Game Development Mad God

Vol 10 Chapter 1216: Chinese Parents (4)

As for the brain-digging rules, they are similar to the way the flag flops, but there is a limit to the number of turns.

First of all, there are 100 small grids in a 10*10 chart, and on these small grids, there are a card.

And on these cards, they all represent increasing the attributes and the number of attributes, as well as some functional cards.

Lin Yan didn't plan to make extra design for the cards with added attributes, so he could directly design the cards to increase the attributes, and set the number of additions.

As for the function cards, Lin Yan needs to make more detailed classification.

And the function of these function cards will play a great role in the brain-digging mechanism, which can help players get the most benefits in the brain-digging.

After all, Lin Yan set 50 points of stamina for the stamina in the brain-digging hole.

Every time a player flips up a card, it consumes a little bit of physical strength, and on the drawing in the 10*10 format, there are a full 100 cards.

Among these cards, there will be cards with different functions, and the gains for players are different.

The player's stamina value is only fifty, and the number of cards that can be turned is only half. It is more difficult to turn to the card you want.

For players, the role of function cards is more important.

Lin Yan's settings for function cards are divided into functions such as restoring stamina, lighting up all cards, and so on.

In the function card, the two functions of restoring physical strength and illuminating the whole picture are the main functions.

The most useful function card for recovering physical strength is naturally a certain physical strength value of the player that can be restored, and there is no definite value for the amount of physical strength restored, and it is random within a range.

The function of lighting is that the player can see the function of all the cards in a short time, including those cards that have not been turned over by themselves.

The functions of these two cards are the two most helpful functions for players in digging their brains.

In addition to digging brains to obtain attributes, players can only settle through rounds to obtain certain attribute values.

The added attributes of plot settlement are more than brain-digging, such as: girls’ favorability... plot settlement is often determined by the player’s performance.

For example: In a certain plot, the player spends most of his physical strength on things like courting girls and talent shows.

Then, when the plot is settled, the two attributes of the charm value and the girl’s favorability will definitely be the attributes that increase the most.

And if, in this scenario, the player continues to buy exercises by studying exercises and working to earn money, then the attributes added at the end must be high in bonuses such as memory and intelligence.

As for the charm value, the receipt of the girl’s favorability is definitely 0.

After all, the attribute value added by the plot settlement is determined based on the player's performance in the plot.

In the plot, the player is a nerd who reads only sage books, has not participated in any group activities, and has not even talked with the girls.

Then, maybe this role can be admitted to a good university, a better career, but girls’ goodwill and charm value will appear to be nothing.

In the subsequent marriage proposal, this role will be more difficult, and there is a high probability that the proposal will fail, and then the system will control a random girl to get married.

The failure of a marriage proposal is definitely something to be expected. After all, a 100% favorability does not guarantee that the proposal will be successful, and the success rate of the proposal will only be 80%.

Then, with a good impression of more than ten percent, it can be said that there is no chance of a successful marriage proposal.

When the proposal fails, the player will be assigned a girl by the system to marry the character, and the children born in this way, that is, the next generation, will have no special bonus.

The women in the marriage proposal list, after the player successfully confessed, the child born will inherit part of his mother's talent.

In terms of the talent for the purpose of the next generation, it is the best choice to marry and have children with the women in the marriage proposal list, after all, there is a bonus.

The reason for Lin Yan's design is that for the basic talents of the next generation, players must spend a certain amount of physical strength in each plot to brush up the favorability of women.

Only in this way can the next generation of purpose talents maintain a growing trend.

In this way, players who are determined to read only the sages and sages and aim to be admitted to Tsinghua University and Peking University will have a lot more difficulty in entering such a prestigious college in the college entrance examination.

After all, such a prestigious college can not be promoted by hard work.

In the plot, after the player makes a choice, they can obtain not only attribute points, but also additional skills. These skills will directly affect the character's professional problems in the later stage.

For example: the talent of economic ability.

In the game, players who want to obtain this talent tree need to purchase a piggy bank before they can unlock this economically tiring skill.

Lin Yan designed a relatively simple and rude way of acquiring economic skills.

As long as the player has accumulated enough game coins before the college entrance examination, he can obtain the corresponding skills.

And in this talent, value investment is the most advanced skill, value investment is related to the professional skills of whether to become the richest man.

The profession of the richest man can be said to be the profession that will give the next generation the most pocket money among these professions.

In the game, players want to obtain game currency, in addition to pocket money, they can also obtain certain game currency through part-time work and new year's money.

And part-time work is not an activity that the player can perform at the beginning, but an action that the player can perform only after a certain plot.

Lin Yan's approach to the act of starting part-time work is that when the player receives the new year's money, he can start the part-time work behavior.

The activity of part-time work also consumes a certain amount of physical strength of the player in the game plot. After the player's physical strength is exhausted, he can only go to the next plot in the game.

As for the game currency obtained by part-time work, it is different in different plots, and the work performed by part-time job is also different in different plots.

After all, different plots mean that the age of the character is different, and the jobs faced by different ages will also be different. This is very close to reality.

When the player just started part-time work, they often had to go back to relatives and friends to do some simple work.

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