The first time to see when Dungeons & Warriors is about to go live.

Naturally, it is the netizens and players who have been active on the Internet during this time, fighting over the riotous operation of selling activation codes at Goose Factory.

And when they saw this bib released by Chen Feng, their first reaction was naturally shock.

Extremely shocked


" "I lean on! Brothers, I read that right? Go online after three days? Is it three days? or thirty days?"

"Brother upstairs, you are not mistaken, it is indeed three days!" "

Mr. Chen got the wrong time, right?

I see that you still don't understand anything, carefully taste, Mr. Chen's online time is the day before the goose factory's new game closed beta!" "I

lean! Sniping again? What kind of deep hatred is this?"

"Is the brother upstairs so ill-informed? Haven't you heard the story between Mr. Chen and Goose Factory?

"Isn't this TM stupid? Baijin Lao always has cerebral palsy, right? In order to snipe the goose factory, he really doesn't want his life

?"Stupid? Bullish!!!! platinum bull! Goose Xiaozi get out of the comment area for Lao Tzu!"Yo yo, goose Xiaozi

has found here? Are you afraid? Haha, wait to be trampled under the feet of Shirogane again!

As the popularity of this bib gradually increased, more and more people poured into the comment area.

In addition to platinum players and fans, there are naturally also fans and players of Goose Factory.

As a result, the two groups of people who had been arguing on the Internet because of the Goose Factory activation code incident began to quarrel under Chen Feng's Weibo.

One side supports Bai Jin and Chen Feng.

I feel that Chen Feng is deliberately attacking the arrogance of the goose factory.

On the other side, it was natural to laugh at Bai Jin and Chen Feng.

Think that they do not measure themselves and use their arms as cars.

Among them, only a small number of people who are still more rational always focus on one thing.

That is.

The goose factory is only a transfer platform, and there is no need for secondary research and development at all.

Now it is also the first internal test.

So fast time... Can Platinum really make the game out?

"Such a quick time... Can Bai Jin really make a game?" In

the conference room of the Goose Factory, Xu Chen looked at the Weibo posted by Chen Feng on the computer screen, with a puzzled expression.

Many of the backbone personnel next to them also frowned and did not say a word.

After a while, someone suddenly raised his hand: "My informant has received news, it is an employee of the platinum duanyou department, according to what the other party said... Xu

Chen's brows furrowed deeper: "Really done? Completely done? Start going online directly? Don't they test it?" The

backbone members who spoke were silent for a moment, and then shook their heads and said with difficulty: "It seems to have not been tested at all." There

was silence in the conference room at first, and then immediately burst into discussion: "No test? It's outrageous, right? Who gave them confidence?" "That's

it, Platinum's previous game, although basically not in the open test, but the internal test is still indispensable, this time... In order to snipe us, did they put down such a large amount of blood

?" "Aren't they afraid that something will go wrong with

their game?" "This Chen Feng really did everything..."


Chen slapped the table and looked at the backbone member who had just provided the news, and said, "Ask that employee again, he should know how complete and quality their game is, right?"

The backbone member tapped on the keyboard for a while, and then shook his head helplessly: "My informant said that the employee did not want to disclose company secrets.

Xu Chen immediately waved his hand: "Buy! Buy directly! Give him a sum of money to buy this news!" The

backbone members who spoke immediately looked embarrassed, and after hesitating for a moment, they said: "Mr. Xu, don't you know that the loyalty of the employees of the platinum company is very high, and we spent a lot of money to buy it before, but they all failed....

I, the informant, also have a very good relationship with that employee in private, so I can ask for some news on the side, if the purpose is too obvious... I'm afraid I won't get any news after that..."

Xu Chen slammed the table, his face was stunned, and he immediately wanted to get angry.

But in the end, he calmed down, and he also knew that what the other party said was true.

The loyalty of those employees of Platinum Games is indeed surprisingly high....


he let out a long breath: "Anyway, I don't believe that his platinum company can be faster than us in this time, since they want to find death, then let's see how capable they are!" Xu

Chen stared at Chen Feng's bib that said that "Dungeons and Warriors" would be online in three days, and gritted his teeth.



As the news of Dungeons & Warriors going live three days later, word spread.

More places are also discussing this matter.

At the gate of a university, three or five students come out to eat together.

College life is relatively relaxed, there are no classes in the next few days, and several students are talking and laughing, discussing what games to play in the evening.

"I heard about it, platinum's "Dungeons and Warriors" will be officially launched soon, a free game, don't play for nothing.

"Awesome, Platinum is really engaged in charity, and the game does not charge money, but I bought the closed beta activation code of "Legend of Warriors", and I must be playing "Legend of Warriors" later."

