Game of Gods

Chapter 403 Mixing Into the Enemy Camp (5)

In the middle of the night, outside the Flora Fortress, in the territory of the goblins.

Two old goblins were running fast.

Come to stand under an old dead tree and look around.

One of them asked, "Why haven't you come here yet?"

It was Han Feiyu's voice.

"Don't worry, there may be some delays. The fortress should be very busy right now. It may not be easy for her to come out." Another old goblin said, but it was Mu Anshan's voice.

"Tch, it's too early to catch my aunt with that trick."

A voice suddenly sounded from behind, startling the two of them.

Turning around suddenly, she saw Rouwa standing behind them.

Holding her hands together, Rouwa said, "Why are you two here?"

Mu Anshan replied: "Feizi means to let you bring Feiyu into the fortress. I escorted him here."

Rou Wa frowned: "What the hell is he doing? The whole city is under martial law in the fortress, and patrol teams are everywhere. If something goes wrong, I can't save it."

Han Feiyu smiled and said, "You just need to bring me in, and I will do the rest."

"Well, what do I want?" Rouwa stretched out her hand.

Mu Anshan handed her a bottle: "It's enough for you to reach level 100."

"No, I want more, I don't have enough skill points."

"The goblins already know that human professionals can obtain upgrade pills by hunting goblins. Phil has now stopped all raiding teams, so we can no longer hunt goblins."

"Then what to do?"

"It won't be long before the Flower God Clan will wage another war, and there will be enough upgrade pills by then."


"Feizi will notify us."

"That's good." Rouwa raised her head to look into the distance, she flicked her wrist, and it turned out to be an ethereal bracelet.

Then take something out of it.

Arcane Ball.

Turning on the inspection function of the secret magic ball, Rouwa said: "There is a patrol team coming, we have to go first."

He grabbed Han Feiyu's hand and ran away.

Rouwa has obviously figured out the terrain here, coupled with the warning of the secret magic ball, she soon came to the gate of the fortress.

"How to get in now?" Han Feiyu asked.

Rouwa glared at him angrily: "Aunt and grandma used to have darkness to hide, so they could go there directly, but now they can't do it with you."

Han Feiyu looked at the gate of the fortress strangely: "Isn't there a broken lamp on it?"

"That thing has dead ends."

"Why is there still a blind spot?" Han Feiyu was surprised.

"Because that idiot high priest also arranged for some shadow thorns to ambush my aunt. The broken lamp can't always illuminate her own people, so she will take the initiative to avoid some places, which will form a blind spot." Rouwa curled her lips proudly.

"But isn't the shadow thorn also able to break the invisible?"

"Have you forgotten your aunt's ability to think and touch?"

Han Feiyu suddenly realized.

Rouwa's ability to think and touch is misleading, and can mislead others with the sensory ability to break the hidden.

In this way, when she passed by those shadow thorns, those shadow thorns lurking in the dark would be mistaken for her companions.

That's why she hasn't been caught until now.

But now to bring Han Feiyu into the fortress, this method can't be used.

It can be said that Yuan Chenfei really gave her a problem.

After thinking about it, Rouwa gritted her teeth and said, "There is only one way."


"I'll lure them away, and you take the opportunity to enter."

"No!" Han Feiyu was taken aback: "Your method is too reckless, let me do it."

"What method do you have?"

"Don't underestimate an alchemist!"

Han Feiyu said that he had taken out a puppet, which was a silver phantom.

Under Han Feiyu's training, this puppet has reached level 30 now.

Of course, even at level 30, the strength is pitifully low.

The attack power is 30, the defense power is 10, that is, the armor value is higher, with 3,000, the real combat power is not as good as a tenth-level professional with no extra points.

But the role of the Silver Phantom has never been in combat.

At this moment Han Feiyu said: "Can you use the secret magic ball to send Xiaoyin behind the city wall?"

"no problem."

The second ability of the arcane ball is fixed-point teleportation, which can teleport items to a designated location. If it is a non-visible area, the distance from the upper limit is only 20 meters.

The city wall is less than twenty meters thick, which is enough.

Rouwa quietly approached the city wall and sent Xiaoyin over.

The silver phantom rushed to the fortress, looked around, walked to a corner, and started to draw an alchemy formation.

At the same time, Han Feiyu was also drawing the alchemy array here.

"What is this?" Rouwa asked.

"Teleport Alchemy Formation." Han Feiyu replied.

"Teleportation array?" Rouwa was shocked: "Isn't this something you can only learn at level 70?"

"Please, you're not the only one who takes upgrade pills." Han Feiyu said proudly.

"Tch, no wonder there are so few upgrade pills for my aunt." Rouwa folded her arms in anger.

The teleportation alchemy array can be said to be a super powerful skill mastered by alchemists. As long as the teleportation alchemy array is made by the same alchemist, teleportation can be realized, but the distance is limited. Each level is only 20 meters away, and the distance to level 20 is only 400 meters, so it is impossible to use it for ultra-distance teleportation.

But this alchemy formation can be connected to the high tower area, and the teleportation distance will be greatly increased, so the teleportation alchemy formation is generally used to "return to the city".

