Game Development Mad God

Vol 10 Chapter 232: [Zombie] and [Assassin] Trend

After Lin Yan and Li Xie completed the "death deal", within three days, Li Zairong, the head of the Sanming Group, was found dead at home.

The state of his death was almost the same as that of Park Cen, Jin Da and others, and was chopped in two by extremely sharp weapons.

Li Zairong arranged the killer to target Lin Yan, and Lin Yan naturally would not show mercy to him.

This time it was naturally the void predator named "Alien".

Sanming Group's proud ultimate killer "Hidden Kill" and "Plague" also failed to resist it.

They have all reached the limit that ordinary humans can do, but unfortunately their targets are not humans.

Alien's fighting ability has surpassed the limit of ordinary humans.

They didn't even leave their names and code names. They were only mentioned in news media reports as the "two security workers" next to Li Zairong.


"The latest research report of the GGA Alliance confirms that the current popular game themes are [Zombie] and [Assassin]?"

Lin Yan inquired through GGA's official website and found that many two-star teams have started to develop games with zombies and assassins.

Even many companies have already taken out the finished product and started to go on sale.

It's just that the sales of these games are very average, and even the ordinary platinum level is not reached. Very few can barely reach the platinum level through publicity offensive. It is difficult to get to the next level.

As a game developer and as a player, Lin Yan deeply understands that without investigation, there is no right to speak.

So he downloaded and installed all the zombie games on the shelves, and played them one by one.

Controlling the extremely complex emotions in his heart, Lin Yan spent nearly a week to complete all these games in one week.

With both hands away from the mouse and keyboard, Lin Yan's face turned pale.

After a moment of contemplation, he seriously and impartially gave these games an objective and fair evaluation: "These things are simply a pool of disgusting rotten food, like the best sticky and burnt food in the dark cuisine. Take a bite. , Can make the blood tank half empty!"

He would rather fight with a hundred Li Xu than to play this kind of insincere spicy chicken game!

Many game development companies are following the trend of "Prototype". Most of their game protagonists are scientists who serve mysterious companies. They were killed because they planned to steal the virus and gained super powers. From then on, they wandered in the ruins of the apocalyptic city and started the unparalleled cut. I go mode


Their main storyline is like a scumbag, and their personal settings are broadly similar, and their game themes are contradictory and complicated. People don't know what the developer wants to express.

The only commendable picture, compared with the original version of "Prototype", was also instantly tortured, not to mention the original shape after ARI enhancement-compared with the full version, those zombie games are simply self-selected disgrace!

"Are these people born with underdeveloped brains, or are their brains soaked in sulfuric acid?"

Although Lin Yan complained like this, he actually got the answer in his heart.

The key is that players in this world are too easy to be satisfied and never picky eaters. Because of their good material conditions and ample pockets, they will not refuse to come. Any game that can be played a little longer and can pass the time will be supported by them.

Since you don't need to be sincere to make a lot of money, why must you waste time and spend years of hard work to make and develop games?

Ninety-nine percent of today's big game companies are merchants and capitalists, not game developers. The vast majority of them have never played even one game developed by their own group!

For them, making games is like making glasses, weapons, medicines, and clothing. As long as they can make money, it is enough. Who cares about its real quality?

Anyway, as long as the promotion is in place, players will naturally pay for it.

Nowadays, there are more and more companies engaged in game development. Although the competition is getting stronger and stronger, in fact, the market is far from saturated.

Many capitalists and businessmen who are aware of the purchasing power of players have invested in this industry. They just want to make money, and even only have a concept of "game". So I went to create a team and started investing in this area.

For some financial predators, investing in game companies is equivalent to financial management similar to Yu'e Bao, and the probability of losing money is negligible.

"Kill the chicken and get the eggs..."

Lin Yan couldn't help shook his head.

He can't say that other competitors are short-sighted. After all, others are trying to make money. They develop the game market destructively. After players lose confidence in the game company, they will completely recover their investment in the game field and switch to other more. Profitable collar


This approach of following the trend and dealing with errands will only accelerate the death of the game field, make developers who are really willing to make good games lose their way, and stifle their imagination.

Lin Yan has played a relatively best zombie game this week, reflecting reality.

This Lan Guo company, named EUECX, sets the background of the game in Chaoyue Kingdom Jinshan, and the name of the dark force in the game is "Umbrella Company", and the biggest boss in the game is Lin Yan.

It is the only zombie-themed game that makes Lin Yan feel a little surprised. Even so, it also refers to "Prototype" in many aspects, and the visual sense is very strong.

"I really don't grow up..."

The corners of Lin Yan's lips rose slightly, and a touch of evil tears appeared on her face.

He is not a mere philanthropist, he has to be released in good faith. Lin Yan can empathize with those orphans and war orphans.

And these competitors, capitalists who imitated his face and imitated his face, Lin Yan would not have any softness.

The Burning Sky Business Lawyers Group, hailed as "mad dogs" and "wolves" by the industry, has already collected all the evidence to ensure that they can win the lawsuit 100%, and let the other party pay back ten times the copyright fee they originally tried to cross!

"Let the lawyers act."

Secretly gave Lin Yan an affirmative reply: "Received! 98% of the zombie games sold worldwide during this period involve the copyright infringement of "Prototype"."

"All their profits, even their costs, will be compensated to us. These games will inevitably be taken off the shelves. According to estimates, we will be able to make a total of 59 profit this time after excluding the costs of litigation and bribery of juries and judges. Billion thirty million money left

right. "

A smile turned away in Lin Yan's eyes.

The dark forecast error rate is generally not higher than 2%.

"So, it's time to develop "Assassin"..."

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