Game Development Mad God

Vol 10 Chapter 183: Longevity! Nobel nominated!

4.96 billion seventy-five million dollars.

The sum of the donations from all over the world shows that the heartbeat of the people watching is quickened, the breathing is short, and the eyes are red.

Li Ling fainted.

Lin Yan is not a cold machine without any emotions, and will naturally shake.

After clenching his fists and taking a few deep breaths, he adjusted himself a cup of Sprite and burned a knife.

Opening the window, fresh air rushed forward, and Lin Yan felt the restlessness of his body calm down a little.

On the horizon, the fiery red sunset quietly kissed the horizon, staring at it with a heartbreaking beauty.

Drinking the liquid in the cup, the refreshing sweetness and hot pungency spread all over the body with the carbonated bubbles, as if making every corner of the body clean.

In the blink of an eye, Lin Yan completely shattered and suppressed all the dark and dirty thoughts.

A gentleman loves money and takes it.

Although Lin Yan didn't think he was a gentleman, he didn't bother to do shameless behaviors of embezzling donations.

He can be brazen and unscrupulous, but in some respects, he still has a clearly visible bottom line.

Lin Yan intends to use the amount in the prize pool to build a foundation. The relevant operators don't need to be so amazing, as long as the relevant staff are conservative and stable, and don't ask for merit but never fail.

Every year today, he takes a part from the foundation and awards it to the winners as the [Lin Yan Peace Prize] to encourage him. That's why.

Lin Yan's actions only caused an uproar when the sun was overcast.

Open, and the headline news in the recommended area of ​​the round chart is-"Lin Yan Peace Prize? Is the conscience of capitalists credible? 》

Lin Yan could tell at a glance, this editor is obviously a black fan.

This person tried to stand from the perspective of an outsider and analyzed the matter with an objective attitude. His tone was cold and pessimistic, making people unconsciously want to oppose his views.

In fact, the purpose of this editor has been achieved.

"Bah! Funny little editor! Can this thing be faked?"

"Upstairs is too naive, don't cheat too much of the charity fund! But Lin Yan is not a capitalist, right? He gave me the feeling that it is pure and clean..."

"Fentian Company is so merciless! Lin Yan directly cut off the possibility of doing hands and feet for himself and the internal staff, and the whole donation process is transparent. Every donation can be seen on the official website of Fentian. , Who's claws!"

"Indeed, the account of every donation can be checked. If you find that it has been corrupted, you can confirm it immediately after a phone call..."

"Crazy burning sky! Great love Lin Yan! QAQ!"

"Every day at work and off work, at two o'clock and one line, I'm almost out of touch with the outside world. After playing "My War", I learned that the Pakistani Railways are now in dire straits..."

"The Ganges Federation! It's too wretched, it will only stab a knife secretly!"

"The Chaoyue Country who sponsored the rebels is not a good thing. In the future, if I touch the works of VB company, my Husky will explode and spiral into the sky immediately!"

"+1, I swear by the tail of my master cat! Boycott Korean products!"

On the official website of Burning Sky...

In the meager...

On the headlines of major news media...

Lin Yan had an illusion that the whole world was reporting this incident.

There are many capitalists in the East, and there are indeed many people with more money than Lin Yan. It can even be said that the sea is gone.

But no one did it like him.

Because this is "too stupid".

If you don't do it well, you will lose everything.

If you do a good job, you will be secretly slandered by countless people with red-eye attacks.

To make money, it is obviously better to invest, and the risk is lower. You don’t have to be condemned by your conscience for embezzling a little money, and you have to worry about being exposed.

To earn fame, donate directly to the charitable foundations of your partners, which is both "money saving" and efficient.

Such a large amount of donation, in exchange for an individual, I am afraid that it is not only a thought, but also a trick on the accounts.

Nearly 5 billion of money, Lin Yan directly smashed it out, enough to make anyone in the world moved!

Not for fame or fortune, not for beauty, not for pleasure, just for a belief.

This kind of courage is not to mention unique, it is also rare to stand on top of the earth's pyramid.

A pretty sweet baby voice interrupted his You Si:

"Today is Tuesday. According to the results of this physical examination, it is shown that your physical fitness has been strengthened by 1.13 times compared with the previous one! Under the continuous influence of the sun well water, the life span has reached 993 years."

As a digital life consisting of 0 and 1, Dark seems to have recently entered a state of "reverse growth".

If he is a boy, this unmodified face is so handsome that many girls feel embarrassed.

If he is a girl, this chest is really too flat...

However, the dark change did not happen overnight, and with the day and night getting along, Lin Yan did not realize his change.


Lin Yan was stunned for a while before digesting his meaning.




Does this have a thousand-year life?

So when Lin Yan is more than two hundred years old, isn't he just entering his teenage years?

As for now...


The dark professional and refined data analysis allowed Lin Yan Xiao BABY to break free from his random thoughts.

"Solar well water will repair and fill the telomeres of DNA chromatin. Calculated according to the current rate of telomere loss caused by cell division, your upper limit of life will continue to change. 993 is just the most conservative estimate. ."

Telomere is a magical thing, it determines how many times a human cell can replicate.

Every time a human cell divides, the telomeres will wear out a little, and the cells will not be able to renew and die naturally.

At present, the only non-death creature on the earth, the "lighthouse jellyfish", as a kind of miniature marine life, unless death caused by bad environment, in theory, they will not die.

Many people smoke, drink heavily, do not like sports, and still live a long life; some people have good living habits, love the world, are optimistic and positive, but end their life early and die naturally...

These are related to telomeres.

The life span of a person is, to a large extent, already set from birth.

Longevity families have a high probability of having longevity, and the probability of a child with a long family history of genetic disease is also higher than that of ordinary people.

Lin Yan always thought that lifespan would only fluctuate within a very small limit unless he changed his bloodliness, but he did not expect that the sun well drawn in "Madu Century" would give him such a big surprise!

People are happy when they are happy!

Lying on the armchair, Lin Yan drank a pot of Wanglaojiliang I went to tea, hummed happily on Michael's "heal-the-world", letting his thoughts fly.

A "heal-the-world", a "My War", he thought it was not perfect.

"It would be even better if there was another masterpiece of peace literature or a long and beautiful poem."

Lin Yan was intoxicated for a while, walked to the floor-to-ceiling mirror, and jokingly said to herself in the mirror: "Hey...this is the rhythm to win the Nobel Peace Prize and save the world!"

Seeing Lin Yan nervously giving himself a show, secretly tried to hold back his smile.

Even if he is accustomed to such naive behavior, it still makes people laugh.

After a while, he only said a word, and Lin Yan's laughter suddenly stopped.

"Humam, in fact, you did get nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize from the Lanfen Council."

After digesting the meaning of this sentence, Lin Yan's dark eyes flickered slightly: "When did it happen?"

"Being nominated and rejected, both within today."

While speaking, he secretly opened a video recording file..............

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