Game Development Mad God

Vol 10 Chapter 1: 54 war season, open the skylight

OKX Building, 26th floor.

The sun's rays came in through the dark windows and shone on the old sofa that looked trembling.

These are Beiyin's dark steel bulletproof glass windows and Amazon crocodile leather sofas. The reason they are so dilapidated is because they have a sloppy owner.

In the past, Jingxiu had a serious habit of cleanliness, and he absolutely did not allow the surrounding environment to become dirty, but now the so-called "cleanliness habit" has long been left behind.

"It's not comparable, how can it be compared to..."

Staring blankly at the display screen on the desk, Jing Xiu kept muttering.

"Devil Capital Century", when Burning Sky Company just had an internal beta half a month ago, it declared to the outside world that it was a real and complete world.

At that time, Jing Xiu regarded these news as a means of propaganda and dismissed it.

In other words, he doesn't care about these at all.

The "Koryo Mainland" developed by the headquarters of VB Entertainment has spent countless manpower and material resources for four years. It is very well done in terms of worldview, personality, and game details. Jingxiu stands from the perspective of a game reviewer. Look, he doesn't think there is any game that can crush this game in quality.

At the time, when I saw the screenshots of "The Devil's Century", Jing Xiu felt that it was nothing.

Under the condition of equal quality, he believes that OKX's fan group and propaganda methods can definitely overwhelm Lin Yan.

However, after Jing Xiu really started playing WOW, he soon realized that this game is not on the same level as the new VB game "Koryo Mainland"!

Even, the more thoroughly he played "Mad City Century", the more Jing Xiu realized that comparing the Korean mainland with "Mad City Century" was a shame.

Music, graphics, gameplay, player interaction, worldview...

In all aspects, they are completely inferior to others!

From the perspective of a game reviewer, Jing Xiu gave herself an objective and fair evaluation, and plunged herself into the quagmire of despair.

He is different from the remaining shareholders of OKX, who have lost all of them. He knows the truth of "knowing yourself and the enemy".

After in-depth study of "The Devil's Century", Jing Xiu can already foresee his failure.

The only thing that supported him and kept him from falling down immediately was the idea of ​​not admitting defeat.

It is impossible for a game to have BUG and flaws. Jingxiu wants to find the fatal flaw of "Magic City".

Experience the content of the game with the attitude of picking the bones in the egg, and the energy he invested in "Magic Century" is no less than any player.

On the first day, with nothing, Jing Xiu took too much "leaf" and crashed directly, lying down until four o'clock in the morning, only to recover a little mobility.

The next day, Jing Xiu still didn't find the BUG and shortcomings he wanted to see, so he crushed two horse bones. The white smoke and red powder, like atomized milk and blood, was sucked into his lungs.

On the third day, Jing Xiu realized that such abuse of DRUG would lead to serious consequences, so he turned his attention to "Magic Century" and couldn't get out of it.

On the fourth day, he almost thought he had given up drug addiction.

On the fifth day, at dawn, Jing Xiu felt extremely tired, but could not sleep, was depressed, and his heart throbbed like a broken windmill. For a moment, he almost thought he was dead.

After rushing to grind a few "little meats" into powder, smoke them with a curling pot, and then smoke two more heroins, the king of poison...

The pain of arrhythmia disappeared, the tension disappeared, and the fear disappeared.

The world suddenly became better, and all the difficulties were easily solved. Lin Yan is just a scum that is not worth mentioning. No one in the world is his Jingxiu's opponent!

Confidently, he once again plunged into the confrontation between him and "Magic City".

He firmly believes that he will win, and the game "Magic Capital" will eventually be stuffed into the trash can by him and become the dust of history, completely forgotten by people.

In Jingxiu's perception, time was split.

It seemed that it was just a blink of an eye, and more than ten days had passed.

In the computer, the war music of the Magic City reverberated in my ears.

The melody of "seasons-of-war" is heavy and depressing, which contains the soldiers' thirst for blood.

The season of war seems to have come, the enemy is extremely powerful, but Jing Xiu does not have the spirit of the orcs to fight to the end.

He also longed to be a warrior whose hands were chopped off, and he was able to pounce on the enemy's throat with his teeth!

The spirit, will, and body have all been distorted and inhuman.

He stayed on this floor for half a month, under the care of the company's employees, clothes came to stretch out his hands for food and opened his mouth, eating and drinking Lazarus all settled here, and he was sloppy.

Jing Xiu watched the game character on the screen be besieged by a group of mobs again, and a strange smile appeared on his face.

"Lin Yan...Lin Yan!"

Enduring the scorching pain of jealousy, Jing Xiu walked to the bathroom step by step.

In the bathroom, the sharp needle tip shone with a faint cold light under the illumination of the fluorescent lamp.

Jing Xiu pulled out his trousers a bit, and pointed the needle at his abdomen and stuck it in.

Jing Xiu, who has always adopted "Live exquisitely" as his life motto, after a career frustration and mental breakdown, but in despair, let go of trying things that he didn't dare to experiment in the past.

After being refreshed, Jing Xiu noticed:

The sofa was full of greasy stains, and the windows were smoky and dull.

He looked in the mirror and found that his face was stubble at the moment, his eyes were bloodshot, and he was like a vampire with thirst.

The appearance of the sickly ghost frightened him.

Jing Xiu took out all the powder, tablets and crystals in the drawer with a lingering fear, crushed them into the water, and poured them into the potting soil on the table. This was a sigh of relief.


The door of the office was suddenly kicked open. ,, ..

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