With Yang Ma's move, and the month-by-month game release of Yuan Lao as an action guide, some public opinion on the Internet began to gradually dissipate.

I can only say that it is normal.

There is no cost to speaking online. Once you close your eyes and hit the keyboard, Ye Man has to give up three tricks. sounded.

The turmoil also ended with the victory of the players.

A certain fish, PDD live broadcast room.

Like other players, PD picked up the mermaid line project that he had abandoned for many years after contacting "Mingyue Tianya".

For half a month, I not only ensured my daily healthy diet and healthy work and rest, but also arranged a good exercise plan.

Although there is no change in the appearance of today's PDD, the spirit and spirit it gives are obviously several grades better than before.

According to PDD himself, when others punched him in the past, he had to pinch Renzhong and beg him not to die, but now when someone punches him, he can at least pinch his own Renzhong.

"Come on, brothers, I'm not late today, my brother's exercise is very good."

After rubbing his hands, PDD sat down in front of the computer.


"Let's just put it on in the morning and play pornography, right?"

"Stop talking about it."

Ignoring the ridicule of the water friends in the live broadcast room, PDD directly opened the official website of "Mingyue Tianya".

Yesterday, the month-by-month game official blog announced the update notice, and the server maintenance will be carried out on the next day, which is today, for a major version update.

This is why PDD ended his exercise early and started the live broadcast.

"Come on, let's see what's updated in today's big version!"

With strong expectations, PDD clicked on the update announcement.

In the next second, a series of updated content printed in front of the eyes made PDD stare.

However, PDD quickly realized that it wasn't that there was a lot of updated content, but that the updated content was relatively cumbersome, and a lot of pen and ink was wasted in the announcement to explain.

The first is the alliance system.

Eight Barrens and Four Leagues, this is a game concept that existed long before the server was opened.

The eight wilds do not refer to the eight sects in the current game, but the various famous sects in the world.

The four alliances refer to the four alliances, namely:

Han Jiangcheng led by Qu Wuyi, Wanlisha led by Li Yutang, Diwangzhou by Ye Zhiqiu and Shuilongyin by Tang Qingfeng.

The four lords are respectively in charge of the four alliances. After the player completes the experience of the sect, he can choose one of the four alliances to join.

In short, Bahuang is like a school, and Simeng is a business group. After graduating from school, players can choose a group to join.

After joining, the player can not only receive the corresponding salary every day, but also receive and complete tasks from the alliance to obtain rewards.

"Is it equivalent to the trade union system? It's okay, I can accept it."

After a general look, PDD almost has a bottom line in his heart.

Join the alliance, and then become a force with other players, so as to play a large-scale force PVP game.

This set of systems took shape in online games ten years before the game ban was released, and now it is not surprising that monthly games are used for PDD.

Besides, to play games is to play with people who like you for a long time. The introduction of this system can not only strengthen the social interaction between players, but also stabilize the enthusiasm of players for the game.

Let me ask, on a lonely winter night, have you ever received a message from your friend, the message only has three short words:

"On? Number?"

And after receiving this news, you got out of the newly heated kang and started the game.

This is the reason, as long as players form a social circle in the game, it can drive the online rate and enthusiasm of players. Lu Yan naturally understands this.

"Open the dungeon to challenge Longshou Mountain! Players who have completed the martial arts trial and joined the alliance can challenge!"

Looking at the reminder in the update announcement, PDD's eyes lighted up slightly, and a touch of excitement climbed up his fat face.


finally come!

Although it shows that Yue Tianya has a high degree of freedom so far, and there are many places for players to explore, but online games will lose some fun without dungeons.

As a player, PDD has experienced the time when domestic online games were flourishing.

At that time, when he was still young, he and his friends in the game spent the whole night opening up wasteland, destroying groups again and again, challenging again and again, and never tired of it.

It’s been a long time since I experienced the frustration of failure when I was on the verge of success, and the thrill of finally passing through countless failures!

Today...maybe I can get back the original feeling!

"One thing to say, Moon Treasure is really conscientious, a game that has only been in public beta for half a month, and the first update is so big."

PDD couldn't help admiring.

But soon, as the mouse moved down, PDD's expression suddenly froze.

Because he saw the instructions at the bottom of the update announcement.

[This update will welcome Zhu Xiaoyue, a visitor from the East China Sea. The textile technology she brought is famous all over the world. She even opened Tianyi Pavilions in various places in the rivers and lakes to sell all kinds of exquisite clothes. Players who need them can purchase them after recharging the coupons]

Seeing this, PDD's face is a bit ugly.

Where did the month-by-month game invite such a clever planner!

Although it is normal to krypton gold in online games, but you are 520 too fast, right?

It’s only been more than half a month since the server opened, and you haven’t let players understand the gameplay, so you’re opening gold items?

You are really not afraid of being sprayed!

For a while, even PDD, the number one fan of the month-to-month game, didn't know how to wash it.

Naturally, the water friends in the live broadcast room also saw this update announcement.

Although the first two games and a series of measures of the previous month-by-month game have gained a very good reputation, the word krypton gold is a bit garish after all.

Suddenly, a series of complaints sounded in the live broadcast room.

"To be honest, this wave of Moon Treasures is really unreasonable. How long has it been since the server has been open? Are you ready for our leeks?"

"That's right, I originally had to pay 328 to play your game just to buy equipment, but you told me that the game also costs gold! That's not how you earn money!"

"So what should come will come. There is no manufacturer with a permanent conscience, but only permanent interests."

"Hey~ You all have to learn from me, play games when they come out, leave when they don't come out, don't pay attention, don't do good things, don't spend money, just accompany."

"Hahahaha, there's nothing wrong with it, the main thing is to be a companion."

PS: Because I have to go to work, the update is usually in the afternoon or evening, sorry!.

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