Game of Gods

Chapter 402 Mixing Into the Enemy Camp (4)

"Who told you to attack those level 100 goblins?"

In the bathroom, Yuan Chenfei was soaking in the water, holding on to God's call, with a somewhat harsh tone.

"I just want to kill a few more goblins." Rouwa replied angrily.

After finally getting the assassination, I thought I could kill a few high-level goblins, but I didn't expect to be unlucky, I didn't kill any of them after several shots, so I had to use force to escape.

I was upset, but I received a reprimanding call from Yuan Chenfei, so I was even more upset.

Yuan Chenfei took a deep breath, he knew that this girl could only be coaxed, not scolded, so he said in a nice voice: "The goblins have arranged a large number of shadow thorns to hide in the dark, and the patrol team has flares that can break the invisibility. The darkness cannot be relied on. The one who can really fool those goblins is the Mirage. So don't be so reckless next time."

"Understood." Rouwa replied reluctantly.

Yuan Chenfei is persuasive and persuasive: "Rouwa, you are a smart girl. You can only solve problems by violence, right? Besides, you are a follower of the God of Deceit. If you believe in the God of Deceit, you may not like to see what you are doing now." .”

Rouwa was startled.

Yuan Chenfei continued: "It's a good thing that the assassination was unsuccessful. At least let you understand that what you can really rely on is not a powerful skill, but your brain. Think about it, why so many people, If I don’t choose anything else, I must choose you to perform this task? Because I know that only you can do it.”

Only I can do it?

Rouwa recalled these words in a daze.

So Yuan Chenfei valued himself so much?

"Yes, only you." Yuan Chenfei continued: "Although you are young, your mind is smarter than them. Xia Ning may not be as stupid as you, but in terms of acting style, you are not as decisive as you. You have The strength of a fighter, the forbearance of an assassin, and the resourcefulness of a fraudster. It’s just that you didn’t have the opportunity to show it before, and you didn’t use these abilities in the right place. Now, this is your chance to use your talents. You can make all the aliens I know, human beings, there is not only one opponent Yuan Chenfei can kill, at least there is a girl, a Shadow Thorn, who can do it too!"

Hearing this, Rouwa's originally unwilling heart finally calmed down.

The little face became strong and resolute, and the eyes shone with excitement.

yes i can do it!

Big brother believes in me, what he can do, I can do too!

She finally stopped being stubborn and said, "Okay, what do you think I should do?"

"A permission badge is required to enter and exit the fortress. You need to find a way to get one. Then go make some big noises, and I... will help the high priest to catch you with all my strength."

Hearing this, Rouwa smiled: "So, the next thing is the contest between you and me?"

"Yes! Remember, I will do my best."

"Let's see who is better!" Rouwa replied bluntly.

After putting away the call, Yuan Chenfei completely submerged himself in the water.


The good news came the next day.

Even without the notice from High Priest Philip, Yuan Chenfei knew about it—the explosion in the alchemy workshop shook the fortress, and even the Huashen tribe outside the territory probably could feel the movement.

When Yuan Chenfei came to see Feili, the high priest was completely out of anger.

"I want to catch her! Catch this little bitch! She blew up my family's alchemy workshop! Damn it, didn't you say that her target was the goblin, the core of the fortress? Why? Why would she find other places to start?" ?”

Yuan Chenfei replied calmly: "High Priest, I never told you what the goal is? I can't directly disclose that."

"But you hinted!"

"Yes, I hinted, and I didn't say that my hint was wrong." Yuan Chenfei replied: "It's just that you overlooked one thing."


"That's not a mission that has to be done."

Not a required task?

High Priest Philip was startled, but then understood.

That's right, tasks like destroying the goblin fortress must be the ultimate task. According to the habits of the gods, professionals are usually not forced to complete such difficult tasks, and they are more encouraged to complete.

So that infiltrator has full options.

"Then what must be done?"

Yuan Chenfei didn't speak.

Phil understands.

He nodded: "I think I focused on the wrong thing before. I should not focus on the most important tasks, but on the tasks they have to do and have to do, so that they can be hit. Tonight, tell me this .”

Yuan Chenfei shook his head: "Don't you think that if you go on like this, you will always be one step behind your opponent?"

"What?" Phil was stunned.

Yuan Chenfei said: "The opponent is very cunning. The most important thing is that she knows that I have defected, and she even knows the information restrictions I give. If we leak a little information every day like this, by the time we can fully grasp the opponent's information, she may have already Finish the tasks that must be done."

"Then what do you say? I don't think it's better than this, you tell me all the news now, or I can kill you too!" Feili said fiercely: "Don't think that you can escape because you have the light of teleportation. There are internal defense covers in many places, which can also block teleportation!"

These goblins really turned their faces and refused to recognize anyone.

