Game Development Mad God

Vol 10 Chapter 1215: Chinese Parents (3)

After Lin Yan has designed the main body of the game, the next step is to fill in the details of the game, and these details are very important in the game.

They are a determinant of whether this game is fun or not that will concern the player.

In the game "Chinese Parents", Lin Yan integrated the plot in this game with the real situation.

In each plot, there will be choices that are unique to this era, and players can freely choose the options according to themselves.

Of course, different options have different effects on players, and the attributes added to players are different.

In each plot, the player has a certain physical strength limit. When the physical strength is exhausted, it means that the player has completed the plot and entered the next plot.

Physical strength will be related to the player's upper limit of actions in a certain plot, and actions in the plot will consume the player's physical strength.

When the physical strength is exhausted, the player can no longer perform other actions in this plot.

This also means that the player's actions in a certain plot are limited, and the various attribute bonuses that the player can obtain are also limited.

This requires players to purposefully obtain attribute bonuses and skills according to the planning of this generation of characters. After all, physical strength is not unlimited, and the things that characters can do are very limited.

The acquisition of skills can only be specific in a certain plot. In other plots, players cannot obtain them. After passing this village, there will be no such shop.

This requires players to perform some simple calculations on their physical strength in the game to avoid situations where the physical strength does not meet their expectations.

The limitation of physical strength is a restriction made by Lin Yan to players in the game, to prevent players from frantically brushing pictures in a certain plot.

After all, when there is no physical limit, the player can make all the skills in the plot of the game, the goodwill of women and other attributes, will be fully used by the player.

Although the probability of proposing a girl's favorability to 100% is still only 80%, this situation is a devastating blow to this game.

In this way, the development of the plot in the game will become very slow, and the behavior of full attribute will be quickly brought up in the player group.

After all, when other players use this method to make themselves perfect for character construction, they will also be envious.

Full of attributes, various skills, all girls have a 100% favorability, so that a perfect life will appear.

Slowly, it will lead to the behavior of brushing attributes, which will be used by more and more players, who does not desire a perfect life.

When this method becomes widespread, the player's gaming experience will become extremely poor, and at the same time, the player's evaluation of the game "Chinese Parents" will also become very bad.

After all, this game requires only a certain amount of time and patience from the player.

In this case, Lin Yan is not allowed to appear in the game he invented.

In order to avoid this situation, Lin Yan initially conceived several methods.

However, after comparison, I finally felt that the method of stamina is the best method at present.

It can effectively control the player's behavior in a certain plot, and at the same time it can effectively promote the development of the plot, avoiding the emergence of invincible brush graphics, why not do it.

After completing the design of the physical strength mechanism in the game, Lin Yan next plans to design the game, the character's attribute issues and various skills, specialties and other settings.

These mechanisms can be said to be the most interesting existence in the game "Chinese Parents", and these attributes will affect the player's game direction in later games.

Regarding the attributes of the character, Lin Yan plans to design the attributes of intelligence, emotional intelligence, imagination, memory, endurance, charm, and comprehension.

And these attributes can be obtained by the player through the brain-digging event in the game.

In addition to digging in the brain, the way players can obtain attributes is only to increase at the end of the plot.

After each round of the plot is over, the decision made by the player in this plot is used to assess how many attributes are added to the character controlled by the player.

In addition to these attributes, the character will also have a talent mechanism, and its classification is the same as the attribute, and the classification of the attribute has these classifications.

However, the biggest difference between talents and attributes is that attributes are just a bonus to the current generation of characters, while talents can be passed on from generation to generation.

At the same time, the way to obtain the talent value is much more difficult than the attribute value, and the upper limit of the talent value is also incomparable with the attribute value.

It is possible to go to a character to the end, and its intelligence reaches a value of 5000, but his natural intelligence may only look like a dozen points.

Moreover, in the game, Lin Yan sets relatively few methods for players to obtain talent points.

At the same time, these methods will not appear in front of the player, most of the methods are random events.

Players need to trigger a certain point of the mechanism before they can get the bonus of these talent points.

And the talent value accumulated by the players fortunately will not disappear.

The next generation can perfectly inherit the talent value of the previous generation, making its various attributes have innate advantages.

For the role, it is a great help, and at the same time, there are also requirements for talent in the profession.

If the talent value cannot be reached, it will also be impossible to obtain this profession.

However, the calculation of the talent value in the game is not entirely determined by the talent value inherited from the previous generation.

Among them, the contemporary talent value is to use the correlation coefficient in this generation of games to obtain the final talent value.

A large part of the contemporary talent value is inherited from the previous generation's talent value, plus a little talent value obtained by this generation, which is the talent value base.

The attributes of intelligence, emotional intelligence, imagination, memory, etc., players can obtain the values ​​of these attributes by digging their brains.

The mechanism of digging brain holes can be said to be the simplest way for players to obtain various attributes. At the same time, digging into the brain holes allows players to have all attribute values.

However, brain digging also has physical limitations to prevent players from using the digging hole to obtain a large number of attribute values.

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