A week later, the controversy about "Mingyue Tianya" is still going on on Weibo, forums and other social platforms.

However, since most of the players came into contact with Chinese martial arts from Mingyue Tianya, their own knowledge of Chinese martial arts is not much, and it can even be regarded as lacking, which has gradually led to a disadvantage in the controversy.

And at this moment, an interview video was topped in the hot search on Xiaopozhan.

In the video, the program team invited a very gold-rich figure in the martial arts world, Mr. Dai Hairong Dai.

Dai Hairong, today's young people have basically never heard of this name.

But if you throw this name on Du Niang, the encyclopedia given is enough to shock people's attention.

Martial arts master, former head coach of Wushu Association, champion of the 18th Wushu Exchange...

The series of honors are jaw-dropping! "Seven Four Three"

In the interview, the host also specifically asked Mr. Dai a question about "Mingyue Tianya", which is the source of this trend of martial arts.

"Do you think the martial arts culture conveyed by such a game is correct or wrong?"

It's a very honest question, and it's also a question that many players care about.

For this point, Mr. Dai gave his own answer.

"There is no doubt that it is correct."

"To be honest, I was really happy when I saw Mingyue Tianya, I am glad that our martial arts culture has not continued to decline, but has gradually risen in such a way.

"As for the recent rhetoric on the Internet about 'Mingyue Tianya' discrediting martial arts culture, I do not agree with it. The word 'martial arts' originally combines the strengths of a hundred schools of thought, discarding the dross and extracting the essence. It is a move in Mingyue Tianya. I may not be able to tell what sect or sect it comes from, but its every move and every style are very rigid, and even I am amazed by it."

"So I don't think 'Mingyue Tianya' is an act of discrediting martial arts. On the contrary, because of its appearance, our martial arts once again entered the public's field of vision."

Speaking of this, Mr. Dai smiled wryly, "Actually, old people like us are remnants of the old era. How to pass on the culture of martial arts has always been a problem for us."

"But now, I see the ship built by Mingyue Tianya, which will sail the culture of Chinese martial arts to a new era!"

"If someone wants to smash this ship, then we will use the way of warriors to solve this problem! Wuren Martial Arts Hall, accompany us anytime!"

Mr. Dai's voice was strong and powerful, with the arrogance of a martial arts practitioner. With his voice, it directly ignited the hearts of the audience.

The video barrage is even denser!

"Accompany me at any time! I am Zhuo! Mr. Dai is too domineering!"

"Is this the toughness of martial arts practitioners! I love it so much!"

"Mr. Dai said it very well!"

"What about those people who said that Yue Tianya's way counting is wrong? It's true that you can't stand up after kneeling for a long time, right?"

"This wave belongs to tulle!"

If it were done in normal times, such a program would not receive too much attention.

But now that the trend of martial arts is on the rise, Mr. Dai is also a very prominent martial artist in the martial arts world, and he is linked to Mingyue Tianya, so this video has naturally attracted the attention of many people.

But this is just the beginning,

At 7 o'clock that night, in Yangma's evening news report, the host spent ten minutes reporting the martial arts sensation that "Mingyue Tianya" caused throughout the world.

Not only did it show the relevant pictures of the game, but also in the host's speech, he definitely recognized Mingyue Tianya!

Now, the players of Mingyue Tianya are boiling over!

This is Yang Ma! Yang Ma!

What does it mean that Yang's mother named and praised?

means sure!

So far, which game can do this step!

In addition, Yang Ma itself is extremely popular. After this report, Mingyue Tianya will definitely set off another wave of enthusiasm!

Sure enough, a few minutes later, Mingyue Tianya's related hot words once again appeared on the hot searches on various social platforms, and reached the top at an extremely terrifying speed!

At this moment, countless players rushed into Weibo with excitement.

"Chinese New Year is Chinese New Year! Now it's really Chinese New Year!"

"First it was Mr. Dai, and now it is Yang Ma, Mingyue Tianya, it really...I cried to death."

"In the final analysis, the quality of the game itself is excellent, and Mingyue Tianya doesn't have to worry about any problems."

"Those parents who say they want to boycott Mingyue Tianya, have you seen it! The only thing wrong with the game is that it is called a game, and it can do things you can't think of!!"

"Exporting culture abroad, setting off a trend of martial arts, being affirmed by martial arts masters, and being affirmed by Yang Ma, only Mingyue Tianya has this one!"


First, it was the affirmation of Mr. Dai, the master of martial arts, and then Yang Ma. After the approval of these two, the players who were still against the wind on Weibo directly began to counterattack...

But it's still not over!

At 8 o'clock in the evening, in response to the recent impact of Mingyue Tianya, Yueyue Games gave a relevant response on Weibo.

#Chasing the moon, chasing the moon of the stars#

[For the troubles caused by Mingyue Tianya's public beta recently, Yueyue Games would like to apologize to everyone here. Regarding whether Mingyue Tianya's school moves are orthodox, we can give an absolute guarantee on this point.

[Because the original intention of the production is to allow players to experience the most authentic rivers and lakes, so in the production of the moves of various schools and schools, we invited Yuan Heping and Yuan Lao as the guide and producer, and strive to give players the most authentic moves]

[So players, please rest assured. 】

At the bottom of Weibo, a video was also released.

In the video, an old man wearing a black hat gives pointers to the staff on the 3D software.

And the moment they saw the old man, the players went straight to 2.1.

Maybe because they don't pay attention to martial arts, they don't know Mr. Dai.

But Yuan Heping and Yuan Lao, they definitely know!

Action master! The best martial arts in the world!

Almost all famous martial arts movies and TV series are directed by this master!

"Master Dai, Mama Yang, this time it's Mr. Yuan again! Yuebao, I've already been fucked by you!"

"What is Pai Nian! This is called Pai Nian!"

"It's no wonder that every action in the game is so smooth and reasonable, and the feelings are guided by Yuan Lao!"

"Stop talking, the excitement is beyond words, only krypton gold!"

"Mingyue Tianya launched a krypton gold project, so I'll just blow it up!"

"I see who will dare to blacken Mingyue Tianya after today!"

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