Game Development Mad God

Vol 10 Chapter 185: Looks like a villain, the monster passes the lottery

The etheric holy water is nothing but Lin Yan’s sweat or tears and other metabolites and ordinary distilled water, diluted at a ratio of 1 to 1 million, plus some of the plant ingredients.

At present, the umbrella company has stored millions of bottles.

But in line with the principle that things are rare, and after discussing with Lin Yan secretly, they decided to make limited supply first!

Only 250 bottles are taken out every month.

Provide 100 bottles for free to critically ill people all over the world in need.

One hundred bottles were put out for auction, for the local tyrants and magnates to compete for huge profits.

The remaining 50 bottles can be redeemed by the employees of Burning Sky Game Development Company, Shenluo Animation Film Co., Ltd. and Umbrella Security Company with their work points!

The effect of 【Ethere Holy Water】, compared with ordinary medicine, is really too bad!

In history, the only drug comparable to it was only [antibiotic].

However, as time goes by, from the Scottish bacteriologist Alexander Fleming originally invented and purified [antibiotics] during World War II, to July 2017, because of the abuse of antibiotics, the panacea, the panacea, the earth produced Countless super bacteria.

They are no longer like the original, dozens of units of antibiotics can be easily killed, and now, even if the latest antibiotics cost tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of units, some resistant bacteria can easily bear it!

The blessing of Haotian, the gift of God, the magic medicine of mankind, the miracle of creation...

Countless auras have gradually faded from antibiotics. The fame and prestige of the first panacea is no longer as hot as it once was. People are full of respect and admiration when they mention it.

Time can dilute everything, drug abuse, and can also make drugs that can bless mankind for thousands of years lose ninety-nine percent of their effects in just one hundred years.

And the emergence of the [Ethere Holy Water], so that countless medical workers who are frustrated and desperate for the future have finally seen the dawn of their destiny!

Many Christians even gave Lin Yan the title of "Holy Son".

Other churches have done similar actions. For example, Master Shi Yongxin of Shaolin Temple gave Lin Yan the title of "Buddha".

Longhushan Zhang Tianshi, who had been isolated from the world for many years, finally opened his mind after seeing the actions of his old opponents, letting go of his original restraint and pride.

Taoism is even better.

Zhang Tianshi arranged for his disciples and grandchildren to directly decorate a large character with snowflake silver and gilt gold and sent it to Lin Yan:

"Open the path, the great doctor of Kui. Winged three sages, blended at four o'clock. Defend the dragon and the tiger, save the decay and save the danger. The towering hall, the teacher of the century!"

What does this mean?

This is Tang Taizong Li Shimin's praise to Sun Simiao, the king of medicine!

And Longhushan, one of the orthodox Taoism, praised Lin Yan like this...

Several other orthodox branches of Taoism also responded in succession, giving Lin Yan the title of "Miaoying True Person" and declaring to the believers that he was the incarnation of Sun Simiao after he became an immortal.

Before switching to it, Lin Yan would not pay any attention to these things, turning a blind eye to things outside the window, and immersed in his own game.

But now, he doesn't admit or deny these claims, letting these forces propagate them at will.

After all, even if it has digested and absorbed 40% of the current reserves of scientific and technological knowledge on the earth, it is impossible to write a logically self-consistent [Ethere Holy Water] paper. No matter how it is done, there will be huge loopholes.

Lin Yan didn't want to be treated like a monster wizard like Fleming, the inventor of Antibiotics.

Then, he needs several orthodox faith organizations to justify himself.

Shrouded in the halo of various gods, it is always a hundred times stronger than being slandered into monsters, demons, and ghosts.

Science doesn't make sense, so let's not talk about science, talk about metaphysics!

In fact, Lin Yan found that the skill of secretly writing metaphysical essays was much better than himself.

Within a few days, a thick and big headline "Ethereum Dian Zang" was released.

Lin Yan patience to read through from start to finish, feeling that the whole person is not good.

If he hadn't looked at this stuff that was written word by word in the dark, he would almost think it was the teaching of which church.

Compared with the "Bible", which resembles fantasy novels, "Aether Dian Zang" is not only more narrative, but also logically rigorous. At least from the perspective of metaphysics, it cannot be overturned by quoting scriptures and quotations.


Chaoyueguo, VB Entertainment Co., Ltd.

32nd floor, Office of the Deputy Director of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

As the Deputy Foreign Minister of VB, Fuji Mingmei feels that she is a model of a winner in life.

If you want money and money, status and status, and girls, you can get third-line stars and young models to play with.

[I Liang Hasa...]

The text message ringing, Fuji Mingmei picked up the phone and took a look.

It's from Clement Hart, member of the Nobel Peace Prize Council.

"I have convinced Ernest, Denise and Kathleen that Lin Yan's nomination has been revoked!"

After reading this text message, Fuji Mingmei was full of ambition, and a touch of arrogance appeared on her face.

He is proud of his connections and energy.

Lin Yan is a mere orientalist who still wants to win the Noble Peace Prize. It is a dream for a hundred days!

"Bah! Trash Easterners are also worthy to compete with the citizens of our Great Universe Empire! What the hell!"

Fuji Mingmei's eyes were full of disdain.

His duties have been completely completed.

This time, the Bucky War is an opportunity. The company will not only release games with mapping themes, but also related movies.

The instruction given above is that Lin Yan must not continue to stir the wind and rain and destroy this rare war!

peace? Let peace die!

Want war! No peace!

Without war, chaos, killing, blood, shattered, and withered, how could they make a fortune?

So, let all the guys who talk about peace go GO-DIE!

Preventing Lin Yan from receiving the Nobel Peace Prize was only the first step. Next, Fuji Mingmei had to find a way to ruin Lin Yan.

As a self-motivated person, he feels that just completing the task is not enough, he can do better!


Blackstone Apartments.

"VB Company calls on all wise people to boycott [Ethere Holy Water]! 》

"Back when Hai Luo Yin turned out to be a panacea, it was even popular in the West, making countless people crazy about it, now? 》

"This is the shocking conspiracy of Lin Yan and the umbrella company! 》

"Can drugs without any scientific theoretical basis pass drug testing? The Food and Drug Administration has fallen so far! 》

Reading these news with gusto, Lin Yan was not angry, and even a playful smile appeared on the corners of his lips.

In fact, his intelligence network already let him know who the shot was.

There is really nothing to breathe with a dying person.

"Dark, connect me to the alien video channel."

With an order, the figure of the Void Predator was displayed in the video frame.

It stayed in Chaoyue Kingdom for a period of time, and its appearance has undergone a little change, and dots of light spots appeared on the dark shell, which obviously swallowed the flesh and blood essence of many local species in Chaoyue Kingdom.

Lin Yan frowned, the Alien seemed to feel his thoughts, and the light spots on his body disappeared without a trace.

"The goal this time is VB Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs Fuji Mingmei."

"Done him."

For a moment, Lin Yan felt like a cute and charming villain.

Shaking his head, he threw this thought out of the sky.

At this time, the game development artifact reminded:

"Congratulations to the host! The popularity of the puppet development game "Youkai Biography" that you developed has met the conditions of the lottery! Will you draw rewards immediately?",,.

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