Game of Gods

Chapter 401 Infiltrating the Enemy Camp (3)

Flora Fortress.

Behind the cabin is a gorgeous arcane tower, which is the core energy area of ​​the Flora Fortress, responsible for providing all the energy supply of the Flora Fortress.

Spreading out further, it is the place where the goblins live and stay.

The further you go to the edge, the lower the status of goblins.

Rouwa is currently nestling in a corner of the edge of the fortress, thinking about something.

"Killing a low-level goblin can't cause much impact. Coupled with the level restriction, the low-level goblins are not easy to deal with. Therefore, the concentrated target of destruction should not be the goblin, but the area. Try to cause as much damage to the area as possible." Destroy, exert influence, safe and effective."

This is what Yuan Chenfei reminded her.

As a shadow thorn, this is undoubtedly the best.

However, the explosives in hand are limited, so which target is better to attack?

Rouwa was walking leisurely on the street, thinking about her target.

It is necessary to find not only those who are easy to deal with, but also those who have great influence. God, such a place is hard to find, the more important the place, the more heavily guarded it is.

Rouwa was thinking hard when she suddenly saw a female goblin holding a group of dolls coming out.

baby? Rouwa's eyes lit up.

Wouldn't that be an easy-to-start, but also important goal?

But it's over for the doll, isn't it?

Even a lawless existence like Rouwa felt a little uneasy.

But the next moment, she quickly made a decision.

"Never mind him, it's not my race!"


It was early morning when Yuan Chenfei received the news and arrived.

Hearing the news given by High Priest Feili, his face also darkened: "Three places were bombed, and more than 60 little goblins were killed or injured? This guy is so ruthless, he attacked children!"

This is the truth.

He really didn't expect Rouwa to do this.

But there is no doubt that this is indeed the most suitable goal.


It was indeed right to ask her to be responsible for attracting the attention of the goblin priest, and only her cunning, cruelty, and viciousness could make such a choice.

"Why? Why did that guy do this? What is his purpose for coming here? What kind of help did the gods give him!" High Priest Philip roared wildly. But he already knew that Yuan Chenfei couldn't give any information at this time, so he was just venting more.

After a while, he turned to look at Yuan Chenfei: "How can I catch him? This question doesn't involve a task, can you answer it?"

Yuan Chenfei said: "Actually, this is very difficult. You know that there are phantom flowers, and opponents may change into other goblins at any time and anywhere. And the life style of goblins is so chaotic. Based on my observations in the past two days, Sometimes they can't figure themselves out, let alone an infiltrated fake goblin. On top of that, only the Light of Judgment can decipher the Shifter. That means we can't decipher his magic unless we capture him first camouflage."

Catch first and then crack? What's the use of that?

But the fact is, this is the status quo of the goblin race.

The phantom flower given by the gods is not used to pretend to be a familiar goblin to sneak into the high-level undercover, but just like Rouwa is doing now, constantly changing identities to sneak in, so that the phantom flower can really play a role.

Yuan Chenfei realized this shortly after he got the illusion flower.

This is a stand-alone game, and what the gods are looking at is how human professionals can infiltrate little by little, and attack the goblin fortress.

It's just that this time, it's not Yuan Chenfei who is playing the underground showdown with the goblins, but Rouwa. This is actually beyond the expectations of the gods, but they are also welcome.

The more complex the game, the more fun it is.

Hearing Yuan Chenfei's words at this moment, High Priest Feili said: "I need to know what help the gods gave him, but I also want to know why that guy attacked our children. Which answer do you think is more important? "

Yuan Chenfei replied without thinking: "I think the answers to the two questions are one."

"Is that so?" Priest Philip's eyes sparkled.

"I understand a bit... stand-alone game... that's right..." High Priest Philip nodded repeatedly.

That night, High Priest Feili finally confirmed the news from Yuan Chenfei that human professionals can get upgrade props by killing goblins.

There is no doubt that the guy hiding in the dark did this to obtain upgrades, and killing little goblins is indeed a quick and convenient way.

"So as long as this guy is still in the city, he must continue to create killings to improve himself? I want to see how long this guy can be arrogant!" High Priest Feili snorted: "Order, all goblins must not Good at dividing, all in and out must go together!"

Now that he knew that the target of the infiltrator was the goblin, High Priest Philip naturally thought of protecting the goblin.

This is exactly what Yuan Chenfei wanted him to misunderstand.

