"Crazy, huh? Is this really a card game?

An Xiaoya looked at the picture of "Onmyoji" on her mobile phone.

His eyes widened, and his face was full of incredulity.

An Xiaoya is a female college student who is very fond of manga and anime.

I've never touched a game before.

A year ago, An Xiaoya, an anime that she liked very much, was bought the copyright by a small game company, and then made into a card game.

Because An Xiaoya likes many characters in this anime too much.

So as soon as the game went online, it was downloaded directly.

As a result, An Xiaoya's manga and anime house gradually began to transform into a manga and anime game house.

Although An Xiaoya has not been in contact with the game for a long time, her ability to appreciate the game has improved very quickly.

The first card game she played, after only three months, felt that she couldn't play it.

After all, it's just a small company that buys products made of shoddy IP.

The gameplay is completely copied from "My Name is Mt", but the game's data is simply not perfect.

There are also frequent bugs that go unfixed for a long time.

The content of the game is also quite repetitive.

At the beginning, the original drawing of the card characters was still conscientious, enough to block the mouth of a diehard fan like An Xiaoya.

But later, it became more and more distracted.

Each version update of the entire game is an unlimited launch event, constantly using various methods to attract players to top up.

Although An Xiaoya liked the anime very much, she finally decided to give up the game.

Fortunately, in the past two years, there have been many card game houses in the Great Xia Kingdom.

An Xiaoya quickly found another replacement.

But it was still like that, and it didn't take long to give up.

In this year, An Xiaoya's peak was playing three card games at the same time.

Almost every day in the game, and such crazy behavior has also made An Xiaoya more and more aware of the game, and at the same time more and more picky.

After playing almost the 10 best-rated anime card mobile games in the Great Xia Kingdom.

An Xiaoya finally found "My Name is Mt", the legendary originator of the mobile phone card game of the Great Xia Kingdom!

In fact, An Xiaoya had watched the anime back then, but she was not very interested in this "My Name is Mt", which is called the light of domestic animation.

Naturally, I don't like it.

That's why I'm going to focus on My Name is MT after trying a lot of games.

Originally, An Xiaoya did not have much expectations.

But after the download is complete, get started.

She was surprised to find out.

Although this mobile game of the same name is already a product more than two years ago.

But it is not much worse than other mobile games, and the main thing is that it is very balanced, very stable, and does not have so much rhythm.

And the official does not force players to pay krypton gold, let alone force players to spend too much time in the game.

As a result, on the contrary, this earliest old game has become An Xiaoya, the longest played game.

At the same time, it also let An Xiaoya know the name of Platinum Game Company.

And after comparison, the game company is very recognized.

It is precisely because of this that An Xiaoya will download the game "Onmyoji" for the first time.

If we say that "Onmyoji" was released, it was another game company.

An Xiaoya must not look at it more.

After all, from the beginning, the games she chose were all based on the anime and manga she had watched.

But the name "Onmyoji" is completely the first time in this world!

There is no IP bonus at all, which is why those small game companies believe that "Onmyoji" may not be too successful.

But in reality, these little game companies got one thing wrong.

IP is not actually necessary for a game.

Even if this game is just the simplest card mobile game.

In fact, relying on the fame of the IP to attract players, you can basically determine that the quality of this game will not be too high.

Because really fun games, you can become the biggest IP by virtue of the game itself!

The reason why Chen Feng first made an anime, made a name for himself, and released games.

It is completely because of his lack of publicity ability, and his own company is not so famous.

But now, it's completely different!

Today, the publicity ability of the platinum company, and the reputation of the player community.

It is enough for An Xiaoya, a player who has never played before and does not have his favorite anime characters.

Download Onmyoji completely voluntary.

Originally, An Xiaoya's expectations for "Yin-Yang Master" were already very high.

After all, this is the latest card mobile game released by Platinum Game Company, which has accumulated for more than two years.

And at the beginning of the release, so much publicity was carried out, and even hundreds of millions of mobile phones were given away for nothing.

It is enough to see how optimistic Platinum Games is about this game.

However, when An Xiaoya downloaded the game to her mobile phone and registered to officially enter.

Only to find out that she still underestimated this platinum latest card mobile game!

Where is this still a card mobile game?

This pure 3D, extremely detailed character modeling, almost impeccable quality of voice acting.

The moving background music and the overall scene design of the game, as well as each character, are very well-dressed and beautifully dressed.

All of this is something that An Xiaoya has never seen on other card mobile games!

Just entered the game, An Xiaoya was already stunned.

At this moment, she even felt that she was not playing a card mobile game.

It's about watching a well-made anime.

And it can be operated by itself!

She followed the game's beginner's tutorial and familiarized herself with the various operations in the game.

Soon came the combat link.

The open battle scene and gorgeous character skills once again made An Xiaoya directly dumbfounded.

"This skill special effect... Is this thing really a card mobile game? An

Xiaoya really couldn't help it, and compared the scene in her mobile phone with those card mobile games she had played before.

In the past two years, the best card mobile game has been done at most in the skill special effects.

But at most, it can only be regarded as 5 Mao special effects.

But after all, it is a mobile game, and most of the players are not more real, and even praise that game.

But now, "Onmyoji", everything in this game, is almost completely on par with anime CG!

If nothing else, the quality of the various models and special effects that can be clearly seen with the naked eye alone.

"Onmyoji" can play all the card mobile games that An Xiaoya has played.

It's all in seconds!

After passing the beginner's tutorial, An Xiaoya has fully immersed herself in the game.

As a veteran who has played many card mobile games.

An Xiaoya quickly mastered all the gameplay of "Onmyoji".

But then, An Xiaoya did not upgrade with the pace of the game step by step like other players.

Then claim the reward, and even the uproar before the launch of the mobile phone collection activity did not pay attention.

I directly opened the card drawing interface in the game non-stop.

As a veteran player of card mobile games, An Xiaoya knows very well that in the early stage of the game, if there is a card whose quality far exceeds that of ordinary characters.

How helpful will it be for the overall progress and experience of the game!

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