay it for more than ten days or a month, and try to avoid the goose factory, because..."

Luo Zhonghao made a long speech.

Apparently adequate preparation has been made for this statement.

After the employees listened, they all began to applaud one after another.

They all think that Luo Zhonghao is right.

Even Zhang Mengyao, who was sitting next to Chen Feng, nodded.

After all, the plan Luo Zhonghao said is indeed the safest and best solution that everyone believes at present.

However, Chen Feng shook his head as expected, sighed with some disappointment, and said, "We have already defeated the goose factory once, but you still lack self-confidence.

You should have played the VR version of Legend of Warriors at Goose Factory, and to be fair, could the game really be more fun than ours?

Don't you even have this ability to judge

? Besides, this goose factory activation code incident, do you think, this is good?

Here's the nature of the matter.


now on, no matter what other companies do, as long as our company, who dares to mention any secondary charges, how to cheat money from players, will roll out platinum for me!

Even if we want to earn players' money, we must let players voluntarily take it out, instead of using such inferior means!"

Chen Feng was really a little angry this time, after all, the word free has been emphasized for a long time.

But these employees have always grasped it.

However, he is understandable about this.

The thing that changed the world, at the time, was undoubtedly a big contrarian.

Luo Zhonghao, they can be so patient, carefully said, they are already very concerned about his feelings as the president.

So he didn't say anything serious, just took a long breath and directly announced: "Since you can't discuss any valuable suggestions, then I will decide by myself this time! When will the game of Goose Factory start closed beta?"

After being scolded for such a call.

The mood of the employees is a little low.

But what they were more afraid of was that Chen Feng would directly fire them.

In all fairness.

Working at Platinum, they are really happy.

With presidents like Chen Feng, they really feel that they have a head.

Therefore, at this time, none of them dared to say more, for fear of making Chen Feng angry.

Luo Zhonghao originally wanted to be a shrunken turtle, but when he heard Chen Feng finally ask the goose factory, he suddenly had a bad premonition in his heart, and immediately stretched out his head and said, "The internal test code of the goose factory has been sold for three days, and their game will officially start the internal test in four days." Mr. Chen, you wouldn't think... Let's go online at the same time as them?" He

looked horrified: "It's really not necessary, Mr. Chen! After all, we are making games, we definitely need more players, why bump into each other every time?

Wait until Luo Zhonghao finished speaking.

He nodded slowly and said with a slight smile: "Not bad, what Manager Luo said is very reasonable, we won't collide with the goose factory this time..."

Hearing this, Luo Zhonghao's face immediately showed a surprised expression.

Mr. Chen was finally willing to listen to his opinion.

But immediately, Chen Feng continued to speak: "In this way, this time we will go online ahead of them, and three days later, "Dungeons and Warriors" will be officially launched!

Leaving a large group of people in the conference room, messy in the wind.

Zhang Mengyao

: "???" employees: "???"

everyone's eyes looked at Luo Zhonghao.

Luo Zhonghao: "??? "What I just said, doesn't mean it!"

"Mr. Chen, Mr. Chen, let's think about it again, Mr. Chen, Mr. Chen, don't go, Mr. Chen, Mr. Chen!!"

Luo Zhonghao

chased out with a sad face.

Although Luo Zhonghao and others came over and said a lot later.

But this time, Chen Feng was quite firm.

Without giving them a chance to speak, they directly gave the task and began propaganda.

And the game launch announcement of "Dungeons & Warriors".

Also in the afternoon of the same day.

Send directly to the official website, as well as the bib.

[Three days later, the world's first free online game "Dungeons and Warriors" was officially launched, everyone has a computer, come and play!]

This news is like a deep bomb.

The network that was already stirred up by the goose factory will be magnificent.

Once again, a huge wave!

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