Unless necessary, Yuan Chenfei will not give false news, but he will try his best to mislead the other party and make him make wrong judgments.



With a series of crisp upgrade prompts, Rouwa's level has been raised to seventy-five.

Now she has two more skills.

Shadow Kill: Bring a target's shadow back to life, attack the opponent, the lethality is 20% of the target opponent, lasts for 5 seconds. Each level increases the duration by five seconds.

Assassination: Sneak attack skill, launch an assassination on the target, it is determined to be successful, one hit will kill, it is invalid for the target with special defense.

Seeing the appearance of assassination, Rouwa let out a long breath, and waved her small fist excitedly.

Finally the wait came.

Assassination is the twentieth skill of the Shadow Assassin, but it is also the most powerful skill. In a sense, it can be said to be more powerful than the ultimate skill.

Its biggest feature is that as long as the sneak attack is successful, there is a certain chance of killing with one hit.

This is the shadow thorn's trump card of weak against strong.

If the assassination skill is raised to level 20, then the success rate of a one-hit kill is 20%.

That is to say, for every five successful sneak attacks, almost one target can be killed—regardless of the opponent's strength.

Rouwa saved some skill points before, and now they are all on assassination, and immediately raise the assassination level to seventeen. In this way, her assassination success rate is 17%.

As for the Shadow Killer, the enhancement is the frontal combat capability, so Rouwa just ignores it.

All she wants now is the ability to assassinate.

"Now we can try some 100-level targets." Rouwa thought proudly.

Just opposite, there were two goblins walking towards the alley together. With the help of the darkness, Rou Wa had already touched it quietly.


"What? A level 100 goblin was attacked?"

Yuan Chenfei was also surprised by the new news: "What's going on?"

"It was an assassination!" Priest Feili replied, "A little human girl did it. It seems that she used that kind of upgrade item to raise herself to level 70."

"How is the situation now?" Yuan Chenfei asked quickly.

"The assassination failed and ran away."

"How many times has this happened?"

"Three times. Each time, I retreated with one blow. After the failure, I used the force to escape."

Yuan Chenfei heaved a sigh of relief, but said in his mouth: "It's good if she doesn't get it. Dark concealment is not an illusion. I believe the high priest has many ways to crack it."

"That's right!" High Priest Feili laughed. "As long as she is willing to act, she will show her feet. I have ordered the fortress to turn on all the lights. She can't hide in places where there is no darkness."

"But that's not the way to go. She's able to move up the ranks quickly from Goblin Hunt, and you know, Shadowthorn has an ultimate ability..."

High Priest Philip's eyes froze: "Eternal Shadow..."

One of Shadowthorn's two ultimate skills is Eternal Shadow, which allows him to perform the technique of concealing darkness as if he were in the dark night even in a place where the light shines. If it was originally a place of darkness, then the hidden level of darkness would be raised to another level.

Feili nodded: "You're right, but don't worry. I have also ordered to double the number of patrols, and asked them to bring flares, to raise hidden lights in various areas, and also arranged a lot of shadows. Thorns and dark witches."

Both Shadowthorn and Dark Witch have the ability to break through darkness, and they can also become invisible in darkness.

Once that girl Rouwa thinks that there is darkness to hide and she can run rampant, then what awaits her may be a lore of a bunch of shadow thorns rushing out of the darkness.

Realizing this, Yuan Chenfei couldn't sit still anymore.

He nodded and said, "It would be best if the High Priest could arrange it like this, but our opponent is very cunning, I think you should not take it lightly."

Priest Feili obviously didn't like Yuan Chenfei's questioning: "I know what to do, I don't need you to remind me."

"Yes." Yuan Chenfei lowered his head.

"By the way, when you came here before, it looked like a girl. Is the girl you changed at that time the same one who got into my fortress?"

Yuan Chenfei nodded: "I can't explain too clearly, I can only remind you in this way."

Fei Li patted Yuan Chenfei on the shoulder with satisfaction: "You have tried your best, and the goblins will thank you for your contribution."

"Just don't be too stingy." Yuan Chenfei smiled.

"One thousand military merits is not considered stingy. I heard that you only bought one Cyclops until now?"

"I want the best." Yuan Chenfei replied, "I need to save money."

High Priest Philip laughed: "We all want to do well, as long as you can continue to contribute."

"I will, Your Excellency the High Priest."

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