Originally, the bosses of these live broadcast platforms were still more optimistic.

After all, the game has only just begun.

Except for a few players with their own popularity, most of the players are not popular.

The audience's attention will only be on those contestants who bring their own heat.

After watching those players' matches. You will return to the familiar places of the live broadcast platform.

But as the game progressed.

There are more and more players with distinctive characteristics and strong strength in front of the audience.

Maybe these players don't talk much and don't even laugh.

Not to mention the effect of being like those anchors.

But they just sat there, playing without saying a word, playing one amazing record after another, one brilliant operation after another.

The speed of attracting fans was faster by those anchors who tried their best to get popularity and popularity, I don't know how many times!

And with these strong players, there are more and more players.

It also allows more viewers to put more time and energy on the competition!

Almost every day when the game starts, a large number of spectators will run to the Dungeons and Warriors game client.

Star players like Sword Dance Red Smile start of the competition.

The live broadcast room of the dungeon and warrior client can even reach more than 20 million or even 30 million.

And that number is growing over time,

plus other players who are also not low.

Sketch it down.

Today, the daily audience of the Dungeon and Warrior Client match live broadcast room can easily exceed 60 million.

After all, Dungeons and Warriors originally had a lot of players.

As the competition progresses, more and more people are eliminated, and the quality of the competition is getting higher and higher.

Naturally, there will be many players, and they will also take time to watch the game between games.

And the number of 60 million, no matter which live broadcast platform, is very shocking

! The traffic sucked away by the dungeon and warrior matches is simply holding a needle as thick as a telephone pole, sucking blood in the arteries of these live broadcast platforms!

There are also many viewers who have not played this game before, because they watched the game first and liked this game.

The charm of Dungeons & Warriors is no need to doubt.

So these novice viewers.

Every day, in addition to watching the game, other entertainment time is almost used by them to dungeons and warriors.

Time is generally fair, with only 24 hours a day for each person.

In addition to sleeping, eating, and working, the rest of the entertainment time is only a few hours.

And when the audience spends all their entertainment time on the game.


order to retain viewers, they have tried all kinds of methods, including extending the time of the smile event.

It even forbids anchors such as Liu and Du Xiaomei to stop broadcasting during the Dungeon and Warriors match time.

I tried my best to bring back all the spectators who ran into the race.

But the effect is minimal.

Now in front of them, it seems that they can only watch the traffic of their own platform continue to pass.

Then I hope that after the end of this so-called world's first martial arts meeting.

That traffic can come back!

after all.

Now the official competition of the world's No. 1 martial arts association between dungeons and warriors, and the first round is almost over.

The audience has almost developed the habit of watching the game in the client.

Even if they regret it now, if they want to find a platinum game company to buy live streaming rights, it is not worth the loss.


Platinum Corporation at this time.

Chen Feng, leading Zhang Mengyao to sit next to his computer, pointed to a newly created folder on the computer.

said: "The next mobile game that your mobile game department will do is also a card drawing game!" As

soon as Zhang Mengyao heard this, her eyes immediately widened, and a little helplessness flashed on her face: "Do you still do card drawing mobile games? The current mobile game market is all card drawing mobile games, can there be a market

for another such game?" Chen Feng smiled: "How can I let you do the same game as before?"

Although this game is strictly a mobile card drawer, it definitely won't look like this at first glance.

And...... Believe me, this game will destroy all the mobile card drawing games on the market now!"

"So exaggerated?" Zhang Mengyao's eyes widened.

Chen Feng smiled and nodded: "It's so exaggerated!" Zhang

Mengyao and Chen Feng were discussing the next development of the mobile game department.

Today, the game Dungeons & Warriors is basically stable.

Subsequent version updates also no longer require as much manpower.

Although in Chen Feng's original plan, Luo Zhonghao and their end-game department will continue to develop and produce "Warcraft".

But with the current manpower of the end tour department, it is completely enough.

Therefore, the employees who borrowed from the mobile game department naturally need to be returned.

And the mobile game department, which has been idle for so long, naturally has to find something to do!

The most fundamental reason was that two days ago, when Chen Feng drew 10 times in a row.


game once became the foundation of a certain game manufacturer in the mobile game industry in its previous life.

For a long time, the revenue has been closely behind "Honor of Kings".

Although he is not a champion, he has also been the second oldest for a long time.

And the lifespan of the game is not short.

What's more, although it doesn't seem to be very similar.

But this mobile game is actually a card drawing game!

The core of the game has not changed much.

It is just enough to allow the mobile game department led by Zhang Mengyao to chase after the victory on the basis of the original "My Name is Mt".

And, with "My Name is Mt", a wave of card mobile games has been set off.

There are also many small and medium-sized game companies in Daxia that have transformed into card games.

After all, this kind of card mobile game does not require much technology and skill, and the investment is not large.

Just spend money to buy some IP that is popular enough, and then spend money to make the original art and model of the card.

Engage in a plausible storyline and you can sell it directly.

And it is precisely because these shoddy card mobile games are too easy to do, and too easy to make money, not much loss.

Therefore, now the entire domestic mobile game market in Daxia, as well as those game companies that specialize in mobile games.

It can be described in two words, that is, black smoke miasma, not enterprising.

This is also enough to prove it.

In fact, the game circle environment does not have much to do with domestic and foreign, this world, that world.

There is only one that really affects the environment of the game circle, that is: capital!

There was a man named Toh Jo Denin, who had written in The Trade Unions and the Strike.

"Once there is a proper profit, capital is emboldened.

If there is a 10% profit, it is guaranteed to be used everywhere.

With 20% profit, it comes alive.

With a 50% profit, it takes a risk.

For the sake of 100% profit, it dares to trample on all human laws.

With a 300% profit, it dares to commit any crime, even risking hanging.

If turmoil and strife bring profits, it encourages it. Smuggling and the slave trade are proof of this.

And now, what happened in the mobile game market of the Daxia Kingdom is undoubtedly proof of this sentence.

Therefore, in Chen Feng's opinion, it is also time to launch this game, which can defeat other card-drawing mobile games with invincible quality!

After listening to Chen Feng's words, although Zhang Mengyao still felt a little bottomless in her heart, she finally chose to believe it.

Looking at the folder called "Onmyoji", he nodded: "Okay, I'll go to a meeting with them later!" As

soon as the words fell, suddenly, Zhang Mengyao's mobile phone rang.

She connected the phone, and after answering a few times, she suddenly looked at Chen Feng a little strangely: "Someone wants to sponsor the offline final of our "Dungeons and Warriors" world's first martial arts association!"

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