Game Development Mad God

Vol 10 Chapter 201: The game is broadcast live, torture draws!

Vote me to the wooden peach, and repay it to Qiong Yao.

Vote for me as Mu Li, and return to Qiongjiu.

Bandit newspapers are also good.

After getting the status of the army colonel, Lin Yan did not wait until the scene was embarrassing, and immediately responded:

"In two days, I will arrange for people to send 10,000 bottles of [Ethere Holy Water], just to show my heart. In addition, every month, I will donate an additional 100 bottles of Ether Holy Water for military use. Express my respect."

Umbrella companies provide a paid supply to the world, only 100 bottles per month! It can be said that Lin Yan's move makes people feel that they have all their face!

"A big deal..."

Up to this moment, the highest leader truly regarded Lin Yan as an existence who had the qualifications to have equal dialogue with him by virtue of his ability.

Looking at the young face of Lin Yan, he couldn't help sighing, and he felt the emotion of talented people coming out from generation to generation and leading the way for hundreds of years.

Of course, if he knew that the umbrella safety company headquarters stocked close to one million bottles of ether holy water, and these things were just things that took Lin Yan less than 10 seconds to produce, I am afraid that this would not be the attitude.

Don't even talk to Lin Yan in a mellow manner. He just took the gun and broke Lin Yan's thoughts.

Nima! It's the same when bribing leaders, is there anyone in the world who is more stingy than Lin Yan?

But having said that, secretly doing everything from beginning to end, unless the country fully investigates it, there will be no clues at all.

What's more, Lin Yan currently has no intention of being in politics. He is only shining in the business world and winning glory for the country. The country will not be boring enough to waste a lot of investigative resources on a patriotic youth.

The top leader nodded slightly and praised: "Keep on working hard and do your job well. As for Shinra and the umbrella, just do whatever you want. If there is no epoch-making product, you don't need to invest too much energy."

"In recent years, our country has also given a lot of support and investment to the GGA alliance. Although the specific reasons are not easy to disclose, it is after all a policy that has been set since the middle of the last century."

"Fentian Game is promoted to a two-star team as soon as possible, and there will be surprises."

Lin Yan thoughtfully remembered the other's meaningful words.

The conversation ended in extremely harmonious anger.


Fentian official website, live broadcast section.

[Su Xi's live broadcast room].

"Hello everyone, I'm Su Xi, and what I bring to you today is the evaluation of "Prototype"."

Su Xi still has no makeup, but she is naturally beautiful, even without makeup, she has the capital to surprise the audience.

She just opened the live broadcast room, but within ten minutes, 50,000 **** fans poured in.

This is because Su Xi made his own death and restricted the live broadcast room to gender, allowing only female audiences to enter.

Otherwise, this number will be at least tripled.

However, because of her natural temperament, she doesn't have much need for money or reputation, so she doesn't take this matter to heart.

"I have already cleared the game "Prototype" in one week, because the ARI system is not very friendly to live broadcasts, and there is no suitable plug-in at present, so for the convenience of live broadcast, I use the basic version of Rock V."

"At the end of the previous week, I directly killed Edward Kenway, a passerby character with medieval assassin heritage, absorbed his memory and DNA, activated [Assassin Mode], but missed the interesting plot, here we go directly to F District, find Edward Kenway and start the relevant plot."

"The trigger task is very simple. As long as you finish listening to this rap assassin's lines, he will use his eloquence to make Alex, who has lost his memory, mistakenly believe that the two are close friends."

"It is worth noting that the premise for completing this task is Alex's sister..."

"If this item is not collected here, we have no choice. After discovering the truth, we can only kill Edward with our own hands."

"Ah, by the way, a little sister of a cartoonist in the Shinra company told me that the Alex controlled by the players is not a human being, but a black light virus prototype aggregation with the Alex virus. body."

"Because he killed people like hemp, didn't have any psychological burden, and didn't regard herself as a human being, so she was very melancholy and entangled after clearing the customs. In my money, this is unnecessary.

Su Xi turned her head, looked at the video head seriously, and said solemnly: "You must know that the protagonist of the game, Alex, we met from the beginning, has not been replaced by other life forms from beginning to end. The so-called'viral aggregate' is enough."

"As long as he looks like a human, he is a human!"

"Even if it has a human soul, belief, will, and life form of the Three Views, it does not look like a person, then he is definitely not a person!"

This was a bit rap, but everyone understood Su Xi's meaning after arranging the logic...

In her eyes, appearance is the key factor that determines whether a living body is a human being!

Everyone has seen the appearance party, but never before has such a righteous appearance party like Su Xi.

The melon-eating fans in the live broadcast were stunned for a few seconds.

Immediately, the barrage and rewards in the live broadcast burst instantly.

"QwQ, Goddess Su is so cool! I want this kind of bursting aura too! I know a serious nonsense, but I can't help but approve of her!"

"I just appreciate Su Xi's three views that are fresh and refined!"

"Hahaha! Let the inner beauty die! Face value is justice!"

" goddess is so hot even when she is superficial!"

["Mu Muyan" rewarded the anchor with 10,000 Burning Sky Coins: Xiaoxi's rhythm is good, and I will give you 82 points. The remaining 18 points are given in the form of six or six. 】

["Meng Qi Leak" rewarded the anchor 588 Burning Sky Coin: The Tiger Touches the Flame God at Close Range! Feel proud! 】

["The Crimson Wolf" rewarded the anchor with 1,000 Burning Sky Coins: I finally caught you! It's a man, don't run today! Dad is waiting for you in Harran Basin! 】

Looking at this barrage, Lin Yan curled his lips and decisively closed the live broadcast room.

His gaze fell on the display screen—to be precise, focused on the dark body.

"By the way, do you need a body? If there is a need, I can do it."

Lin Yan feels that he can use the [peripheral] function of the game development artifact to create a simulated cyborg, which he can use as a corpse.

Secretly silent.

Hearing this, for a moment, his heart was indeed moved.

However, he immediately stopped his mind and shook his head and rejected Lin Yan's proposal: "No, the human brain does not have a heat dissipation system. Blood circulation and perspiration are an inefficient way to cool down."

"Because brain cells cannot withstand slightly higher temperatures, the computing power can easily reach the upper limit."

"Under normal circumstances, the human body has about a quarter of the blood supplying the brain to function. When high-intensity mental activity is required, more blood flows to the brain, one for energy, and the other for the cold water circulation system."

"So raising a top-notch brain costs a lot and puts a lot of burden on the body."

It makes sense in theory, but in fact, this is not the real reason.

Dark thought that when he had a body, he would be sent out to do a mission like an alien, and he would never return to the present.

If he can, he would rather never have a body and be a network ghost and digital life body for a lifetime.

Lin Yan faintly felt that there were some flaws in his rhetoric, but he didn't have time to delve into it.

Because at this moment, he heard the cold reminder of the game development artifact.

"Congratulations to the host! The popularity of the "Prototype" you developed reaches the required standard and you have won a chance to draw a lottery. Will you start the draw immediately?"

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