Game Development Mad God

Vol 10 Chapter 1: 53 This is a world


At this time, Su Xi had already started to do facial care work, and he waited until ten o'clock to complete the care and go to bed.

Today, however, she stayed in front of the computer, holding the mouse in her slender hand, letting the radiation from the display ruin her delicate face.

According to Su Xi's current boss-today this time will be included in the history of game development.

"Lin Yan doesn't seem to like to speak big words. Since he said that, he must have his reason."

With the trust in Lin Yan, Su Xi forcibly reversed his old habits.

In her live broadcast room, countless melon-eating fans shouted like Columbus discovered the New World.

"Wow! What happened to the goddess today? It's already eight o'clock! I'm not even ready to sleep well!"

"What game does Goddess Su play? The background music is so scary!"

"My family Weixi looks so handsome when he is serious! Hey..."

""Magic Century"?! I received the qualification for the closed beta before. In order to watch the daily maintenance of the goddess before going to bed, I didn't start the game. Does the closed beta start now? Then I will go play the game!"

"I also want to play games with the goddess!"

Su Xi was very indifferent to the barrage and rewards sent by the little fans.

She doesn't have high requirements for material life, and she doesn't care much about money. Even if she doesn't open the live broadcast, just taking the minimum salary from the Burning Company is enough to make her a very comfortable life.

At exactly eight o'clock, the "Create Character" button changed from flat gray to red and white full of texture.

Create roles.

Race, undead.

Game ID-"The Forgotten".

"After getting rid of the tyrant rule of the Lich King, this group of apostasy undead managed to retain their free will and destroy everything that dared to be their enemies."

"They are called the Forsaken, and they are loyal to their leader: the Banshee King Sylvanas Windrunner."

"These dark warriors built a secret castle under the ruins of the original capital of Lordaeron. The undercity like a maze is located deep underground in the Tirisfal Glades, where all kinds of evil converge... "

"In this darkened transition, the royal pharmacists of Sevanas are developing a new devastating plague-the goal of this plague will not only completely eliminate the forces of undead natural disasters they hate, but also eliminate All humans."

"For their further dark purposes, the Forsaken have formed alliances with those simple and brutal races."

"For the new allies, the Forsaken will not have true loyalty. Their purpose is to trend other races of the tribe against their common enemy-the Lich King. No one knows the road to revenge for these dead followers. Where will it go."

After seeing the detailed introduction of this kind of family, Su Xi was slightly taken aback, and immediately smiled.

It's really fate.

For a few seconds, she almost thought that this race was specially designed for her by Lin Yan.

Such a smile made the little fans in the live broadcast room who had been eclipsed by the gloomy face and BGM of the undead race forget their fears and fears, and each of them was fascinated by happiness, and rushed to reward them.

"Racial Talent: Will of the Forsaken, Touch of Sorrow, Shadow Resistance..."

Game loading...

Loading is complete!

Tirisfal Glades, Deathstroke Town ushered in a "newborn" undead assassin.

Su Xi quickly adapted to the basic operation methods of "Magic City", even if she had 3D vertigo, she quickly adjusted the game mode that suits her best.

"Very user-friendly perspective switching settings."

"The operation feels good. It is not recommended to skip the task dialogue. The details here are very interesting..."

"There are a lot of online players now, and it's hard to get the task blame."

"A game with strong authenticity, everyone has seen it. It is just three ordinary monsters, so we have to run the corpse to resurrect..."

At the beginning, Su Xi would occasionally say two objective and fair evaluations every few minutes, expressing to the fans in the live broadcast room that he had not forgotten their existence.

But as she gradually learned more about "Magic City", she stopped talking.

no need.

This can hardly be regarded as a pure online game.

The magnificent world view, the exquisite people, the unique topography...

This is just like a real world!

Fans in the live broadcast room, this time also follow Su Xi to swim in the magic city.

Time seemed to have lost its meaning suddenly. When Su Xi came back to his senses, he found that the shortest hand on the clock had been aligned with the number "1".

In fact, if it hadn't been for the intervention of the mobile phone text message ringtone, I am afraid she would come back to her senses, it was already dawn.

This text message comes from Lin Yan, Su Xi’s immediate boss:

"Tell me secretly, you are still online. The Magic City Century is not something you can explore in a day, a month, or a year."

"Go to bed early! Girls will become ugly if they stay up late~"

The corners of Su Xi's lips rose slightly, and a clean smile appeared on her face, thinking in her heart-this guy really doesn't care about people. When another girl hears this, I am afraid that he will directly lower his favorability.

She is asexual, she has no love needs, but it seems good to have a friend like Lin Yan.

"Be careful of those who are alive..."

"Remember, I am the forgotten."

These two WOW lines sounded in Su Xi's mind, and she calmly turned off the computer.

Lin Yan was the first person to know Su Xi's secret, and will be the last.


"Madu Century Hot Beta!" Foreign server players accounted for 60% of the total online users! 》

"Interview with President Burning Sky"

"Lin Yan: This is not a simple game, this is a world! 》

The major news media in the East, whether on newspapers or on,, or Meager, are all dominated by news from "Madu Century".

Many players who have experienced this game praised it, as if it had surpassed MH.

In particular, the authenticity, historical heaviness and many detailed settings of "Madu Century" have been talked about by numerous players and netizens.

"The imperial double platinum online game masterpiece?"

Jingxiu GOOOGLE had a few game pictures and promotional videos of Magic City Century, and he couldn't help but sneered, showing a touch of disdain.

But so.

Dianka online games want to have dual platinum honor ratings, but it is not as simple as a stand-alone game.

Although he believes that these so-called players and netizens who tout "Magic City" are all navy forces invited by Lin Yan with money, Jing Xiu adheres to the principle of "no investigation, no right to speak" and download and install Magic City .

Double-clicking the simple "W" icon with a golden rim and blue background with the mouse, Jing Xiu remembered the exaggerated news reports in the newspaper, and his eyes were full of contempt.

"Is it a world?"

"Nonsense!", ...

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