"Dungeons & Warriors comes out first, you play Dungeons & Warriors with us first, let's have four people in a dormitory, open the black together, brush copies, it must be cool!"

"Yes, even if you buy the activation code of "Legend of Warriors", but "Dungeons and Warriors" is free, you don't have to spend money at all, just play and try."

"Ah, is "Dungeons and Warriors" out first? It's impossible, the goose factory obviously publicized it first, I'll take a look first. "

The student who bought the Goose Factory's "Legend of the Warriors" internal test activation code is called Xiao Zhen, a tall thin boy wearing glasses.

He pulled out his phone, searched into the official website of Platinum, and looked at the latest news.

Sure enough, Dungeons & Warriors officially went live three days later, exactly one day before Legend of Warriors.

Seeing this, Xiao Zhen's heart was a little unhappy.

Goose Factory has been publicizing for so long, and the speed of the game is still so slow.


doesn't believe that Goose Factory will make games slower than Platinum Company.

After all, how big is the platinum company, the

goose factory is a large company with thousands of

people! "Damn! The goose factory is really going to lose people's appetite!" Xiao

Zhen put away his mobile phone and complained.

Then he sighed, and he already had a decision in his heart.

Since the platinum game came out first, let's play it with your roommates, it's free anyway, and it's not a big deal to play.

Although he is a die-hard fan of Goose Factory, he is not to the point of brain damage, if he likes Goose Factory, he will not play other companies' games, he will definitely not be able to do it.

Thinking of this, Xiao Zhen looked up and smiled at the roommates next to him and said: "Then play the dungeon with you first, and when "Legend of Warriors" comes out, I will play it again."

"Okay, rush rush! I want to play Ghost Swordsman

!""I play with sharpshooters!" "I

play warriors!" "You play

Nima's warriors, there is a chicken warrior in the dungeon, you think it's "Legend", that thing is called a fighter! Watching

the roommates fighting, Xiao Zhen just smiled very reservedly.

As the only person in the entire dormitory who bought the Legend of Warriors closed beta activation code.

His expectations for "Legend of Warriors" naturally far exceeded those of "Dungeons and Warriors".

So you have to be reserved.

"First accompany the brothers to play this "Dungeons and Warriors", and when the time comes, when "Legend of Warriors" is online, let them also take a look at it, and they will know how strong the goose factory is!"

Xiao Zhen thought to himself.

I am even more looking forward to the opening of the closed beta of "Legend of Warriors" four days later.

He could even imagine his roommates in the bedroom, watching him play "Legend of the Warriors" alone behind his back, making cries of surprise and envy.

Then one by one, they regretted that they didn't buy the activation code, begged him, and wanted to use his closed beta account to play the scene.

Thinking about it, Xiao Zhen couldn't help but laugh happily....


"My name is Sun Long, my online name is Jianwu Hong Yanxiao, this is my 28th day in the game department of Chenghui Group.

Today we are still playing gold in "Legends", and I exposed a paralysis ring today and earned hundreds of dollars in prizes. The work went quite well and I had a good time here.

The owner, Mr. Li, was very nice to me and always asked me to help him type and swear.

And in order to satisfy Mr. Li, I have recently been learning some new swearing skills on the Internet, and Mr. Li is very satisfied, and said that I was born to be an Internet troll. Mr. Li praised me so much, and I am very happy.

In addition, "Dungeons and Warriors" will be served in three days, and Mr. Li said that when the dungeon is served, he will set up a dungeon branch around me.

He will also let me set up a God of War Guild in "Dungeons

and Warriors", and I will be the vice president! Looking forward to it! Three days later, I will be the vice president of the new God of War Temple! I don't know if there is a gameplay similar to the battle of the sand city in "Dungeons and Warriors", I want to be like Mr. Li, my statue and name must always be engraved in the game!

This kind of playing games and spraying people have a new life of paycheck.

I really like it....

Maybe Chen Feng and the people at Platinum would never have imagined... They just made a casual game that changed my life as a person, and possibly even more.

I am grateful to them.

Of course, if they knew this...

Now, my new life has basically stabilized, and I also have a new small goal, that is, to personally look at Mr. Chen and personally say thank you to Mr. Chen.

I will continue to work hard!" The

sound of tapping on the keyboard stopped, and Sun Long, a new employee of Chenghui Group, finished writing his diary for today.


this moment, Li Chengguo's familiar shout sounded next to him: "Sun Long, come to my office, bring your keyboard, grass! A few cubs from the Prague Guild dare to spray me!

Sun Long immediately answered, immediately put on the keyboard, and walked to General Li's office with great vigor.

Along the way, the other employees smiled at him and said.

Sun Long also smiled and responded, and at the same time, his steps became more and more firm and steady!

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