Game Development Mad God

Vol 10 Chapter 882: Ghost Sniper (8)

Armed helicopters are a relatively large threat to infantry and armored vehicles. Under anti-tank missiles, even the frontal armor of main battle tanks is difficult to resist. They are directly launched into the soul, and the aircraft gun itself is extremely high. Speed, it is able to carry out large-scale massacres for ground infantry.

But this cannot be said that the weapon itself has no weaknesses. Lin Yan wants to balance the game, so there are also individual anti-aircraft missile launchers in the stronghold. As long as two hits, the helicopter can be knocked out. Down, and although the helicopter runs fast and has strong attack power, its armor is also very weak. The heavy machine guns on the ground and the small-caliber rapid-fire guns on the wheeled armored vehicles can bring huge damage to the armed helicopters.

Of course, if the helicopter is injured, it can be repaired. After returning to the apron of the base, the life value of the armed helicopter will be restored and the ammunition consumed by the helicopter will be replenished.

In the same way, any vehicle in the game can be repaired. At the beginning of the game, the system will randomly designate eight people besides the commanders and sniper mobile gunners at all levels as vehicle repairers. Their equipment There will be an extra wrench, which can repair the equipment, but the consumption of elixir used by tanks or armored vehicles can only be returned to the base for supplementation.

In addition, there are transport helicopters in this game. The transport helicopters can carry a small group of soldiers to carry out rapid air excitement and air landing operations. They can be used as surprise soldiers to attack the enemy.

The transport helicopter is not as powerful as the armed helicopter, so it is far less aggressive than the armed helicopter, but there are still two heavy machine guns on both sides of the hatch. When it is taboo, it can still give Combat troops on the ground provide a certain degree of fire support.

It is worth mentioning that the various equipment in the game is not uniform. There are 99A, M1A2, T90, Type 90, Type 10, Leopard 2A7, Fort M and many other different models in the game. The performance parameters are also Each has its own strengths and weaknesses, and the same is true for helicopters. Take the transport helicopter, the Zhiba helicopter is equipped with a large-caliber 14.5mm large-caliber heavy machine gun, which has great damage to the target, but its coverage is limited. Relatively low.

The Black Hawk helicopter is equipped with a 7.62mm six-barreled machine gun. Although the power of the bullet is relatively small, the extremely high rate of fire brings extremely high suppression ability, and the ground support is better, so the player is playing Which is to clarify the performance of these equipment itself.

Of course, as the core of the game "Ghost Sniper", a large number of weapons and equipment players are still able to freely match them according to their own hearts, and the system is only limited to the number of special units.

Lin Yan now plans to add the battlefield mode in the online mode of "Ghost Sniper" to the Burning Sky battle platform at the same time, so that players across the network can experience this intense team confrontation of hundreds of people.

It can be said that this kind of confrontation mode in the game is a full-fledged small war. It is not only the elements of action shooting, but also the vehicle shooting confrontation, strategy and flying shooting. It can be said that the relative combat The simple model is completely epoch-making.

It can be said that Lin Yan is already looking forward to the enthusiastic response when this mode is uploaded to the battle platform. Similarly, Lin Yan has also made a targeted design for the battle mode.

Before the start of the game, players on both sides can choose the equipment that their teams can use in the battle. The two teams are divided into red and blue teams, and the choice is made in blue first and red second. Of course, the choice is mainly focused on what to use Such large equipment.

For example, in the choice of tanks, armored personnel carriers and armed helicopters, the performance of different types of equipment in the game is different. For example, in the game, heavy main battle tanks such as M1A2 and 99A and Leopard 2a7 are the largest in themselves. The characteristic is that it has heavy armor and a heavy artillery that can kill most of the blood of other tanks in one shot, but its mobility is average.

The T90 tank’s artillery and armor are average, but its maneuverability is very good, and it’s not even slower than the vehicle. It can be said that it can fully support rapid support in battle, but its own artillery and armor are disadvantaged. When it faces a heavily loaded tank like the 99A, its frontal rigidity is bound to be finished.

The same as the T90, there is also the 10 type. As for the other tanks, the performance of the tanks is more modest. There are no bright spots and no obvious shortcomings. The helicopter is the difference in mobility and ammunition. So players should choose the weapons and equipment suitable for their tactics before the game starts.

A team of players who like a wave of groups in the middle should choose thick armor and heavy artillery. The tank is equipped with a gunship that is generally mobile but has a large ammunition. Lin Yan believes that, except for the same configuration on the opposite side, other Any formulation is basically difficult to confront.

Player teams who like the combination of Zhengqi, frontal assault, and sidewalk stealing can still choose to reload the tank on the tank, but choose the model with outstanding mobility and average ammunition on the gunship.

This type of armed helicopter, although carrying average ammunition, can quickly carry out mobile support on the battlefield. It can be said that different equipment options can very well show the fighting style of the physical team.

Of course, in addition to the above two, there are many ways to match and combine, which depends on the specific tactical combination.

At this point, the main shaping phase of the entire game has been completed, and the rest is to fix some of the loopholes in the game and prepare for the market later.

Lin Yan has released news on the Internet that Burning Sky’s new work "Ghost Sniper" will be on sale soon. The game mode "Ghost Sniper: Infinite Battlefield" was separated from the game by Lin Yan himself and became one Independent game, online battle platform.

As for this mode to be used on the battle platform, Lin Yan also has something to change. At least within six months of the platform’s launch, Lin Yan intends to hold a team competition tournament to fully open this mode to the industry.

In short, Lin Yan himself is very optimistic about the prospects of this game, especially for the prospects of the battle platform. After all, the infinite battlefield model is the only one in the entire industry.

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