Game Development Mad God

Vol 10 Chapter 231: Assassin game, Lin Yan thought

The control of firearms in the East is more stringent than expected. In the past, some of the methods used by Li Xun in Chaoyue State were all ineffective.

So he came to a remote village on the outskirts of Haicheng, took the parts he bought through various channels, assembled and transformed what he needed.

With extreme concentration, he couldn't even feel the passage of time.

When Li Xu recovered, it was already 2:45 in the middle of the night.

There was no star or moon outside the window, and it was pitch black.

There are no street lights in the country. The occasional spot of light is the bodies of fireflies, the shiny and strange eyes of cats, dogs, or other creatures.

Putting the dark red crossbow on his wrist, Li Xu was very satisfied with it.

The elevation angle is 5 degrees, the initial speed can reach 150ms, the inside can accommodate four crossbow arrows, and the target can be easily killed 300 meters away.

Although it is a cold weapon, its lethality is greater than that of some small-caliber guns. If it hits the key, it will definitely be deadly!

Even if Li Xie wants to, he can install laser guidance functions on it.

But for him, there is no need for such a thing to exist, but it will expose himself and become a drag.

Years of arduous and rigorous training has allowed him to judge the direction of the wind based on his senses and accurately hit targets hundreds of meters away.

"Sleep for a while, recharge your energy, and solve that Lin Yan tomorrow..."

This thought just surfaced in Li Xie's mind, and it disappeared instantly.

His whole body was puffed up, and he felt a cold air rushing towards his forehead along his tail.

Suddenly he got goose bumps, and felt that his Tian Ling Gai was a little chilly.

"Who? Who is there!"

He believes very much in his intuition and sixth sense.

This keen perception made him stand out from thousands of orphans, walked out of the closed deep mountain base that was fully militarized, breathed the air of freedom, and let him avoid countless life and death crises.


The wind is blowing!

Ye Lan surged wildly, almost making Li Xu unable to stand still.

He couldn't help covering his cheek with one arm, and his body squatted slightly.

Anyone familiar with him knows that this is the gesture he is about to go all out.

When the wind stopped, Li Xu saw that a thin, white-haired man about 188cm tall appeared in front of him.

The opponent carried a big sword emitting a red flame behind his back, which looked like a big COSPLAY player.

Without hesitation or hesitation, Li Xie threw his arm away and touched the crossbow mechanism...

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

The five crossbow arrows appear to be attacked by a five-pointed star, which almost locks up everything that the opponent can avoid.

However, in the next moment, the material crossbow arrow ignites spontaneously in the air, turning into powder, and leaving with the wind!

"Axi! How could this be possible! a man or a ghost?"

Li Xu's forehead was covered with cold sweat, and the shock in his heart was almost beyond the level.

He doesn't believe that any normal human being can do this kind of thing!

Even the legendary abilities possessing all sorts of weird abilities, none of them could achieve the performance of the other party just now.

"Is it just that?"

Lin Yan squinted his eyes slightly, and slowly pulled out the Black Flame Blade with his left hand, and a touch of uncomfortable color passed across his face: "If you have no other skills, I will have to kill you now."

Not to mention the trump cards of Mercury, Qinglian Sword Qi and Sun Well Water, the opponent couldn't even force half of his strength just now.

With a silent shake of his hand, Li Xie had an extra two-and-a-half-foot-long black matte strange blade in his hand.

This kind of length is extremely short in the sword, but too long in the short blade, obviously it is a specially tailored weapon.

He put the blade across his lips and licked it lightly, deliberately letting the tip of his tongue touch the blade that blows off the hair.

The sweet smell of blood filled the nose and mouth, making Li Xu's spirit instantly excited.

His eyes, in the dark, gleaming with green brilliance, not so much a human being, but more like an insatiable hungry wolf.

"Whether you are a human or a ghost, I will..."

"Kill you!"

After he finished speaking, Li Xie's figure flickered, his footsteps moved extremely fast, and he immediately approached Lin Yan according to a twisting serpentine pace!


A ray of light blooms in the dark night, like a night flower that is extremely beautiful, fleeting.

Cang! Cang! Cang! Cang!

Countless fire rainbows flickered, making the water-like cool night gradually rise in temperature.

In the blink of an eye, the two played against each other for dozens of rounds.

Even if Lin Yan tried his best to fight with the back of the knife, the special matte short blade in Li Xun's hand was still pitted and turned into a jagged shape.

Because of the full eruption, Li Xun was gasping for breath at the moment, and white smoke even burst out of the ends of his hair.

In contrast, Lin Yan was calm and relaxed.

"Who are you... on earth? Lin Yan...core team...member?" Li Xie tried to catch his breath while delaying time with words.

Lin Yan chuckled, holding swords in both hands.

Extreme · Imperial Swordsmanship · Time and Space Slash!


The sword light and sword shadow flicker indefinitely for a period of almost 0...

Between the heaven and the earth, there seems to be an invisible thread being moved by someone.


The blade in Li Xie's hand fell to the ground, and a look of horror appeared on his face, and this look immediately changed into relief.

He seemed to have realized his end, and his lips moved slightly.

"Be careful of Sanming's [Plague] and [Hidden Kill]."

"Please tell Mr. Lin Yan, for the sake of intelligence, be sure to put me into his game..."

"I want to walk in the sun too..."

"Even if there is only one day..."

After he finished speaking, the corners of Li Xu's lips rose slightly and his smile was a little bad.

Soon, the time mark broke out!

Numerous blood stains appeared on his body, suddenly burst open, turned into a blood dance, and died completely.

"[Plague] and [Hidden Kill]?"

Lin Yan nodded slightly.

Human nature is the most complicated thing. The Sanming Group thinks that ten years of brainwashing can ensure Li Xu's absolute loyalty, but it never thought that Li Xu would not forget to sell his teammates at the moment of his death, and take the initiative to give precious information to Lin. flame.

This is a struggle for freedom, and it is also his last cry.

Looking at Li Xun's corpse, Lin Yan's eyes flickered: "In exchange, this last wish is not excessive."

This is not to deal with perfunctory.

Lin Yan had been silent for more than a month before. Just a "Custom Companion" game was too casual to satisfy him.

"Assassin" is a good choice.

Animus machines, some sacred artifacts of the Garden of Eden, Desmond...

Altai, Ezio, Connor...

Multi-linear stories are intertwined in Lin Yan's mind, constructing and weaving into a complete assassin.

However, Li Xu just happened to be a villain in the game.

Anyway, Lin Yan originally planned to install some interesting original content and Easter eggs for the assassin, but did not intend to follow the original work 100%.

After all, "Assassin's Chronicles: Touhou" officially produced by Biyu back then, sincerity is really inferior to the point of insulting people, even more than a hundred and eighty thousand miles worse than many more sophisticated mini games.

Jing Ke's assassination of King Qin wanted to leave the assassination of Qingji, specializing in assassination of Wu Lao, natural assassins Nie Zheng, Hou Ying and Zhu Hai...

For assassin games involving an oriental background, Lin Yan should do it.

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