"Boss, the popularity of our event suddenly dropped, and the audience all ran away!" In

the office of the president of a certain fish live broadcast platform, the executive rushed in and said with a panicked face.

At this time, Mr. Yu of a live broadcast platform was sitting quietly in his office chair, his eyes fixed on the computer in front of him.

He didn't even look at the employee, but nodded lightly and said, "I know, let's go out."

The employee wanted to say something more, but seeing Mr. Yu's warning eyes, he was still a little unwilling, closed the office door and walked out.

At this time, Yu Zong's computer is playing, a certain fish and several other live broadcast platforms, together with the event: smile red face!

In fact, Yu Zong has been observing the situation in the venue since the beginning of the event, after all, today is the day when the official competition of the Platinum Company's world's first martial arts association begins.

Two days ago, all the anchors who entered the official competition announced that they would no longer broadcast live in the process of the competition, which did cause a lot of turmoil on the Internet.

Therefore, including Mr. Yu, the bosses of other major live broadcast platforms are also paying attention to the opening day of today's world's first martial arts association and the official competition.

But as things stand today, things seem to be going against them.

Yu always looked at the barrage in the live broadcast room.

A moment later, I clicked on "Dungeons and Warriors" on my computer and logged in directly.

The reason why he downloaded "Dungeons and Warriors" is naturally not because he loves to play.

In order to be able to accurately observe how popular the client's live broadcast room is during this period of the competition.

Enter the game client and click directly into the competition area.

When I saw that the first place was the duel arena between Jian Wu Hong Yanxiao and Liu.

The popularity of this live broadcast room has reached more than 15 million.

And it's growing rapidly.

President Yu frowned, and glanced solemnly at the live broadcast room ranked second and third.

Then I was finally relieved.

Compared with Jian Wu Hong Yanxiao and Liu's live broadcast room.

Although the popularity of other live broadcast rooms is not low.

But the highest is only more than 1.3 million.

This shows that most of the viewers who have been attracted from their live broadcast platform are almost always focusing on Jianwu Hong Yanxiao and Liu.

"This is definitely a star effect!" Yu

thought to himself: "Liu's popularity is already very high, and now he does not live broadcast, he can only participate in the competition alone, and the audience will naturally come to watch and support."

"Maybe after this sword dance red smile and Liu Mou are finished, the audience of the platform will return again."

President Yu comforted himself like this, and then directly clicked on the live broadcast room where Liu and Jian Wu smiled.

The live broadcast room on the Dungeons & Warriors client is very rudimentary.

There is only one piece of picture, and a small barrage area next to the picture.

There is no place to give gifts, and there are no other various functions.

The audience could only watch and discuss in the very simple barrage area.

Those barrages can't even change the color.

Such a simple live broadcast room, if it was in the past, Yu Zong would not even look at it.

The same is probably true for the audience.

But at this time, it was in such a simple live broadcast room.

Countless spectators were more excited than the other.

Barrage brushes are flying all over the sky.

"Liu, this is also too dish

!" "In the live broadcast room, there is also a look of a master to teach us to play games, and now in the official competition, I meet a random person and be

beaten like this?" "That's right, I can go up if someone beats me like this!"

"I haven't seen how strong the other side is, why is Teacher Liu so pulled?"

It's so outrageous, Teacher Liu

didn't even touch the corner of the opposite side, and he didn't even put a colorless skill on the opposite side!" "No, is it forbidden to use colorless in the official competition

?" "Of course not, but the opposite side just doesn't want to use

it, what can you do?" "A few upstairs what kind of fart do you put here, but the other side is sword dance red smile, the first person to full level in full service!"

That is, 20 computers, not a single one lost, a master with useless skills, now recognized as a strong competitor for the championship, don't you watch the game video?"

"Those above are obviously a group of fools who can only watch live broadcasts, maybe they haven't even played the second round of computers, don't ask too much for them."

"Who do you say TMD, Lao Tzu is a golden rank!

"After watching the sword dance red smile match, I will take a good look at what kind of golden rank you are." "


After all, Liu is a very famous anchor.

Naturally, there are many fans and supporters from the live broadcast room.

But seeing their favorite streamers being beaten by their opponents without fighting back.

These supporters, of course, are somewhat unacceptable.

However, although the sword dance red smile has gradually emerged since the service of "Dungeons and Warriors".

But his fame has been fought again and again, with real strength.

That fine to perfect operation, and under the forced situation, basically no colorless skills, this kind of fighting method is awesome at first glance.

