(The numbers in the previous chapter were calculated by the author himself, so something went wrong, and all the phones added up should be 9 billion on the surface.) )


To say how popular "Onmyoji" was at that time.

Whether it is at its peak, billions of revenue a year.

It is still so long that Chen Feng's operation and planning in his previous life can still last for several years.

are not enough to be clear and clear, let the human body feel.

But there is a point that can fully interpret the popularity of "Onmyoji" at that time.

That is, at the time of Onmyoji, the release of this game.

Chen Feng's domestic mobile game market in his previous life was almost filled with a variety of shoddy card games.

It's worse than today's parallel world market.

More importantly, the big head of the mobile game market has long been shrouded in "Honor of Kings", a behemoth that has lasted for countless years and is always at the top of the list!

Yes, in Chen Feng's previous life, "Yin-Yang Master" can almost be regarded as the peak of "Glory of Kings".

But even in the face of "Glory of Kings", the pressure is huge.

"Onmyoji", this game is still a passing game, and has repeatedly won the first place in the sales list.

It can be called a phenomenal product.

On major video websites, even the simple card drawing video of "Onmyoji" has an abnormally high number of clicks and views.

If it weren't for various mistakes in follow-up planning and operation, "Onmyoji", this game would definitely be able to last longer.

At least until "Genshin" appears, it may come to an end.

And this is Chen Feng's past life.

In this parallel world, let alone the two behemoths of "Glory of Kings" and "Genshin".

Today's entire mobile game market, the highest quality, the most fun mobile games.

Platinum's "My Name is Mt" launched two years ago may still be able to rank first!

With this alone, you can almost judge how "Onmyoji" will kill in this world's mobile game market!


The day the game is released.

In just 8 hours, the number of registrations for the game had reached a full 20 million.

And the number is increasing rapidly.

Chen Feng's previous life of those large game companies, especially the leading few, why did they obviously have technology and funds but did not do large-scale single-player games and large-scale online games.

Instead, they all plunged headlong into the strange circle of mobile games.

One of the biggest reasons is because of the market!

The same is true in today's parallel world.

The market for VR games is limited by the high price of VR games.

So when computer games with lower thresholds appear, they will naturally quickly form a larger market.

But computer games also have a downside.

It's just not portable enough!

No matter how thin and light the computer is, the screen is absolutely impossible to shrink too small.

That whole row of keyboards also requires a lot of space.

Not to mention, most of the operation of computer games also requires a mouse.

But mobile phones are different.

Almost everyone can easily carry their phone in their pocket.

When you want to take it out, take it out and look at it, and put it on your body when you don't want to take it out, you won't feel burdensome at all.

So the market for mobile games is definitely bigger!

And more importantly, in the mobile game market, the proportion of female gamers will also increase significantly!

In this parallel world, female gamers are not paid much attention.

But Chen Feng, who has crossed over, knows that once female players like a certain game.

Spending money on top-ups in the game is sometimes even crisper and crazier than male players!

And more importantly, female gamers are inherently attractive to male gamers.

In the beginning, most players didn't think that "Onmyoji" was going to be so fun.

Many people think that this is just another card mobile game.

There are even many people who just want to download it to see what this game looks like to play games and send mobile phones.

And how should the mobile phone in the game be obtained.

But the quality of Onmyoji's game naturally doesn't need to be said.

Whether it is character modeling or character plot, compared to other card mobile games, it is completely crushed.

What's more, Onmyoji keeps the card game easy and simple to operate.

The battle scenes and the entire screen action are extremely exquisite.

This version produced by Platinum is not even much worse than computer games.

This is also why, there will be insufficient performance of mobile phones before.

A very prominent feature of mobile games is that it is instant to play, and to turn off and go.

Open it when you want to play, close it when you don't want to play, and leave.

Therefore, mobile games must not force players to increase their game time in terms of game content.

This point, the "Onmyoji" in the previous life, did very badly.

As a mobile game, most players spend almost 3~4 hours a day in the game.

Sometimes what activities are started are longer.

But because the operation is too simple, it is a little boring, and it is impossible to concentrate on fighting.

At the beginning, you can also look at the beautiful graphics, as well as the action effects of the character modeling.

But this will always get tired of it.

So in the previous life, the overall evaluation of "Onmyoji" was actually not very good.

Most players' impression of this game is that it is liver and krypton.

Chen Feng, on the other hand, has made sufficient improvements to this point.

Reduces the amount of time players need to spend in the game.

Try to improve the gaming experience for your players.

A feature has also been added.

Cloud storage.

Because of the configuration of mobile phones, it is basically impossible to make such a large mobile game permanent in the background in this world.

However, once the player is halfway through the game, if something must be quit, a certain part of the game will be lost.

For example, if a copy quits the game halfway through, the next time you enter the game, the copy may have to be played again.

In Chen Feng's previous life, this problem was basically not solved.

But in this world, the network speed is undoubtedly very fast.

This cloud storage can completely save all the player's game progress in the cloud.

The duration is up to a full 24 hours.

And it basically doesn't cost much.

Let the player's gaming experience be further enhanced.

However, these things are also very friendly to players.

But for most players, their biggest concern is the in-game mobile giveaway.

And, "Onmyoji", this game is the most acclaimed, but also the most meme, the most loved and hated by players!

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