Game Development Mad God

Vol 10 Chapter 200: Colonel Lin Yan!

In the East, in theory, anyone is "qualified" to meet the supreme leader, as long as it is the masses without criminal records and bad files.

If the supreme leader goes to a certain city, the secretary of the municipal party committee can meet him. Even the municipal party secretary of a municipality directly under the Central Government has direct contact with the supreme leader.

But that is just theory.

When Lin Yan got on a special plane and flew straight to the capital, he was then carried on a black bullet-proof car by his military brother. It was not until he stood in front of the highest leader that he finally recovered.

Looking at the man in front of him, Lin Yan was more calm than he expected: "Hello, head."

"Little comrade, you are fine too, in good health, with good facial features and good temperament. If I hadn't read your files, I would have thought that you have been in the army for a while."

The supreme leader did not put on airs, but he did not hesitate to praise: "The [Burning Heaven Peace Foundation] and [Lin Yan Peace Prize] that you did some time ago are very good, and they played an important role in shaping the excellent international image of the East. ."

"If there are more patriotic young entrepreneurs like you, Dongfang will not have to worry about the future."

In exchange for an individual, being praised by everyone in this way, I am afraid that I will immediately lose myself.

But Lin Yan was very calm.

He knew that this was just a polite remark.

So Lin Yan was very humble. He just nodded slightly, calmly and calmly, and responded calmly: "I just did what I could, nothing to praise."

"In my opinion, the greatest enemy of mankind is the boundless sea of ​​stars, not oneself. It is very stupid to consume limited resources and lives in war."

The honest man Lin Yan said what was in his heart without any deceit.

In Lin Yan's view, decapitation was the most powerful plan, much more effective than war.

To deal with the enemy, Lin Yan has always implemented a policy: suppress a group of haters, draw in a group of goodwill, and finally eliminate those stubborn enemy leaders and grassroots cadres from the body and soul.

All enemies who dared to BB had already knelt down, and the rest were either those who dared not speak up, or were completely emptied.

There have never been people in this world who have been slaughtered wildly and can maintain their original intentions.

Western countries can’t do it, Chaoyue country can’t, and Jiapan can’t do it.

Even Russia, which has been recognized as a "combat race" in recent years, cannot do it.

There were indeed such two people in history.

One is called "Jie" and the other is called "Spartan".

The former rely on chaos, blood and evil to stay firm. They cannibalize, commit adultery, and have no moral concepts. Because all foreigners are enemies and cannot accept their three views, they can only maintain unity and unity.

The latter are orderly and cold. They have developed a habit of taciturn obedience since childhood. They have militarized training and strict vegetarianism to create a durable body like a steel machine. They are famous for their faith and glory. It's smelly and hard, and no powerful opponent can convince them.

As a result, the Jie tribe was slaughtered by King Ran Min, the pure-bred Spartans were slaughtered by the Roman Empire, and the Goths completely destroyed their little spiritual civilization, the city of Sparta.

If there are people like that and they dare to stand on the opposite side of Lin Yan, Lin Yan will let it disappear.

Therefore, Lin Yan's conclusion is still correct.

Always correct.

The supreme leader didn't know Lin Yan's mind, he could only see that Lin Yan did not lie.

This is very rare.

It is easy to do superficial charity, but it is as difficult as the heavens to unite knowledge and action.

The superficial praise from the supreme leader turned into a real appreciation.

There are many geniuses who can make a career at a young age, but there are very few who can achieve Lin Yan's level without arrogance, humility and self-denial.

Lin Yan's free talk made him even more pleasantly surprised.

So the top leader made two more words that he didn't intend to say.

"Because [Ethere Holy Water] and [Genova Chocolate], the CIA, MI6, Yingyue Intelligence Headquarters, KGB and Mossad have all begun to pay attention to you. I plan to send some good guys to join Umbrella Security. , It is also a kind of protection. How about, are you willing to accept it?"

"This way, it couldn't be better."

In Lin Yan's eyes, dim light flickered.

If you refuse, the other party will completely let the umbrella develop?

You know, nowadays Umbrella Safety Company, the biochemical department has reached the international top standards, and there are many internal talents. It can be said that "Doctors go everywhere, masters are not as good as dogs".

For this kind of time bomb-like company, if you don't pay attention and monitor it, then hell!

What's more, Lin Yan has 10,000 ways to only let them see what he wants them to see.

These protectors will be his best help and strong witness to hide himself.

People from the country will deal with many spies from abroad.

After all, spies sent by agencies such as the CIA, MI6, Yingyue Intelligence Headquarters, KGB and Mossad do exist. They have superb business capabilities and are not scumbags of vegetarianism.

Although Lin Yan found a few by himself, and Ann also marked the remaining ones, he did not directly solve them.

The forces behind these spies are too tricky.

He just wants to play the game well, occasionally showing up in front of people, pretending to be fresh and refined, living freely, but don't want to provoke those brown candies, and fight wits and courage with the shameless guys who have lived in the shadows all their lives.

It is not enough for Lin Yan to free up his hands to solve these people personally and provoke more mad bees and butterflies!

"Don't worry, those lads know how to score, and they will never point fingers at your career, nor will they affect the lives of the employees of the umbrella company."

After the supreme leader had finished speaking, he beckoned, and the first secretary came to Lin Yan respectfully, handing over a set of military uniforms and certificates with both hands, with a pleasant face and a sincere expression: "This is the Eastern Army Staff Officer personally signed by the Army Commander. A letter of appointment of a major colonel. Of course, it’s just a name, and will not release any tasks to you. It just shows your identity and position. If you don’t want it, you can refuse it.”

Hearing this, Lin Yan finally knew how they did it today.

There is no nonsense, straight to the point, but it doesn't make people feel abrupt.

The colonel of the Army Staff is indeed not responsible, but it is also a supernumerary title without real power.

Lin Yan felt comfortable hearing what the other party said, but in fact, he really needed this identity.

The rank of an army colonel hangs on his shoulders. In China, who would dare to paw his industry?

Unless those who are bored with life, no one will do such a long-lived act of hanging an old birthday star!

Lin Yan took over the military uniform, and put it on himself without twisting.

His body is tall and straight, handsome and handsome, his eyes are firm and calm.

The two people around who looked at this look couldn't help but nod secretly, with more expectations in their hearts.

People rely on clothing, and clothing depends on human clothing, making it impossible to distinguish whether the military uniform sets off Lin Yan or Lin Yan sets off the military uniform.

On the bottom plate of the green epaulettes with pine branches, there are two golden thin bars and four stars.

After Lin Yan changed his body, he became more important, and since then he has become the highest-ranking existence among the Eastern school-level officers.

The tiger skin that Wang Xushi used to bludgeoned him in the past has a taste of authenticity.

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