It also absorbed a large number of so-called fans for Sword Dance in a short period of time.

At this time, the fans of both sides were mixed with many spectators watching the excitement, and they were arguing in the live broadcast area.

Yu always looked at such a lively barrage.

It's a little incomprehensible.

In their original live streaming platform, viewers occasionally had some arguments.

But those were rare and isolated incidents.

Where will it be like in this live broadcast room, the two sides are simply arguing.

With such a discordant spectator atmosphere, isn't Platinum going to take care of it?

Is it really necessary to quarrel so fiercely, so

what will be the situation when the final comes?

The quarrels he saw at this time seemed to Chen Feng to be just pediatrics.

Wait until Chen Feng really sets off a wave of esports in this world.

At that time, the fan brawl was a real brawl!

But strictly speaking it's also a race

! a competitive game!

although it is said that friendship comes first, competition second.

But it is undeniable that in competitive sports, either win or lose.

And the one who wins will get everything.

So whether it's for the promotion tournament or for those who like to watch the competition.

It is to quarrel or quarrel

! It is to have bad temper.

The team I like is the team I don't like.

Our national team is to win over other countries.

It's about being competitive.

Only in this way will the moment of victory be more profound.

Respect each other, everyone is polite and not presentable.

This is naturally okay on the surface.

But no matter what, deep down, you must want to win!

If you don't even have the slightest desire to compete in your heart, you still respect each other.

That's not a competitive game.

And at this time, after a 10-minute intermission.

The second round of the match between Liu and Jianwu Hong Yanxiao has finally begun!

The first round of the official match is two wins in three games.

There is also a points system.

Just now, Liu has already lost a game.

If he loses this game again, he may still not be eliminated, but the points will be greatly affected.

And more importantly, he didn't want to lose, and he didn't want to

lose as ugly as he just did.

In the live broadcast screen.

Liu took a deep breath.

Immediately afterwards, the characters of the two were teleported to a random map of the duel arena.

The second round of the competition officially began!

Sword Dance smiled, still unyielding, controlling his sword saint, holding his favorite Double Dragon Demon Shadow Sword and rushing over.

Liu, on the other hand, seemed much more careful.

At the beginning, he chose to avoid the war.

In the duel arena of Dungeons & Warriors, the colorless skill is a big move that can't be put in at first.

It must be cooled for a period of time before it can be released.

So there are usually many players in the duel arena, after the game starts, do nothing, run away vigorously, and when the colorless skill cools down, they start to frantically throw big moves.

Attempt to use big moves to help him win.

Wait until the big move is finished, if you haven't killed your opponent, continue to run and drag out time, waiting for the big move to cool down.

This kind of routine, many players are very disliked.

Liu also looks down on players who will choose this strategy.

I have said my opinion more than once in the live broadcast room.

He thinks this kind of play is purely disgusting.

But today.

Instead, he intends to adopt this time-dragging strategy.

See if you can help yourself win the game.

At this time, Liu also understood a little.

Among the players who use this time-dragging strategy, there must be many who are really disgusting.

But there are also parts of them who are true and want to win.

It's just that they're working their own way.

And most likely they can only use this way.

Because they may know that the gap between themselves and their opponents is too big!

He knew that if he still fought like before, he couldn't be the opponent of Jian Wu Hong Yanxiao.

The opponent's reaction speed, operation hand speed, or consciousness during battle far surpassed him.

When fighting with the other party, he felt that even his underwear was seen through.

In the past, he thought that the ghost swordsman's blocking skill was a skill of chance.

Although there is no shortage of people who can use the skill of blocking to play very cool operations.

But most people still just hold a sword there to block the air.

But in the hands of Jian Wu Hong Yan smiled.

This skill seems to have the passive effect of an iron absorbing stone.

Almost every block of the other party is just when Liu wants to attack.

Moreover, the opponent will occasionally change his weapon to a giant sword when blocking.

Then, the shockwave generated by the block will stun his character in place.

On the last hand, Liu Mou insisted on operating if he did not believe in evil.

But he was numbed by Xiu's scalp.

And the reason why this can happen is that the other party's reaction speed is extremely fast.

Another point is that the other party has almost insight into most of his offensive thoughts!

Simply put, the strength and consciousness of the two people are not in the same dimension at all.

So Liu knows very well if he wants to win.

It is necessary to use unconventional methods!

Moreover, even with such a slightly shameless tactic, Liu's heart is still a little unconfident.

Soon, the cooldown period for the Colorless skill finally came to an end.

