Game Development Mad God

Vol 10 Chapter 489: Different choices, a life over flowers

When the time pointer points to 12 noon, the progress bar in front of Lin Yan has completely completed his historical mission, completely uploading a 12G-sized game, and a panic buying frenzy on the Internet has also opened up Grand preface


Lin Yan is always in front of the computer looking at the background data of current game sales. In just half an hour, the sales volume of the game has exceeded 150,000 copies, and the numbers are still soaring. , And soaring

The speed is very fast.

Time has passed by one second, and Lin Yan is still waiting now. Sales can’t tell everything. Now sales are more based on the big brand of Burning Sky. Players’ trust in Burning, so now To sell so well, this is not

To the table players trust and agree with this work.

What really represents trust and recognition is the results of professional evaluations by the majority of players and various games in a few hours or even days, which can truly show the degree of acceptance of this game by Volkswagen 2.

If the acceptance level is not high, even if there is scolding everywhere, then there is no need for Lin Yan to continue this game, but if the majority of players have praised this game, then Lin Yan should also It's time to come down

A one-step plan.

Time gradually passed by Lin Yan's patient waiting. The game "The Sims" has very good playability. Although the flow of time in the game world is dozens of times that of the normal world, in general, , As long as the player is

If luck is good enough in the game world, a character can even play for a whole year.

And Lin Yan has full certainty to determine that many players of this game will not feel bored at all. This is the most unique aspect of this game.

Lin Yan waited for a day, but there was no response on the Internet.

For two days, it was still very peaceful on the Internet.

In three days, the Internet was still as plain as water...

On the fourth day, even Lin Yan couldn't sit still, and in his nostrils he smelled the feeling that the mountains and the rain were about to come to the wind.

When Lin Yan just turned on the computer on the fifth morning, the first review of the game appeared on the official website of Burning Sky, or the first review left by the players of this game. .

"I became a superintendent in the game, but in the process of pursuing the fugitive, due to my personal negligence, I died in a car accident... Now I am starting again, and I can play this **** game for a year!"

It’s just such a comment that made Lin Yan’s mouth smile. If Lin Yan’s heart is still uneasy, then it’s at least quiet now. Although there is only one comment, it is at least

A very good start, isn't it?

There are two if there are two, three if there are two...and so on...

A large number of replies from players began to appear in the comment area of ​​Burning Sky, and most of them gave very positive comments on this game.

"This is a very fun game. I became a doctor in the game and soaked the beautiful dean on the bed!"

"Upstairs is the winner in life. I have become a thief. Fortunately, we are also stealing the existence of invincible hands in the world. It's a good game."

"All upstairs are winners in life, I became a kindergarten aunt..."

"The upstairs is full of rubbish. Lao Tzu is the highest killer in the whole world. As long as you have money, anyone dares to attack you. You are a bird, I will not hesitate to kill!"

"Upstairs is awesome, I don't know that I, the superintendent person in charge, don't take it seriously!"

"Catch the thief!"


The number of similar comments on the Internet is very, very large. Although most of them seem to be very nonsensical, in essence these comments have given Lin Yan a feeling of recognition, and the fairy A Lin Yan can already conclude ,just now

I can start the next game production plan.

Begin to produce the next "The Sims" script, which is the last existence of Lin Yan to suppress the stage. The Eastern version of "The Sims" is the existence that Lin Yan wants to shake the entire game world.

At noon, the first professional review of "The Sims" was also published, and it was published in one of the most famous game magazines in China. As expected, this new type of game was also recognized by professional reviewers. Consistent


First of all, I have to say that this is a complete game, because based on my personal understanding of Burning Games, since this is a game full of European style in game content, there must be another one. Oriental game,

So I say this is an incomplete game.

As for why the other version was not released, it may be for some reason, or I guessed it wrong, but no matter what, I still have to talk about my personal opinion about this game.

This is a very good game, this is a great game, this is a great game...

Please allow me to describe this game like this. In my style, I rarely carry a game like this, but I have to say that this game really caters to all my appetites. More popular, if I were a goddess

With that, Lin Yan successfully touched my heart.

Although what I said is a bit disgusting, it is the truth.

In this game, I experienced a high degree of freedom. From birth to adulthood, I can better arrange my own life, so that the unbearable things that have appeared in real life do not appear. .

Personally, I am a disabled person with paralyzed legs. It has been impossible for me to stand up from a wheelchair in my life. For many years, being able to play basketball with my son and cook a meal for my wife has become my life. The biggest dream among them,

But I deeply know that this is impossible in the real world.

This is also what I want to thank Lin Yan. In the game world, I did it, and it can be considered a small way to make up for the regret in my heart.

In the world of games, my profession is no longer a game reviewer, but a very good lawyer. In life, I have a gentle and beautiful wife and a lovely son.

I can get up every morning to make breakfast for my wife and play basketball with my son...

It can be said that this is really a very good work!

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