Game Development Mad God

Vol 10 Chapter 199: Promotion! The results of "Prototype"!

Pour himself a glass of champagne, Pei Zhiming pushed the sunglasses on the bridge of his nose.

He raised his head, looked directly at the dazzling sun, and put out a hand, as if he wanted to completely control it in his hand, his tone was full of confidence that Zhizhu was holding.

"The film, novel, and animation adaptation value of the game "Prototype" is not inferior to "My War", or even worse!"

"Do you know? Just a conceptual innovation of [infected body] or [living dead] is enough to create economic returns of billions of dollars!"

"As long as the "Prototype" can be acquired and the full copyright can be bought out, Sanming Games' investment loss in ARI can be put aside for the time being."

After saying this, Pei Zhiming drank the champagne in the glass, his left lip was raised like a knife, his face was full of arrogance.

He wanted to see if Chuan Jinmin would change his attitude because of this remark.

However, Chuan Jinmin disappointed him.

The red-faced middle-aged man mentioned the word "Lin Yan", his voice was trembling, and his tone was not natural. The blood on his face gradually faded: "Lin Yan is a person with a bottom line. If he is in a legitimate competition, he He will only use his own products to defeat you, but if he uses improper dark side methods, his revenge will be **** and cruel to an unacceptable level."

Chuan Jinmin thought he was kindly persuading him, but did not expect that his words would hurt Pei Zhiming's self-esteem.

Hearing these words, Pei Zhiming unconsciously remembered how many people in the Sanming Group had this attitude when he smashed the iron to take the MBA exam for doctoral degree, and persuaded him to do what he could. , Don't take humiliation.

During that time, no one was optimistic about him, he was holding on alone, step by step to the present.


He Pei Zhiming became one of the Four Heavenly Kings of the Sanming Group's SSG, and there are still people who dare to speak to him like this!

Her heart was extremely upset with Chuan Jinmin, but Pei Zhiming did not show it.

He just smiled faintly: "It seems that Mr. Chuan was really frightened by Lin Yan, but it doesn't matter, he is greedy for life and fear of death. It is human nature, which is completely understandable and considerate."

At this point, Pei Zhiming suddenly changed his words and said wildly: "I will take all the copyright of "Prototype" and completely buy it out. Lin Yan, a nouveau riche from a country like a remote country, has never seen anything in the world. You don't need to use all the means, it's enough to solve him! You, wait to enjoy the good show!"

Hearing Pei Zhiming's contempt for Lin Yan and his disdain for Dongfang, Chuan Jinmin sighed and shook his head.

Good words are hard to persuade the **** ghost, Pei Zhiming can't listen to him, what can he do?

I can only say that this is the misfortune of SSG!

The only thing he can pray now is that Pei Zhiming's actions will not involve all the Sanming Group.

Otherwise...the consequences may be unimaginable!

Chuan Jinmin forgot that there is a law called "Murphy's Law".

When things are likely to develop in a bad direction, unless there are powerful means to intervene to deal with it, they will inevitably follow that path. This is definitely not a survivor effect or pessimism.

Chuan Jinmin left with Chang Ren.

The business is not righteous, and VB still needs to rely on Sanming. Even if it refuses to cooperate, it still retains enough respect and does a lot of superficial effort.

"Lin Yan is just a new Jindong style upstart with self-esteem and arrogance."

Pei Zhiming was enjoying the sun bath with a gentle expression, but his eyes hidden under the sunglasses were full of arrogance.

Even if he took advantage of Lin Yan and drained Lin Yan's value, maybe Lin Yan would still thank him by then!

As a person with no background, Pei Zhiming was able to join the Sanming Group by relying on his MBA Ph.D. certificate, but being able to get to this point depends on his own executive ability and speaking skills.

Although Pei Zhiming was quite swollen, he still listened to some of Chuan Jinmin's suggestions.

A nouveau riche with no background, as long as he satisfies Lin Yan's humble self-esteem, he can play it in applause!


"Congratulations, Mr. Lin Yan, the ranking of your Burning Sky game development team in the GGA Alliance one-star team has recently changed, specifically..."


"Please check the GGA official website for specific details of the changes."

Lin Yan was not surprised by the promotion of this ranking.

Recently, the sales of "My War" and "Prototype" are indeed very good. According to word of mouth among the professional game evaluations in the industry, the rumor is also excellent. Generally, the GGA league gives game points. Although many factors are combined, sales and quality And word-of-mouth, it is bound to be the three items with the highest weight.

The recent performance of these two games, even if other game development teams offer ten or even twenty games, they cannot close the gaps and gaps.

Open the GGA Alliance official website, and a beautifully crafted exclusive page pops up.

"Fentian Game Development Team."

"Rating: 1 star."

"Company location: Dongfang."

"Master: Lin Yan."

"Capital reserves: 64,52.58 million dollars (including the Burning Heaven Peace Foundation)."

"Operation mode: Peripheral-Lin Yan dictatorship (confirmed), core-elite cooperation + spiritual leader [Yan] (confirmed)."

"Types of expertise: massively multiplayer online role-playing games, MOBA online games, action adventures, fairy-tale stand-alone games, independent games."

"Potential: S+."

The potential rating has risen by half a notch. When making games, the GGA Alliance points calculation will receive an additional bonus.

In fact, Fen Tian was able to be promoted so quickly that the initial S-level evaluation was indispensable.

If you change to another team, even if you produce the same work, if it is only a D-level potential evaluation, I am afraid that it will barely be able to reach about 180 now.

The global sales volume of the digital version of "Prototype" has reached 5 million copies, which is undoubtedly a double platinum masterpiece.

Because the quality and reputation have been recognized by the players, Alex's outfit is also particularly in line with the trend. The protagonist in the past works of Burning Sky can be accepted by the world as much as his.

ARI's gimmick, the growth and change of this number does not seem to have any curb trend, and it may even create miracles again, completely surpassing "Monster" and "The Legend of Xian Xia".

"In this way, Brother A's charm is quite good."

Lin Yan's face outlined an evil smile.

In the parallel world, the global sales volume of "Prototype" was 2.8 million copies, but "Prototype 2" was barely 1.2 million copies because of word-of-mouth **** and plot cheating.

Together, the two parts are not as good as the "Prototype" produced by Fen Tian.


Lin Yan stood up without surprise and opened the door.


A soldier with a standard Chinese face looked at him solemnly, with a deep tone, but a look of doubt flashed across his eyes.

"Mr. Lin Yan, the head wants to see you."

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