Yuan Chenfei shook his head: "I guessed so. But believe me, high priest, you can't kill me."

"Do you have any other means?"

Yuan Chenfei shrugged: "I won't tell you anymore. Because I have already understood your style of conduct, I have to save myself some way out."

Feili immediately changed his face: "I'm just talking, my buddy, you are my most trusted partner, how could I harm you? Give me a good idea, as long as you can help me catch that guy, I will give you ten thousand military merits!"

Yuan Chenfei shook his head: "This is not a matter of military merit, but a matter of authority."


"Yes. Don't you understand yet? I am the only one who understands our opponent, but due to the restrictions of the gods, I can't tell you all. Although I can't give you the information, I can give you the result."

"you mean……"

"I can judge her next move."

Philip understood: "Judgment? It's not the information you already know, but a judgment based on your knowledge, so it's not restricted by the gods?"

"Yes." Yuan Chenfei nodded: "Instead of giving you a little bit of information like now, it's better to give you a result directly."

"Doesn't that mean I'm going to follow your command?"

"I am only responsible for giving suggestions, you can choose to listen or not to listen."

Fili was lost in thought.

Yuan Chenfei suddenly turned his ears to listen, and then his face changed.

He said, "Damn it!"

"What's wrong?" Philly asked, confused by his actions.

"The gods warned me." Yuan Chenfei said: "If I want to directly participate in the arrest, I can no longer provide you with any information. They are preventing me from doing so!"

Feili was surprised at first, and then overjoyed: "This also means that you can indeed help."

A simple reason, if Yuan Chenfei's suggestion is useless, then it is impossible for the gods to warn him.

If High Priest Philip had any doubts before, now he is inclined to accept Yuan Chenfei's opinion.

He nodded: "OK, tell me what to do next?"

Yuan Chenfei stepped forward: "Do you have the technology to watch the entire fortress environment?"


"I want to see."

With a swipe of Feili's hand, Yuan Chenfei's authority has been raised to level five.

Then he turned on the console, and a three-dimensional stereoscopic image rose up on the stage, with dozens of screens, corresponding to the important places in the fortress.

"Huh? Similar to D-ball technology?" Yuan Chenfei was a little surprised.

"Actually, that's what I learned from you D-Ball." High Priest Philip replied.

"You have learned the D-ball technology?" Yuan Chenfei was surprised: "How did you get it?"

Phil shook his head: "You don't need to know this."

Yuan Chenfei didn't ask any more questions, but directly observed the whole fortress.

This three-dimensional image map of the fortress is clearer than the fragments of the fortress map given by the gods. It not only includes the function introduction of various places, but also some defense systems. Of course, Yuan Chenfei knows that the core defense system will not appear.

But that's enough.

He quickly looked at the contents of the terrain map, then clicked on one of them, and asked, "Is this the ogre camp?"


"This is very likely to be her next target."

"Why?" Philly asked.

Yuan Chenfei ignored him, continued to look at the map, and pointed to another place: "Where is this place?"

"Ammunition Depot."

"This may also be one of her next attack points. And here, here, here..." Yuan Chenfei pointed out six possible attack points in one breath.

"Why these places?"

Yuan Chenfei replied: "If I were the female assassin, the most important thing at this stage is not how many goblins to kill, but how to better protect and hide myself. Why did she attack the alchemy workshop? The answer is simple, it is to Let the patrol team lack the items that can break the invisibility. But this is obviously not enough, so the next step is to create chaos. The places I pointed out are all places that may cause chaos. Whether it is the escaped food Human demons, or exploding ammunition magazines, will bring substantial damage to the goblins, so that she can fish in troubled waters. Especially the gods gave them maps, so they can clearly understand all the conditions of the fortress."

"So that's how it is..." Feili nodded again and again, and ordered: "Send a magic team to guard these places..."

"High Priest, I don't suggest you do this." Yuan Chenfei said suddenly.

"What do you mean?"

"If you strengthen the guards there, do you think she will come again? Or do you think this woman doesn't even have the means to detect?"

"She has investigative means?"

"I don't know, but it's because I don't know that I can remind you of it. If she has, then your present arrangement may scare her away."

Philly narrowed his eyes slightly.

"So what do you think I should do?" he asked.

Yuan Chenfei replied: "I think we should abandon the internal defense of these points, but deploy our troops in nearby blocks, so that if an attack occurs, we can take the opportunity to surround her."

"But that will also cost us a lot of losses. No! I can't accept this proposal! I think we should do the opposite and deploy heavy troops in the camp. If they want to destroy the camp, they must come in. At that time, the camp will be directly blocked, and the destruction can be destroyed." Minimize it." Philly flatly refused.

Yuan Chenfei's face remained unchanged: "No problem, I am only responsible for giving suggestions, how to decide is your business."

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