Liu was about to start throwing skills.

The footsteps stopped and prepared for a counterattack.

Right at this moment.

Jian Wu Hongyanxiao, who was originally more than a dozen steps away from him, suddenly raised the lightsaber in his hand.

The whole person was like a ray of light, with a roar like an angry dragon, as well as gorgeous light and shadow special effects, quickly approaching.

Liu only saw that the figure of the other party had drawn a long dragon in the ground of the duel arena.

Then his character was hit, and he froze on the spot and could not move.

Among all the classes in the dungeon, long-distance rapid breakthrough, one of the best skills!

Because the speed is too fast, even some Sword Soul veterans have no way to guarantee that their every slash can hit the opponent.

But Jian Wu Hong Yanxiao was hit again and again.

After a long period of stiffness, even if Liu pressed the keyboard, there was no way to move.

And the sword dance smiled, after the raptor broke off the air and finished fighting.

But he instantly picked up other skills, and it was still a combo like a flowing cloud.

After tricking Liu's body into crouching, he made another combo, and finally ended with the colorless skill Phantom Sword Dance.

Defeat Liu again with full blood!

And Liu began to choose the rogue tactics of delaying time.

It has long been despised by the players in the barrage.

But at this time, the results of the competition are still so ugly, and it is like stabbing a hornet's nest.

The continuous emitting of the barrage brush brush.

A one-sided attack on Liu was formed.

The boss of a certain fish live broadcast platform looked at these barrages, surprised and at the same time, he couldn't help but feel a little happy.

"I didn't expect Liu to be such a dish, it seems that it is only a matter of time before he is eliminated, after Liu is eliminated, he will definitely be able to return to the platform with those viewers in his live broadcast room!

At the beginning, the situation was indeed true, just like Yu Zong imagined.

After Liu and Jianwu Hongyan smiled and lost miserably.

The audience on the platform did come back.

But soon.

With Liu and Jian Wu Hong Yanxiao, the follow-up match.

Once again, the audience left.

This is true on day 1, it is true on day 2, and it is true on day 3.

All in all, as long as the popular star players have time to play.

The traffic of their live streaming platforms will be greatly reduced.

No matter how hard those female anchors try to scratch their heads.

There are constantly large numbers of spectators leaving.

And several live broadcast platforms can only watch this happen helplessly.

Can't even do anything.

I can only hope that after star anchors like Liu are eliminated.

The situation could be improved.

But the development of things is not like this,

even if Liu was eliminated in the official competition because his strength was really not strong.

I returned to the live broadcast room and resumed the live broadcast.

But those spectators who have left seem to have developed the habit of watching the game in just a few days.

Moreover, I like the new and dislike the old very much, and I like other players!

After that battle with Liu, it can be said that he attracted countless fans.

To put it mildly.

If Jian Wu Hong Yanxiao starts the live broadcast now, the popularity may not be as high as Liu and Du Xiaomei.

But absolutely, far more than some ordinary newcomers!

As long as the sword dance red smile can still maintain such a strong and crushing force.

His popularity will only increase, and

the audience is the most affectionate, but also the most ruthless.

Not to mention, no matter what the time, people tend to respect and value the strong more!

They also have their own characteristics and are loved by the audience.

But when the audience looked at their favorite anchor, they were simply defeated by other players in the competition.

Many viewers will pour their love into other stronger players.

There are even many anchors who have participated in the competition and have not played very well in the competition, resulting in their popularity being affected to a certain extent.

In the battle with Jian Wu Hong Yanxiao, Liu, who was killed two sets in a row and could almost be said to have no way to fight back, was one of them!

But to this.

Liu himself could not see the slightest regret.

Moreover, Liu not only did not want to play games again, as Yu Zong imagined.

On the contrary, after being eliminated, when the live broadcast was started on the second day, he directly began to practice hard in the duel field.

He even said on the same day that although he was eliminated this time, he would definitely participate in the next session of the world's first martial arts meeting.

And you must win a higher ranking than this one, and have a better performance than this one.

Although this competition, he did lose ugly.

However, in the competition, he felt the stimulation and passion that was not weaker than the previous "Legend" national battle!

But at this time, Yu Zong had no time and energy to care whether Liu hit him in the face.

The bosses of these live broadcast platforms have been completely

burned by the world's first martial arts association of the platinum company!

(Note: I will start trying it recently, and it will become two changes a day, but the number of chapters may be less, and I will work harder in the future, thank you for your support!)

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