Game Development Mad God

Vol 10 Chapter 948: Prince of Persia (6)

The Prince of Persia King Wushuang, released in 2005, is also considered the final concluding work of the Prince of Persia trilogy, and all the stories are completely ended in this game.

The time change that has always been highly respected in the previous two works has continued to appear in this game. At the same time, Ubisoft also added the most popular QTE system in this game. Of course, it is precisely because of the existence of this system that This game is also mixed to some extent.

In the same game, a dual protagonist design is also adopted, and the player can control the prince with split personality in the game.

There are other works in the entire series of games, but in Lin Yan's view, the works in the entire series, if they are influential, should be those works that are most well-known to the public.

Although there are games in the "New Prince of Persia" series after this, the protagonist himself has no relationship with the prince. The whole game is also a model of selling dog meat, not to mention it.

All in all, this game is a pretty good game as a whole. Both the plot and the overall system of the game are quite good. Of course, the first few games of Prince of Persia appeared earlier, so they seem to be It is the existence that many players disdain to experience.

However, the Sands of Time series is still a very good game. Even if it is due to its age, it is still an uninteresting game in the eyes of current players, but in general, this game has a lot of action For old game players, it is definitely a memory of an era, which is very worthy of recognition.

In Lin Yan’s opinion, if the Sands of Time series is reshaped, in fact, if this game is equipped with the best picture quality and the best physical effects, and no other changes are made, then This game is also a very good game, at least for now, it is considered a pretty good game in the entire game market.

Of course, Lin Yan now has to remake this game, and this game itself will definitely be even better.

This game, Lin Yan still uses Sands of Time as the main game blueprint, but only integrates the three versions of the story into one game to shape it. In fact, Lin Yan himself still likes the game plot of Sands of Time very much. , Of course, Lin Yan also has to make a certain degree of change for the plot that often reverses.

There is always a big reversal in the plot, which is really unacceptable. Of course, the change in the plot Lin Yan did not touch the core of the game itself.

But in this game, Lin Yan has made very large changes to some points that he thinks are rather regrettable. The first is the issue of the heroine. In fact, after the launch of the Sands of Time series, many players have responded.

Regarding the positioning of the heroine of the entire game, in fact, most players prefer the Queen of Time Kailena. Of course, in Lin Yan's opinion, Kailena is also better than the final heroine Farah in the overall shaping of the game. There is much to be brilliant.

Therefore, before the game officially began to shape, Lin Yan made some changes to the entire plot in the game. The first thing was to raise Kailena’s position from the second female position to the female first position, so that this game The love story between the male and female protagonists becomes an entire main story.

At the same time, this will also be a sadomasochistic love, or a game version of a love that travels through time and space. In the plot of the game, what Kailena predicts through time is no longer that the prince will kill herself, but that the prince will Become your own husband, but at the same time will release evil.

Although this kind of setting looks a bit clichéd, in Lin Yan's view, it is the plot that attracts players the most. After all, the more clichéd the love story, the less it needs to be laid out, as long as it is better than the prince. The princess has a strong love.

The heroine will have a loyal love in the plot of this game, from the past to the future. She knows that two people are on the same side, and the protagonist will suffer from reincarnation in hell.

As for the original heroine Farah, Lin Yan portrayed this role as a very important supporting actress in the plot. There is no affection between them, but the two are best friends.

At the same time, Farah is more like a goddess in the game. Of course, this goddess Lin Yan is not referring to his own eyebrows. The beauty or the heroine is the real face. Farah acts as the finger of a male protagonist in the game. The identity of a passer-by can always point the protagonist to the next direction when he is confused.

It can be said that although the changes made on request are not hurtful, they also have relatively large changes. The big reversal in various plots has been reduced a lot.

But it increases the role of love between the male and female protagonists, which is a very good design for both male and female players.

After all, the prince is a hero-like character in the world of the game, and the heroic beauty is naturally more likely to be passed on as a story, and it is easier to be accepted by the public.

I don’t know how many players were saddened by the death of Kailena that year. I hope Kailena of this game will have a good ending.

Therefore, if Lin Yan finds a qualified world, it can be regarded as satisfying the wishes of quite a few players. In fact, Lin Yan decided to focus on the redesign of the model for the first reshaping part of this game.

In fact, to be honest, if you look at a game more than ten years ago from the eyes of people today, although this game is very good in many designs, the plot is also very colorful, but the design in the mission model and so on is only It can be described in one word.

That is soil. From the current perspective, the modeling of this game is simply a model of soil dregs. This is not to blame for Lin Yan himself, knowing that some people felt that way back then.

After all, when the Sands of Time was launched, the clothes on the protagonist's body were too Arab and Middle Eastern, but they were not visually pleasing, so they had to be changed.

The same game is still called Prince of Persia, but Lin Yan has nothing to do with Persia in terms of the background shaping of the game. This will be a reimagined game world.

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