But here, Han Feiyu cleverly borrowed Xiaoyin's ability to complete a teleportation that could cross the fortress wall.

Of course, the premise is that the fortress itself has not opened the protection.

brush! brush!

At this moment, with two flashes of light, Han Feiyu and Rouwa have entered the fortress.

"Well, not bad, it seems that taking you is still useful." Rouwa nodded like a little adult.

Then she remembered something: "By the way, the alchemy circle outside cannot be found."

"Don't worry, the alchemy array will be eliminated automatically in just one minute."

"That's good. Let's go." Rouwa snapped her fingers.

Back at the fortress, the two of them can march in style, and don't have to worry if they see patrols along the way.

"Where are we going next?" Han Feiyu asked.

"Huh? I thought you knew what you were going to do?"

"Of course I know, but before that, my task is to cooperate with you first."

"Okay then, let's go to the ogre camp."

"Ogre camp?"

"Yes, release the ogre and give them a bottle of berserk potion, let's turn it upside down!" Rouwa said excitedly.

The more I thought about it, the more I felt that Han Feiyu's arrival really helped a lot.

This pair of boys and girls are young and courageous, and they are extremely active in causing sabotage. So after listening to Rouwa's suggestion, Han Feiyu immediately responded positively.

The two groped towards the ogre camp like this, and when they got close, Rouwa took out the secret magic ball to have a look, and let out a snort.


"There are many guards in the camp." Rouwa said in a deep voice, "It seems that they knew we were coming, so they set up an ambush."

"Then why don't we leave quickly?" Han Feiyu was startled.

He is really not very courageous.

"What are you afraid of? They seem to want to play a game of catching a turtle in a urn, so there are no ambushes on the street. But they don't know that we can send things in without going in... Hehe!" Rouwa's eyes showed excitement and fanaticism Seeing this look, Han Feiyu was a little scared for no reason.

He wanted to ask if you should think about it, but Rouwa had already caught Han Feiyu's Xiaoyin, and passed it directly with the secret magic ball: "Quick, let it blow up there!"

Han Feiyu swallowed, and said with difficulty: "Xiaoyin...that's not how it is used."

"Quick!" Rouwa's staring eyes made Han Feiyu no longer have the right to refuse.


large cabin.

command center.

Yuan Chenfei stood in front of a large screen, on which were images of every corner of Huashen Fortress, one of which was the ogre camp, where a huge fire was erupting.

It has to be said that the technological strength of the goblins is quite good. Although they do not have the practice of installing surveillance all over the world like humans, at least in key positions, there are still surveillance devices that can send back images.

It's just that Huashen Fortress is a frontier position, and its monitoring positions are mainly strategic points, including city gates and city walls, but the internal monitoring density is far from sufficient.

If it wasn't for Yuan Chenfei's request, there wouldn't even be an image of the ogre camp.

The powerful explosion was accompanied by ogres that rushed out of their cages, and they rushed to the street, killing wantonly in the gunpowder smoke, showing their crazy side.

High Priest Fei Li was so angry that his green face turned pale: "She succeeded! How did she do it? Why are there so many goblins, but none of them found her?"

"It's meaningless to say these now." Yuan Chenfei said calmly: "She has successfully created chaos. In order to quell the rebellious ogres, you have to send more troops to go there now."

"Are you blaming me?"

"It doesn't mean that, I just think that you should think of a countermeasure as soon as possible."

High Priest Feili has already shouted: "Surround all the nearby blocks, fire flares, and raise broken hidden lights!"

"It's too late." Yuan Chenfei said leisurely.

Amidst the whimpering and whistling sound, a large number of goblins dispatched, centering on the ogre camp, blocked all the nearby blocks.

Flares shot into the air one after another, illuminating the night of Huashen Fortress like day.

The broken lamp combined with the shadow thorn, even more frantically running around in various blocks.

The news of the return also kept coming:

"The thirty-fourth block has been searched, but nothing was found."

"The thirty-second block has been searched, but nothing was found."

"The thirty-sixth block has been searched..."

A piece of news came, but no one found it.

Fei Li's complexion became even uglier.

Obviously, the enemy fled there after they succeeded.

"What should we do now?" Although he was unwilling, High Priest Feili had to admit that Yuan Chenfei was right.

He could only ask Yuan Chenfei for advice again.

"I think you should strengthen the protection of the flying field." Yuan Chenfei replied.

"Flying field?" Feili was puzzled: "The location you gave before does not have a flying field."

"Now there is."


"I can't explain the reason to you, High Priest Philip, all you can decide is to accept or not."

High Priest Philip took a deep breath.

After a while, he asked, "What do you think I should do?"

"Sorry, considering what you have done before and your distrust of me, I think it's better to be conservative, so I won't give you any specific advice this time."

High Priest Feili gave Yuan Chenfei a hard look, then turned his head and said, "Abandon the perimeter defense of the flying field, and send a team to guard the entrances and exits of each street, allowing entry and no exit!"

Although Yuan Chenfei did not give any more specific suggestions, High Priest Feili finally adopted Yuan Chenfei's approach, let go of the defense, gave the enemy a chance to enter, and risked the loss of one or two airships, but also took the woman who was exchanged. catch!

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