Game Development Mad God

Vol 10 Chapter 184: The second kind of panacea, ether holy water!

The video was screened slowly.

Nosen, the council.

A group of congressmen whispered to each other, talking solemnly.

"Lin Yan can be the nominee for the Peace Prize. His anti-war foundation, a total of five billion dollars of charity, will be a charity that will be recorded in the history of mankind!"


"I... abstained."

"Because of Lin Yan's actions, the whole world has begun to pay attention to the Bucky government and the rebel forces. The West has no excuses to participate, which is equivalent to eliminating a war."

"I don't agree! Lin Yan is an Oriental!"

"Yes, how can an Oriental get the Nobel Peace Prize?"

"If the award is awarded to him, it will have a very serious international impact, absolutely not!"

After hearing the words of the previous nominated members, Lin Yan suddenly realized...

Before I knew it, I had already had such a big impact and change on the world.

He was not arrogant and complacent. He just leaned on a corner of the bookshelf and warned himself that the plot behind this video would definitely be reversed.

as predicted.

The Nosenobe Peace Prize Council’s nomination of Lin Yan this time was chosen by Clement Hart, Ernest Powell, Denise Bryant and Kathleen Ives. Members of the Council voted for the simple reason that "he is an Oriental" and jointly rejected it.


Lin Yan couldn't help but sneered.

According to Nobel’s will that year, during the entire Nobel Prize selection process, the winners are not affected by any nationality, people, ideology, or religious beliefs. The only criterion for selection is the level of achievement.

If they are removed from the nomination because they are weak or others are doing better, that's nothing, Lin Yan is totally acceptable.

But the guys in these four councils, obviously wearing tinted glasses, cast a veto vote with their feet just because of nationality.

They are targeting the East, not Lin Yan himself.

This makes Lin Yan very upset!

Lin Yan was not happy anymore, and naturally wouldn't make these people happy.

Even if they don't kill them directly, at least these guys who are corrupted by rights must be completely ruined!

For a person, the greatest punishment is to completely destroy what they have pursued for a lifetime.

The four members of Clement Hart, Ernest Powell, Denise Bryant and Kathleen Ives obviously care more about their reputation than money.

"Dark, I asked you to make the preparation of the Sunwell Water Metabolic Solution, are there any results?"

"It hasn't reached the optimal level. Dilute it at a ratio of 1:1000000 and add some of my plants. The effect can reach about 95%."

"95%? That's enough!"

A gleam of light flashed across Lin Yan's eyes, and a playful smile appeared on her face.

"Han, I must remind that there is a huge difference between the genes of ordinary humans on Earth and the races of Azeroth. Because of individual differences, the efficiency of using solar well water energy can only reach one percent of that of high elves. Your current use efficiency of solar well water is one-fifth percent."

"So 95% of the argument is based on this efficiency. After ordinary people use diluted solar well water many times, their average life expectancy will be extended by one to five years."

For the dark reminder, Lin Yan just nodded slightly.

The original solution he intends to use to formulate the medicine is not the real sun well water, but the product after absorption and metabolism. Metabolites such as tears and sweat are mainly excreted through the fingers with the combination of magic and green lotus power. come out.

After Lin Yan's life level was improved by the leaps and bounds, the cells in his body evolved, and he could no longer appreciate these things, and would only absorb the higher purity of the clear solar well water and expel them directly from the body.

Anyway, the sun well has an endless supply of water, unless external force destroys it, it will never dry up, and there is no need to save.

Even so, for ordinary people, it is a nourishing sacred product comparable to thousand-year snow ginseng.

Ordinary people who eat a little bit of old mountain ginseng and drink deer blood will have a violent nosebleed. What will happen if they eat a bite of snow ginseng for a thousand years?

It's hard to say that you will die, but it is the most normal thing to cause cardiovascular obstruction or permanent damage.

After being diluted, this liquid can be enjoyed by ordinary people.

According to the clinical human experiment report of the umbrella company, it can not only strengthen the body, increase the quality attributes of strength, agility, flexibility and other aspects, resist diseases, and even extend the life span slightly, reflecting on the face, and even It has an artifact effect similar to age reversal.

Except that it is not very helpful to intelligence, it is almost a panacea.

Looking at the glass tube that appeared on the display screen, Lin Yan smiled lightly.

In the transparent glass test tube, from sky blue to lavender, I go to purple. The solutions of various colors of different concentrations are like dreamy liquid gems.

The light cannot penetrate them, and reflects the shimmering shimmering light.

The number of this test-tube drug is 999321, which means that before it, Ann has produced more than 999,000 bottles of similar products.

"Then call it [Ethere Holy Water]."

In many Western dark myths, vampires, dark councils, and werewolves all hate holy water and call them "God's sputum."

The things Lin Yan used to prepare the ether holy water were naturally not so disgusting, but it did not prevent him from habitually stalking.

Even a SK-II beauty lotion can be touted as "fairy water" by women all over the world. [Ethere holy water] can not only strengthen the body, but also prolong life, so it is naturally worthy of this original name.


When people are still immersed in the myth of peaceful war, big news hits!

The latest research results of Umbrella's biological department are listed!

Ether Holy Water!

Cold, fever, runny nose, burns, scalds, cuts, bruises, it has an immediate effect on almost all injuries!

If it weren't for the incontrovertible reports of dozens of scientific research results and more clinical trial data, people would probably think that this thing is a fantasy foam product like micro-business and MLM brainwashing.

However, it is not!

Many pharmacy experts and professors who originally wanted to "fight counterfeiting", after spending countless energy, time and contacts, obtained a small amount of [Ethere Holy Water] from the umbrella company (in fact, under Lin Yan's approval and secret guidance ).

When the experimental data and results came out, they were completely confused!

This thing is definitely the panacea in the panacea medicine, it can be called the second type of panacea after antibiotics!

Does Cangtian really love humans so much? !

As the only first panacea drug [antibiotic] ​​that can be widely promoted, its effectiveness is getting weaker and it is tolerated by all kinds of super bacteria.

Just as countless people are looking forward to the prospects of the medical industry, they have dropped the second panacea without side effects?

War is too far, peace is too close, self-interest is the eternal topic of mankind.

Is there anything more important than your own health?

For most people, the answer to this question is of course NO!

Thus, within a short while, the name [Ethereum Holy Water] spread all over the world! ,, ..

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