Game Development Mad God

Vol 10 Chapter 881: Ghost Sniper (7)

The sniper is also called the ghost on the battlefield. It is a dangerous existence in itself, so the sniper has become a special existence on the battlefield. You never know from which corner the sniper is facing you. The deadly bullet was shot, so the sniper was completely a murderous and invisible existence on the battlefield.

But the sniper is also a very dangerous existence. There is only one chance to shoot, and then you must quickly evacuate, otherwise the enemy is likely to attack the sniper's location.

This is also reflected in the game. In the game, as long as the player chooses a sniper rifle, he is regarded as a sniper. It is not short to use a submachine gun for frontal assault combat, but if you use a sniper rifle In the case of a sniper killing, within five seconds after the shot was fired on the enemy's small map, the location of the sniper will be revealed, and will disappear after five seconds.

In this way, the commander of the enemy will have enough time to mobilize the artillery fire and bombard the approximate location of the sniper. Nearby enemies will also come to encircle and suppress the sniper played by the player. It can be said that the sniper is in the game. Quite dangerous.

If it is a long-range gathering, then it is best to fire a shot and change a place. If you don't change it, a dozen large-caliber cannonballs may already hit the player's head after ten seconds.

In this game mode, the commander of the army can divide his misalignment into several directions for use. The commander can divide his team into different teams and teams, for example, set up three teams of thirty people. , The remaining people form an independent armored team, so that players have three troop groups that can be mobilized, and the remaining armored forces can provide key support.

The team is to set up a team leader, the team leader can also divide his misalignment into three teams for specific tactical use, and the team leader can let his subordinates form three combat teams.

This kind of detailed division can be said to be that when the division of labor is clear and there are very clear combat goals, players can better fight, unlike in many games where everyone is running around, and it is not tactical at all. No.

And in this game, Lin Yan also made a rule for the specific number of equipment. Although theoretically players can choose any equipment they like, there are some restrictions on some special equipment.

For example, among the one hundred and eight people, there can only be five snipers at most. This is also to limit the overrun of snipers and make the entire battlefield a slaughterhouse where snipers continue to sniper, and can choose anti-tank missiles. There are only ten soldiers in, and the anti-tank missiles pose a great threat to the armored forces. If they are too dense, the role of the armored forces will be very limited.

And ten players in the entire team must choose light machine guns as the core of firepower in the team. If this number is not enough, the system will randomly assign them, of course, there is no upper limit.

Of course, what kind of weapon the player chooses is entirely the player’s own freedom. For example, if ten people choose a sniper rifle in a game, then after the weapon selection is completed, the system will follow the player’s usual use of the sniper rifle. And the ability, to redistribute the five players with lower proficiency, that is, eliminate, these players can choose the weapon again.

This kind of production can be considered as a full consideration of the fairness of the game. Later, Lin Yan thought about it and changed the way the game wins and loses to a certain extent. In Lin Yan’s own original setting, the life of any player of both the enemy and the enemy can be resurrected indefinitely, as long as they compete for strongholds. After all the strongholds are competed, then at the end of the game, all the strongholds they went to One party is the winner.

But then Lin Yan thought for a while. If he really did this, then there would be an extremely thorough tug-of-war between the two sides. It would be really difficult to tell the victory or defeat, let alone. How long will it take to end the battle.

Therefore, Lin Yan still made a change. In the battle, each player’s life is one-off, and even heavy equipment will not be refreshed after the loss. This is also to reflect the authenticity of the game itself. , The goal of winning the game has become two.

One is to completely wipe out all the enemy's personnel and to annihilate the enemy, and the other is the same as before. After occupying all the enemy's positions, it is considered a victory. Therefore, it becomes a very important thing to plan targeted tactics in the game.

It can be said that in this game, the confrontation between white teams in such a big scene is very interesting. The most valuable asset in the game is naturally the dozen armored vehicles and tanks. Such an armored cluster is completely The size of an armored company, when used at the right time, is a powerful assault force. At this time, infantry accompanies the tank to fight, so the infantry can attack the target that can threaten the tank at the first time. The essence of Butan collaboration.

In every base and preface position, there is a fixed anti-tank missile launcher. When our side cannot effectively block the enemy’s armored assault, these fixed anti-tank missiles can also come in handy. Their The power is much greater than the individual anti-tank missiles in the hands of soldiers, and it can make the armored personnel carrier into the soul with one shot.

At the end of this design, Lin Yan thought for a while, and still incorporated the elements of air assault in the game. At the end of this game mode, Lin Yan still joined another modern warfare, the big killer of ground assault, that is military helicopter.

Each team has two armed helicopters and one transport helicopter in their base. The armed helicopter requires two people to drive. The two people have a clear division of labor. The player in the back seat is the helicopter pilot and can control the helicopter. Lock the equipped rocket.

In the front seat is a weapon controller, who is responsible for controlling the cannon and anti-tank missiles on the armed helicopter.

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